U.S. Army should take control of American Govmnt, From President Obama.

Hahahhaaaa.....what the fuck are people smoking? Having a trial in NYC is concern to be attacked.....but invading and occupying two nations that never attacked us generates no threat? Fucking hillbillies and the internet are not a good combination.

Having the trial in NY won't up the attack threat, but I think its a bad move to allow POWs access to civilian courts! I think closing Gitmo was a poor move! A move simply made to placate liberals at home and worldwide! Civilian courts call for discovery! Do you really want sensitive information shared with the other side. The government will also have to release sensitive information to the court and eventually to the public to prosecute these guys!

NO, this is 9/10 thinking about liberals! Closed doored military tribunals were not perfect, but they were the best way!

Obama, in my opinion will go down like Carter as one of the worst, but a South American style coup of the government is light-years away from being needed!

We tried the miscreants in the first WTC attack in civilian courts, and they will spend the rest of their lives in prison. The only complication to the present batch of miscreants is that the Bush admin indulged in a bit of torture, thus ruining much of the evidence against the criminals.
With the recent decision of current attorney General ,Eric Holder to move the Sept 11 Terrorist to a New York City Federal civilian court, on U.S. soil, thus making New York City a Terrorists target again, I must suggest a U.S. Army temporary takeover of the United States government from the Obama administration. The U.S. Army could install a leadership tribunal of three Generals to run the country, and they could also appoint other
U.S. Army personell to run the other areas of the American government.

I feel the Obama Administration, and U.S. attorney Eric Holder, are jeopardizing
American safety and , and national security with their decision to bring Terrorists War combattants to American soil for prosecution, and their incorrect decision to close Guantanamo Bay Millitary dentention center in Cuba.

We need the U.S. Army to take over the America governement now. They must by means
of some emergency edict take control away from President Obama Now. The President
is endangering the lives of Americans, and people of the free world with his decisions, and the decisions of his Attorney general Eric Holder. They must both be removed from the America government, and detained by the U.S. Army.

We need an American milltary take over now before it is to late.
The Terrorists will target America again.

I fear the 'terrorists' may strike again, this time carrying the American flag. Calling for the violent overthrow of our nation is nuts and likely illegal. There are limits to the first amendment and this thread violates both the spirit and the intent of our founding fathers. One member of the United States Army did pick up arms against his brothers, and 52nd St hopes more do?
Fuck him, the moderators of this message board have a duty to report this thread to Federal Authorities, as do all REAL Americans.

Its shortsighted whimps like you that fail to see the big picture. I am calling for a peachfull
millitary take over, no shoting should be involved.

Nice spin asshole, a bit too late. Your words have already been sent to the FBI. I hope the moderators aren't too partisan and have done so too.

That one word query is too much for polky...Tone it down a notch, eh? ;)

Seriously? Polk doesn't seem to see the danger, and is one of those that HATES his country and wants to see it knocked down a few notches.

I don't see Polk hating his country at all. But since you are making such a serious accusation, you have proof, right?

Tommy just likes to shoot off his mouth.
Are you are trying to infer that Al Qaeda, who had the protection and partnership of the Taliban, never attacked us?:evil: Your not a 9/11 truther are ya? :evil:

+1 to what GHook said. That being said, the idea that the trial will make NYC more of a terrorist target is pretty silly.


Because it just doesn't add up. You think they're going to somehow get out of their chains, and break out of a maximum security wing?
That one word query is too much for polky...Tone it down a notch, eh? ;)

Seriously? Polk doesn't seem to see the danger, and is one of those that HATES his country and wants to see it knocked down a few notches.

I don't see Polk hating his country at all. But since you are making such a serious accusation, you have proof, right?

Tommy just likes to shoot off his mouth.

Fuck you you little dweeb. Project much asswipe?
I want a "Temporary" U.S. Army takover of the American government. I feel the Obama administration
is setting the country up for another Terrorists attact.

Now you know how the people who didn't second Bush as the second coming felt between 2000-2008...
I seriously doubt that the FBI will spend more than 10 seconds reading this thread.

However, I do disagree with any Military take over of the United States Government. This would be a very serious step and one not taken lightly. We have the power to change the constitution, but it was purposely made difficult to do so.

Now if we had any proof that Obama was breaking any article or amendment of the constitution then I would be screaming for impeachment.

Unfortunately Stupidity is not a reason for impeachment. And this is the stupidest thing I have seen any president do during my lifetime. And I served under 6 Presidents.
I seriously doubt that the FBI will spend more than 10 seconds reading this thread.

However, I do disagree with any Military take over of the United States Government. This would be a very serious step and one not taken lightly. We have the power to change the constitution, but it was purposely made difficult to do so.

Now if we had any proof that Obama was breaking any article or amendment of the constitution then I would be screaming for impeachment.

Unfortunately Stupidity is not a reason for impeachment. And this is the stupidest thing I have seen any president do during my lifetime. And I served under 6 Presidents.

You in a coma between 2000-2008...
Hahahhaaaa.....what the fuck are people smoking? Having a trial in NYC is concern to be attacked.....but invading and occupying two nations that never attacked us generates no threat? Fucking hillbillies and the internet are not a good combination.

Having the trial in NY won't up the attack threat, but I think its a bad move to allow POWs access to civilian courts! I think closing Gitmo was a poor move! A move simply made to placate liberals at home and worldwide! Civilian courts call for discovery! Do you really want sensitive information shared with the other side. The government will also have to release sensitive information to the court and eventually to the public to prosecute these guys!

NO, this is 9/10 thinking about liberals! Closed doored military tribunals were not perfect, but they were the best way!

Obama, in my opinion will go down like Carter as one of the worst, but a South American style coup of the government is light-years away from being needed!
None of this is without precedent. We try murderers and rapists and bankers in courts. I'm sure we can secure these defendants without calamity.

What is it about the American justice system you fear so? The fairness, the openness or the expedience? And what is it about America you honor so much? The freedoms and the security of the American justice system?
With the recent decision of current attorney General ,Eric Holder to move the Sept 11 Terrorist to a New York City Federal civilian court, on U.S. soil, thus making New York City a Terrorists target again, I must suggest a U.S. Army temporary takeover of the United States government from the Obama administration. The U.S. Army could install a leadership tribunal of three Generals to run the country, and they could also appoint other
U.S. Army personell to run the other areas of the American government.

I feel the Obama Administration, and U.S. attorney Eric Holder, are jeopardizing
American safety and , and national security with their decision to bring Terrorists War combattants to American soil for prosecution, and their incorrect decision to close Guantanamo Bay Millitary dentention center in Cuba.

We need the U.S. Army to take over the America governement now. They must by means
of some emergency edict take control away from President Obama Now. The President
is endangering the lives of Americans, and people of the free world with his decisions, and the decisions of his Attorney general Eric Holder. They must both be removed from the America government, and detained by the U.S. Army.

We need an American milltary take over now before it is to late.
The Terrorists will target America again.

I like your thinking. and in this case war is to important to leave to liberal politicians

Another one who supports a military putsch. FBI agents...please note.

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