u can't stop it "changers'. 3rd will CONTINUE

May 21, 2015
to burn wood and coal, have too many kids per woman, continue slash and burn forests, Why bother to argue what the US and Europe should do? it's not us causing the problems. So wtf should WE pay for what OTHERs are doing, hmm? let them stop having kids that they can't afford to raise properly (99% of them ) and there won't BE all this pressure on the environment. Guys are crazy to not get vasectomies at age 18, in the US. All that having kids does "for" you is give your (soon to be ex) wife 100x as much leverage against you in divorce court.
What do you mean "it's not us causing the problem"? Who is "us"? And when you say "wtf should WE pay for what OTHERs are doing"? Who are the "OTHERS"?

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