U find armed intruders in your home... 'Castle doctrine' legislation in your State

I sure am glad I live in California. We do not have armed intruders here. .

I knew I was going to see something weird when I looked out the window and saw that giant flock of pigs flying by as I clicked on the thread.
Now, we have castle laws and stand our ground. The most important part of the new legislation is the removal of civil lawsuits in the cases of homeowners defending themselves. It was a long overdue blow to sleazy lawyers and the low life relatives of the recently departed criminal. If Miguel got ventilated trying to steal or rape, it was like winning the lottery for his family. No more.

Bingo. The wave of suits rewarding the families of scumbags and their lawyers, usually affiliated with the likes of Al Sharpton and others like his ilk, with lotz o bling created a new industry, a game show called 'Baiting Copz For Cash', and contestants are coming out of the woodwork like termites chasing a lumber truck.
I sure am glad I live in California. We do not have armed intruders here. That being said if someone wants to invade my house they are welcome. There is nothing here for them to take other than food or a sofa, maybe an extra pair of work boots.
They can take your life.
I sure am glad I live in California. We do not have armed intruders here. That being said if someone wants to invade my house they are welcome. There is nothing here for them to take other than food or a sofa, maybe an extra pair of work boots.
armed robbery in cali is above the national average.
Where is this cali at?
lol, it used to be part of the United States, back when we had 50 of them.
There never was a cali in the union.
I sure am glad I live in California. We do not have armed intruders here. That being said if someone wants to invade my house they are welcome. There is nothing here for them to take other than food or a sofa, maybe an extra pair of work boots.

Surely you're joking.
Nope! Boots are a size 16eee. That gives an idea of the size man they will have to deal with. As for the rest yes feel free to take what you need.

Bullet size .45 caliber.
You lose. For apparently nothing.
Very few would have a firearm of that caliber if any. Most would be 9 mil or smaller. Besides why would you shoot your host?

Because i want to steal your shit without you interfering.
And who the hell told you that .45 calibers were rare?
Most crime is not comited with a 45 acp. It is mostly done with easier to handle 9 mil or smaller.
I sure am glad I live in California. We do not have armed intruders here. That being said if someone wants to invade my house they are welcome. There is nothing here for them to take other than food or a sofa, maybe an extra pair of work boots.
They can take your life.
Go join the marines and then tell me they can take your life.
I was in the Army. Too smart to be a Jarhead. By the way no Marine I ever met was bulletproof

'I just let loose.' Homeowner uses AK-47 to kill burglars who shot at his friend, cops say
Prob. a 7.62 x 39 isn't the ideal round for a densely packed suburban street as pictured. Not that I would want to foist my opinion onto anyone in how to protect themselves in an urban / suburban area. Just my PSA... they do make 12ga. minies 1 3/4"
Surely you're joking.
Nope! Boots are a size 16eee. That gives an idea of the size man they will have to deal with. As for the rest yes feel free to take what you need.

Bullet size .45 caliber.
You lose. For apparently nothing.
Very few would have a firearm of that caliber if any. Most would be 9 mil or smaller. Besides why would you shoot your host?

Because i want to steal your shit without you interfering.
And who the hell told you that .45 calibers were rare?
Most crime is not comited with a 45 acp. It is mostly done with easier to handle 9 mil or smaller.

Only because they are easily available in the ghetto.
I prefer to out gun my opponents. I'll put my 16 rounds of .45 against a 9 any day.
Nope! Boots are a size 16eee. That gives an idea of the size man they will have to deal with. As for the rest yes feel free to take what you need.

Bullet size .45 caliber.
You lose. For apparently nothing.
Very few would have a firearm of that caliber if any. Most would be 9 mil or smaller. Besides why would you shoot your host?

Because i want to steal your shit without you interfering.
And who the hell told you that .45 calibers were rare?
Most crime is not comited with a 45 acp. It is mostly done with easier to handle 9 mil or smaller.

Only because they are easily available in the ghetto.
I prefer to out gun my opponents. I'll put my 16 rounds of .45 against a 9 any day.
Brings up a great question (last portion of my OP). How do you respond to those that would tell you that you can only have 15 or 10 of those fatties in your magazine? Do you make a distinction between natural rights, Constitutional rights and Why?
Bullet size .45 caliber.
You lose. For apparently nothing.
Very few would have a firearm of that caliber if any. Most would be 9 mil or smaller. Besides why would you shoot your host?

Because i want to steal your shit without you interfering.
And who the hell told you that .45 calibers were rare?
Most crime is not comited with a 45 acp. It is mostly done with easier to handle 9 mil or smaller.

Only because they are easily available in the ghetto.
I prefer to out gun my opponents. I'll put my 16 rounds of .45 against a 9 any day.
Brings up a great question (last portion of my OP). How do you respond to those that would tell you that you can only have 15 or 10 of those fatties in your magazine? Do you make a distinction between natural rights, Constitutional rights and Why?

Personally? I tell em to fuck off because it's none of their business what I carry.
humor me... in case you ever have a beer with your representative and want to do something to change legislation up for a vote... etc.
Louisiana has both castle and stand-your-ground laws. Obviously, you may defend your home with deadly force under our castle doctrine. You may defend your car under stand-your-ground. We have NO duty to retreat in ANY place we have the right to be, even public spaces or the neighbor's house you are watching while they are away.

  • Any person "who is in a place where he or she has a right," including a public space, does not have an obligation "to retreat" if faced with a real or perceived threat and "may stand his or her ground and meet force with force."
  • During criminal court proceedings, a judge or jury can't consider the "possibility of retreat" as a factor in determining whether someone lawfully used force in self-defense.
  • No one acting in self-defense under these laws can be civilly prosecuted for the use of force, deadly or otherwise.
humor me... in case you ever have a beer with your representative and want to do something to change legislation up for a vote... etc.

I see no reason to speak with my representative about firearms.
Unless it's only to tell them dont even think about challenging the 2nd.
Because it wont end well.

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