U.K. - Pupils aged five on hate register


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
]Heads will be forced to list children as young as five on school 'hate registers' over everyday playground insults. Even minor incidents must be recorded as examples of serious bullying and details kept on a database until the pupil leaves secondary school.

Teachers are to be told that even if a primary school child uses homophobic or racist words without knowing their meaning, simply teaching them such words are hurtful and inappropriate is not enough. Instead the incident has to be recorded and his or her behaviour monitored for future signs of 'hate' bullying

One report last year by the Manifesto Club civil liberties think-tank said that 40,000 children each year are having racist charges added to their school records.

Read more: Pupils aged five on hate register: Teachers must log playground taunts for Government database | Mail Online

That's kind of "gay" isn't it? Ooooops. My bad.

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