U.N. General Assembly approves Palestinian request to fly its flag

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Usual IslamoNazi lies, nothing to do with actual History,
proven to him numerous times here..but You know the rockthrowers
Are you saying Israeli tanks did not roll into Egypt to start the '67 war?

As as far as '48 is concerned, according to the UN...

I do like how you fuckers call everything you don't like IslamoNazi lies, just like a little 2 year old.

Are you trying to say Egypt didnt deliberately block the Straits of Tiran knowing it was against " International Law" deliberately provoking War and Israel didn"t initially complain to the UN who as usual didnt do anything? Lets talk about their military on Israel's border with Nasser boasting about Israels destruction . You FUCKER who can't get along with anybody; People in Manhatten picked on innocent you . Lol
Now,Now ILOVE.....I am trying to LOVEU........The build up of Egyptian troops was mainly because Russia had told Egypt that Israel had intentions to invade Siani,others N to be alerted at the time were Syria and Jordan,both of whom were on Military Alert.

Nasser responded to Lyndon Johnson about the Russian information. 2bcontinued

NOW.....NOW.Nasser had been threatening a long time to wipe Israel off the Map. Nothing to do with Johnson . Egypt was concerned about Israeli Agression? LOL ! Maybe they should have stopped threatening Israel and blocking the Straits of Tiran . Stop being a Pro Palestinian KoolAde Drinker. Just being nice
As the Palestinian flag, then you will have no problem in producing the evidence of this. You see the Palestinian flag is a poor copy of the Jordanian flag and that came about in 1988. The star of David precedes arab muslims by 2,500 years so is longer lived than even Palestine.

Yourpeace is the Jews wiped out and the arab muslim extremists to have nuclear weapons
No Way........but in my humble opinion..No One should have NCW......I think you will find Pheo that these Palis Flag is earlier than the Jordainian..steve...I think Tinnie posted a pic of the Pali Flag circa 1911.......some months ago

Actually it was the French Palestinian flag of 1931 that had the star of David as its centrepiece. So not the Palestinian flag at all. Here is the difference

No Pheo......It goes further back than 1931 but good try......like most Zionist history you are caught up in Bullshit again.

Tinnie if you are reading this,could you find the pic I am referring to please...steve.......See Pheo,Tinnie is an authority on all things Palestine and the Holy Land...par Excellence

And it was from 1933 and that is the flag that was flown above the picture house. So looks like you are wrong again liqo
Wrong Again Pheo......but keep trying fella

HOPE I am correct and the flag was shown flying above a picture house in 1935, which is what he refers toall the time. ( or did until it was pointed out that it was the flag above that was flown )
Usual IslamoNazi lies, nothing to do with actual History,
proven to him numerous times here..but You know the rockthrowers
Are you saying Israeli tanks did not roll into Egypt to start the '67 war?

As as far as '48 is concerned, according to the UN...

I do like how you fuckers call everything you don't like IslamoNazi lies, just like a little 2 year old.

Are you trying to say Egypt didnt deliberately block the Straits of Tiran knowing it was against " International Law" deliberately provoking War and Israel didn"t initially complain to the UN who as usual didnt do anything? Lets talk about their military on Israel's border with Nasser boasting about Israels destruction . You FUCKER who can't get along with anybody; People in Manhatten picked on innocent you . Lol
Now,Now ILOVE.....I am trying to LOVEU........The build up of Egyptian troops was mainly because Russia had told Egypt that Israel had intentions to invade Siani,others N to be alerted at the time were Syria and Jordan,both of whom were on Military Alert.

