U.S. Attorney: ISIS Recruiting Ferguson Criminals

The old Soviet Union would look for a "disenfranchised group", side with them publically, then send them money. Then they arm them, and eventually control them. Let's see, who do we know with unlimited funds and a history of supporting our enemies? Hmmm.....

Oliver North?
Guess again. Here's a hint: He was born in Kenya.
Dr. Richard Leakey?
No, this farce.
Dante must have missed the Hannity town hall meeting with two dozen Ferguson businessmen and their wives whose homes and businesses were burned to the ground by terrorists. They represented only a fraction of the terror victims. Terrorists chose their homes as targets because of the race of the residents. Dante, Duddly, and all the ferile RACISTS like them, support Ferguson's terrorists because they hate Asians, Arabs, Jews and anyone else who doesn't fit into their limited marxist terror-state blueprint for America. Scum is what they are. God, bring on the civil war. It's time for a culling. It's time to flush our sewers of terrorists and terrorism.
That's a target rich environment....
The local ISIS recruiter will fill his monthly quota easy.
No trouble finding a bunch of angry dumbasses who would be easy to sign up.
ISIS better hurry up and send some recruiters to New York. There's a fertile recruitment field there.

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