Nasser responded to Lyndon Johnson about the Russian information. 2bcontinued

NOW.....NOW.Nasser had been threatening a long time to wipe Israel off the Map. Nothing to do with Johnson . Egypt was concerned about Israeli Agression? LOL ! Maybe they should have stopped threatening Israel and blocking the Straits of Tiran . Stop being a Pro Palestinian KoolAde Drinker. Just being nice

As this shows it was Egypt that declared war not Israel

Egyptian Front

The first full-scale battles of the Six Day War came on the morning of June 5, 1967 after a roughly 20 day period of increasing tensions between Israel and the Arab states, principally Egypt, Syria and Jordan. But while the battles commenced in June, the start of the war actually came two weeks earlier on May 22, when Egypt blockaded Israel’s southern port of Eilat and the Gulf of Aqaba. Through the gulf came vital cargo including 80 percent of Israel’s oil imports, and blockading such an international waterway is recognized under international law as a casus belli, or act of war. Reacting to the Egyptian move, U.S. President Johnson said in a televised address the next day:

... the closing of the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping has brought a new and grave dimension to the crisis. The United States considers the gulf to be an international waterway and feels that a blockade of Israeli shipping is illegal and potentially disastrous to the cause of peace. The right of free, innocent passage of the international waterway is a vital interest of the international community. (New York Times, May 24, 1967)

Despite the grave provocation, Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban spent almost two weeks traveling to the capitals of Europe and to Washington in an ultimately futile effort to defuse the crisis and avoid war, but in the end Egypt and its allies had made war inevitable. This was recognized first and foremost by the Egyptians themselves. President Nasser, for example, in a speech on May 26, 1967 said:

Recently we felt we are strong enough, that if we were to enter a battle with Israel, with God’s help, we could triumph. On this basis, we decided to take actual steps …

Taking Sharm al Shaykh [i.e., blockading Israel’s port of Eilat] meant confrontation with Israel. Taking such action also meant that we were ready to enter a general war with Israel. (Speech to Arab Trade Unionists, reprinted in The Israel-Arab Reader, 1984, p. 176; emphasis added.)
Usual IslamoNazi lies, nothing to do with actual History,
proven to him numerous times here..but You know the rockthrowers
Are you saying Israeli tanks did not roll into Egypt to start the '67 war?

As as far as '48 is concerned, according to the UN...

I do like how you fuckers call everything you don't like IslamoNazi lies, just like a little 2 year old.

Are you trying to say Egypt didnt deliberately block the Straits of Tiran knowing it was against " International Law" deliberately provoking War and Israel didn"t initially complain to the UN who as usual didnt do anything? Lets talk about their military on Israel's border with Nasser boasting about Israels destruction . You FUCKER who can't get along with anybody; People in Manhatten picked on innocent you . Lol
Now,Now ILOVE.....I am trying to LOVEU........The build up of Egyptian troops was mainly because Russia had told Egypt that Israel had intentions to invade Siani,others N to be alerted at the time were Syria and Jordan,both of whom were on Military Alert.

Nasser responded to Lyndon Johnson about the Russian information. 2bcontinued

NOW.....NOW.Nasser had been threatening a long time to wipe Israel off the Map. Nothing to do with Johnson . Egypt was concerned about Israeli Agression? LOL ! Maybe they should have stopped threatening Israel and blocking the Straits of Tiran . Stop being a Pro Palestinian KoolAde Drinker. Just being nice

As this shows it was Egypt that declared war not Israel

Egyptian Front

The first full-scale battles of the Six Day War came on the morning of June 5, 1967 after a roughly 20 day period of increasing tensions between Israel and the Arab states, principally Egypt, Syria and Jordan. But while the battles commenced in June, the start of the war actually came two weeks earlier on May 22, when Egypt blockaded Israel’s southern port of Eilat and the Gulf of Aqaba. Through the gulf came vital cargo including 80 percent of Israel’s oil imports, and blockading such an international waterway is recognized under international law as a casus belli, or act of war. Reacting to the Egyptian move, U.S. President Johnson said in a televised address the next day:

... the closing of the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping has brought a new and grave dimension to the crisis. The United States considers the gulf to be an international waterway and feels that a blockade of Israeli shipping is illegal and potentially disastrous to the cause of peace. The right of free, innocent passage of the international waterway is a vital interest of the international community. (New York Times, May 24, 1967)

Despite the grave provocation, Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban spent almost two weeks traveling to the capitals of Europe and to Washington in an ultimately futile effort to defuse the crisis and avoid war, but in the end Egypt and its allies had made war inevitable. This was recognized first and foremost by the Egyptians themselves. President Nasser, for example, in a speech on May 26, 1967 said:

Recently we felt we are strong enough, that if we were to enter a battle with Israel, with God’s help, we could triumph. On this basis, we decided to take actual steps …

Taking Sharm al Shaykh [i.e., blockading Israel’s port of Eilat] meant confrontation with Israel. Taking such action also meant that we were ready to enter a general war with Israel. (Speech to Arab Trade Unionists, reprinted in The Israel-Arab Reader, 1984, p. 176; emphasis added.)
Post Wikipedia links or something unbiased besides your zioNazi reader's digest you imbecile!
Are you trying to say Egypt didnt deliberately block the Straits of Tiran knowing it was against " International Law" deliberately provoking War and Israel didn"t initially complain to the UN who as usual didnt do anything? Lets talk about their military on Israel's border with Nasser boasting about Israels destruction . You FUCKER who can't get along with anybody; People in Manhatten picked on innocent you . Lol
People of Manhattan felt my wrath; and on the 7th day, I rested.

Nothing changes the fact the '67 war started when Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt.
NOW.....NOW.Nasser had been threatening a long time to wipe Israel off the Map. Nothing to do with Johnson . Egypt was concerned about Israeli Agression? LOL ! Maybe they should have stopped threatening Israel and blocking the Straits of Tiran . Stop being a Pro Palestinian KoolAde Drinker. Just being nice
Israel would claim Barney is trying to wipe them off the map, if he criticized their foreign policy.
Are you saying Israeli tanks did not roll into Egypt to start the '67 war?

As as far as '48 is concerned, according to the UN...

I do like how you fuckers call everything you don't like IslamoNazi lies, just like a little 2 year old.

Are you trying to say Egypt didnt deliberately block the Straits of Tiran knowing it was against " International Law" deliberately provoking War and Israel didn"t initially complain to the UN who as usual didnt do anything? Lets talk about their military on Israel's border with Nasser boasting about Israels destruction . You FUCKER who can't get along with anybody; People in Manhatten picked on innocent you . Lol
Now,Now ILOVE.....I am trying to LOVEU........The build up of Egyptian troops was mainly because Russia had told Egypt that Israel had intentions to invade Siani,others N to be alerted at the time were Syria and Jordan,both of whom were on Military Alert.

Nasser responded to Lyndon Johnson about the Russian information. 2bcontinued

NOW.....NOW.Nasser had been threatening a long time to wipe Israel off the Map. Nothing to do with Johnson . Egypt was concerned about Israeli Agression? LOL ! Maybe they should have stopped threatening Israel and blocking the Straits of Tiran . Stop being a Pro Palestinian KoolAde Drinker. Just being nice

As this shows it was Egypt that declared war not Israel

Egyptian Front

The first full-scale battles of the Six Day War came on the morning of June 5, 1967 after a roughly 20 day period of increasing tensions between Israel and the Arab states, principally Egypt, Syria and Jordan. But while the battles commenced in June, the start of the war actually came two weeks earlier on May 22, when Egypt blockaded Israel’s southern port of Eilat and the Gulf of Aqaba. Through the gulf came vital cargo including 80 percent of Israel’s oil imports, and blockading such an international waterway is recognized under international law as a casus belli, or act of war. Reacting to the Egyptian move, U.S. President Johnson said in a televised address the next day:

... the closing of the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping has brought a new and grave dimension to the crisis. The United States considers the gulf to be an international waterway and feels that a blockade of Israeli shipping is illegal and potentially disastrous to the cause of peace. The right of free, innocent passage of the international waterway is a vital interest of the international community. (New York Times, May 24, 1967)

Despite the grave provocation, Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban spent almost two weeks traveling to the capitals of Europe and to Washington in an ultimately futile effort to defuse the crisis and avoid war, but in the end Egypt and its allies had made war inevitable. This was recognized first and foremost by the Egyptians themselves. President Nasser, for example, in a speech on May 26, 1967 said:

Recently we felt we are strong enough, that if we were to enter a battle with Israel, with God’s help, we could triumph. On this basis, we decided to take actual steps …

Taking Sharm al Shaykh [i.e., blockading Israel’s port of Eilat] meant confrontation with Israel. Taking such action also meant that we were ready to enter a general war with Israel. (Speech to Arab Trade Unionists, reprinted in The Israel-Arab Reader, 1984, p. 176; emphasis added.)
Post Wikipedia links or something unbiased besides your zioNazi reader's digest you imbecile!

What's wrong don't like the facts from an unbiased source that show that Egypt did in fact " fire the first shot" and were poised to attack Israel.

Are the words of the Egyptians not good enough for you, is it because you think they are all liars ?
Are you trying to say Egypt didnt deliberately block the Straits of Tiran knowing it was against " International Law" deliberately provoking War and Israel didn"t initially complain to the UN who as usual didnt do anything? Lets talk about their military on Israel's border with Nasser boasting about Israels destruction . You FUCKER who can't get along with anybody; People in Manhatten picked on innocent you . Lol
People of Manhattan felt my wrath; and on the 7th day, I rested.

Nothing changes the fact the '67 war started when Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt.

Not according to the USA when president Johnson said

... the closing of the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping has brought a new and grave dimension to the crisis. The United States considers the gulf to be an international waterway and feels that a blockade of Israeli shipping is illegal and potentially disastrous to the cause of peace. The right of free, innocent passage of the international waterway is a vital interest of the international community. (New York Times, May 24, 1967)
It's neither about recognize Israel as a Jewish state, but a recognition of Israel as a state.
And Palestinian leaders have said (on several occasions) they're willing to do that in return for Israel ending the occupation and blockade.

The first step is Israel's to make.
During Oslo Accords..these bunch of lies we in Israel no longer believe anymore.
The Palestinians side will have to do all their efforts to change it, otherwise they'll remain stateless.
Are you trying to say Egypt didnt deliberately block the Straits of Tiran knowing it was against " International Law" deliberately provoking War and Israel didn"t initially complain to the UN who as usual didnt do anything? Lets talk about their military on Israel's border with Nasser boasting about Israels destruction . You FUCKER who can't get along with anybody; People in Manhatten picked on innocent you . Lol
Now,Now ILOVE.....I am trying to LOVEU........The build up of Egyptian troops was mainly because Russia had told Egypt that Israel had intentions to invade Siani,others N to be alerted at the time were Syria and Jordan,both of whom were on Military Alert.

Nasser responded to Lyndon Johnson about the Russian information. 2bcontinued

NOW.....NOW.Nasser had been threatening a long time to wipe Israel off the Map. Nothing to do with Johnson . Egypt was concerned about Israeli Agression? LOL ! Maybe they should have stopped threatening Israel and blocking the Straits of Tiran . Stop being a Pro Palestinian KoolAde Drinker. Just being nice

As this shows it was Egypt that declared war not Israel

Egyptian Front

The first full-scale battles of the Six Day War came on the morning of June 5, 1967 after a roughly 20 day period of increasing tensions between Israel and the Arab states, principally Egypt, Syria and Jordan. But while the battles commenced in June, the start of the war actually came two weeks earlier on May 22, when Egypt blockaded Israel’s southern port of Eilat and the Gulf of Aqaba. Through the gulf came vital cargo including 80 percent of Israel’s oil imports, and blockading such an international waterway is recognized under international law as a casus belli, or act of war. Reacting to the Egyptian move, U.S. President Johnson said in a televised address the next day:

... the closing of the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping has brought a new and grave dimension to the crisis. The United States considers the gulf to be an international waterway and feels that a blockade of Israeli shipping is illegal and potentially disastrous to the cause of peace. The right of free, innocent passage of the international waterway is a vital interest of the international community. (New York Times, May 24, 1967)

Despite the grave provocation, Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban spent almost two weeks traveling to the capitals of Europe and to Washington in an ultimately futile effort to defuse the crisis and avoid war, but in the end Egypt and its allies had made war inevitable. This was recognized first and foremost by the Egyptians themselves. President Nasser, for example, in a speech on May 26, 1967 said:

Recently we felt we are strong enough, that if we were to enter a battle with Israel, with God’s help, we could triumph. On this basis, we decided to take actual steps …

Taking Sharm al Shaykh [i.e., blockading Israel’s port of Eilat] meant confrontation with Israel. Taking such action also meant that we were ready to enter a general war with Israel. (Speech to Arab Trade Unionists, reprinted in The Israel-Arab Reader, 1984, p. 176; emphasis added.)
Post Wikipedia links or something unbiased besides your zioNazi reader's digest you imbecile!

What's wrong don't like the facts from an unbiased source that show that Egypt did in fact " fire the first shot" and were poised to attack Israel.

Are the words of the Egyptians not good enough for you, is it because you think they are all liars ?

Hahahaha... Israel "fire the first shot" by declaring independence! ;-)
Unfortunately with the ongoing calls for supporting the Palestinian cause wrapped with violence and ignorance nothing is going to change (for the Palestinians) - the Palestinians will continue all acts of aggression, poisoning the youth with hatred, and stain their hands with blood of innocents.
Israel will continue to flourish with the Palestinians or without the Palestinians, with the Palestinians or without Israel managed to survive for 70 years and looking forward - all the excuses cannot explain the reason for the Palestinians stubbornly behavior except for the blind support that is given to them.
So now they were finally managed to wave a flag of their dying cause, something achieved by Israel despite all the hardship over the years, next the Palestinians would drop Hamas and Fatah for finally uniting to approach Israel as one nation for a true solution but they'll find out that they've missed this train also, 140 years ago.
Unfortunately with the ongoing calls for supporting the Palestinian cause wrapped with violence and ignorance nothing is going to change (for the Palestinians) - the Palestinians will continue all acts of aggression, poisoning the youth with hatred, and stain their hands with blood of innocents.
Israel will continue to flourish with the Palestinians or without the Palestinians, with the Palestinians or without Israel managed to survive for 70 years and looking forward - all the excuses cannot explain the reason for the Palestinians stubbornly behavior except for the blind support that is given to them.
So now they were finally managed to wave a flag of their dying cause, something achieved by Israel despite all the hardship over the years, next the Palestinians would drop Hamas and Fatah for finally uniting to approach Israel as one nation for a true solution but they'll find out that they've missed this train also, 140 years ago.
As long as there is an occupation and blockade, the "aggression" is not the Palestinian's. It is Israel.

As far as "poisoning their youth", I think 50 years of belligerent occupation takes the cake on that job.
During Oslo Accords..these bunch of lies we in Israel no longer believe anymore.
The Palestinians side will have to do all their efforts to change it, otherwise they'll remain stateless.
You don't decide what others do on their own property, fuck-head!
Firstly, The Arab beggars and squatters occupying the area you call Palestine is not owned by islamists. Secondly, when those Islamic terrorist itinerants use the land they occupy to launch acts of war, yes, they will be told what to do. If they don't, there will be consequences.
Now,Now ILOVE.....I am trying to LOVEU........The build up of Egyptian troops was mainly because Russia had told Egypt that Israel had intentions to invade Siani,others N to be alerted at the time were Syria and Jordan,both of whom were on Military Alert.

Nasser responded to Lyndon Johnson about the Russian information. 2bcontinued

NOW.....NOW.Nasser had been threatening a long time to wipe Israel off the Map. Nothing to do with Johnson . Egypt was concerned about Israeli Agression? LOL ! Maybe they should have stopped threatening Israel and blocking the Straits of Tiran . Stop being a Pro Palestinian KoolAde Drinker. Just being nice

As this shows it was Egypt that declared war not Israel

Egyptian Front

The first full-scale battles of the Six Day War came on the morning of June 5, 1967 after a roughly 20 day period of increasing tensions between Israel and the Arab states, principally Egypt, Syria and Jordan. But while the battles commenced in June, the start of the war actually came two weeks earlier on May 22, when Egypt blockaded Israel’s southern port of Eilat and the Gulf of Aqaba. Through the gulf came vital cargo including 80 percent of Israel’s oil imports, and blockading such an international waterway is recognized under international law as a casus belli, or act of war. Reacting to the Egyptian move, U.S. President Johnson said in a televised address the next day:

... the closing of the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping has brought a new and grave dimension to the crisis. The United States considers the gulf to be an international waterway and feels that a blockade of Israeli shipping is illegal and potentially disastrous to the cause of peace. The right of free, innocent passage of the international waterway is a vital interest of the international community. (New York Times, May 24, 1967)

Despite the grave provocation, Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban spent almost two weeks traveling to the capitals of Europe and to Washington in an ultimately futile effort to defuse the crisis and avoid war, but in the end Egypt and its allies had made war inevitable. This was recognized first and foremost by the Egyptians themselves. President Nasser, for example, in a speech on May 26, 1967 said:

Recently we felt we are strong enough, that if we were to enter a battle with Israel, with God’s help, we could triumph. On this basis, we decided to take actual steps …

Taking Sharm al Shaykh [i.e., blockading Israel’s port of Eilat] meant confrontation with Israel. Taking such action also meant that we were ready to enter a general war with Israel. (Speech to Arab Trade Unionists, reprinted in The Israel-Arab Reader, 1984, p. 176; emphasis added.)
Post Wikipedia links or something unbiased besides your zioNazi reader's digest you imbecile!

What's wrong don't like the facts from an unbiased source that show that Egypt did in fact " fire the first shot" and were poised to attack Israel.

Are the words of the Egyptians not good enough for you, is it because you think they are all liars ?

Hahahaha... Israel "fire the first shot" by declaring independence! ;-)

No the arab muslims did when mo'mad committed genocide on the Jewsih tribe in mecca
As long as they're not Jews. Because it's more than ok to tell Jews what to do with their property, eh?
Nobody is telling Jews what to do in Jewland, they are telling Israeli's to get the fuck off land that isn't theirs.

Que pasa, mutha?

Yet you have not proven that the land is not theirs, unlike me who has shown that international law of 1923 granted the land to the Jews for their national home. No mention of the arab muslims in that international law by the way so want to find another treaty that gave the land to the arab muslims
Unfortunately with the ongoing calls for supporting the Palestinian cause wrapped with violence and ignorance nothing is going to change (for the Palestinians) - the Palestinians will continue all acts of aggression, poisoning the youth with hatred, and stain their hands with blood of innocents.
Israel will continue to flourish with the Palestinians or without the Palestinians, with the Palestinians or without Israel managed to survive for 70 years and looking forward - all the excuses cannot explain the reason for the Palestinians stubbornly behavior except for the blind support that is given to them.
So now they were finally managed to wave a flag of their dying cause, something achieved by Israel despite all the hardship over the years, next the Palestinians would drop Hamas and Fatah for finally uniting to approach Israel as one nation for a true solution but they'll find out that they've missed this train also, 140 years ago.
As long as there is an occupation and blockade, the "aggression" is not the Palestinian's. It is Israel.

As far as "poisoning their youth", I think 50 years of belligerent occupation takes the cake on that job.

It was the Palestinians that started with the violence that led to the occupation, so while the Palestinians are being violent the LEGAL OCCUPATION will stay in place.

The Palestinian youth have had their minds poisoned for the last 1400 years and it has nothing to do with the occupation and all to do with their religion and teachings
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