U.S. Border Patrol Agent shoots and kills illegal alien on Border Fence 6/21/11


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Agent's shot kills rock thrower at border fence
U.S. officers trying to arrest border crosser assaulted by rocks, spiked piece of wood

June 22, 2011

San Ysidro, Ca. – An illegal alien was shot and killed trying to enter the United States of America illegally by the U. S. Border Patrol. The BP agents said three men were coming through a hole in the border fence around 7:30 p.m Tuesday.

Two of the illegal aliens ran back into Mexico through the hole in the fence. The agents were able to restrain the third man who violently resisted arrest.

“As the struggle ensued one of the other men leaned over the top of the fence and hurled large rocks and a piece of wood with nails sticking out of it at the agents, San Diego Police homicide Lt. Ernie Herbert said.

The piece of wood hit one of them in the head, the lieutenant said.
As the man began to throw another rock the other agent opened fire, hitting him once. He fell back into Mexico and died at the scene, Herbert said.”

A Border Patrol report is expected to be released today.
The piece of wood hit one of them in the head, the lieutenant said.
As the man began to throw another rock the other agent opened fire, hitting him once. He fell back into Mexico and died at the scene, Herbert said.”

Sweet. Body out of their jurisdiction. No mess to clean up. No paperwork.
The illegal aliens aren't the little lambs that the politicians portray them. I'm in favor of increasing guarding the border in this manner.
Shooting of a illegal alien is a rare occurance...of the proported 500K aliens that cross yearly, almost none are shot.

The occurance is so rare, that it made it as a topic on this forum.
Is that not what we are supposed to do when we are invaded and attacked by a foreign entity? The patience of border patrols are wearing thin. They chase them, catch them and send them back across the border and the next day they are back again and our government does nothing to secure the border and take away the incentive for illegal aliens to come here.
Shooting of a illegal alien is a rare occurance...of the proported 500K aliens that cross yearly, almost none are shot.

Which is part of the problem. So far as I'm concerned we need to go on to a different border philosophy.... To paraphrase a former AG of North Carolina.... "Invade a Country, Invite a Bullet."

(the original quote replaced "country" with "house" and was spoken in response to a number of homeowner shootings of intruders in the state)

Halt! Who goes there? Identify yourself!

Nah, this would be a better idea.....

Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

Border Patrol Agent/US Soldier/US Citizen: "Anybody still alive over there?"

Illegal Immigrant: "Si, Senor."

Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!
I’m a proud member of the "Permanent Party of Guns."
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Good !!

I wish that they would have shot the other two. :cool:

I wish that they would have burried them so, I wouldn't have to hear about this. I like living in La La Land without a care in the world.
Let's invade Mexico. Better yet just cut off ALL foreign aid to Mexico. Our stupid politicians give Mexico foreign aid and then turn around and borrow money from Mexico.

It all boils down to the American politicians. They all need voted out of office no matter what political party they belong to. As long as they can keep the Americans fighting each other and the illegal aliens they go unnoticed when the politicians created the chaos!

Vote the Bums Out! ALL of them and never let any politician have more than one term in office because the longer they’re in office the more corrupt they become.
Larry The Cable Guy "Everyone concentrates on the problems we're having in Our Country lately: Illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida . .
Not me -- I concentrate on solutions for the problems -- it's a win-win situation.

* Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border.
* Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levees.
* Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.

Any other problems you would like for me to solve today?

Think about this:

1. Cows
2. The Constitution
3. The Ten Commandments

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.

They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq ...why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore.

The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this -- you cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians, it creates a hostile work environment.

seems like Larry the Cable Guy.. has some viable solutions here...
why would someone be dumb enough to take a rock to a gunfight...that is not logical
why would someone be dumb enough to take a rock to a gunfight...that is not logical

They think they are safe. Our Government just recently convicted 2 border patrol agents for the affront of defending themselves. You can bet the Mexicans know about that and all the times agents are fired or reprimanded for actually doing their job.
I do have a question though? If he was going back into Mexico why arrest him? Drive down the road aways and wait for them to come all the way in then arrest them.
The powers that be in this country are not too bright. We throw our agents in jail; we suspend those who kill in self defense until we investigate who was right - the criminal or law enforcement; we apologize to every country known to man for defending our borders; we kneel down to every person out there who hates us!!! What the hell is wrong with this picuture????? Is it a wonder that 99.9% of the world play games with the USA and end up winning?
I do have a question though? If he was going back into Mexico why arrest him? Drive down the road aways and wait for them to come all the way in then arrest them.

I dont have evidence of this, but some were complaining that with the rush to put more "boots on the ground" in the BP...many agents were quickly put on the front line with inadequate training.

This is the 2nd incedent where an BP agent shot back across the border into Mexico...
The powers that be in this country are not too bright. We throw our agents in jail; we suspend those who kill in self defense until we investigate who was right - the criminal or law enforcement; we apologize to every country known to man for defending our borders; we kneel down to every person out there who hates us!!! What the hell is wrong with this picuture????? Is it a wonder that 99.9% of the world play games with the USA and end up winning?

Killing in "self defense" is a judical outcome. It is standard Law enforcemnt procedure to remove an officer from duty till an investigation is conducted.
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Agent's shot kills rock thrower at border fence
U.S. officers trying to arrest border crosser assaulted by rocks, spiked piece of wood

June 22, 2011

San Ysidro, Ca. – An illegal alien was shot and killed trying to enter the United States of America illegally by the U. S. Border Patrol. The BP agents said three men were coming through a hole in the border fence around 7:30 p.m Tuesday.

Two of the illegal aliens ran back into Mexico through the hole in the fence. The agents were able to restrain the third man who violently resisted arrest.

“As the struggle ensued one of the other men leaned over the top of the fence and hurled large rocks and a piece of wood with nails sticking out of it at the agents, San Diego Police homicide Lt. Ernie Herbert said.

The piece of wood hit one of them in the head, the lieutenant said.
As the man began to throw another rock the other agent opened fire, hitting him once. He fell back into Mexico and died at the scene, Herbert said.”

A Border Patrol report is expected to be released today.

Thats what happens when you endanger the lives of law enforcement officers like the border patrol, you get shot at and possibly die.

Now imagine this, if they didn't try to violate our immigration laws in the first place this guy would have never got shot ;).
Agent's shot kills rock thrower at border fence
U.S. officers trying to arrest border crosser assaulted by rocks, spiked piece of wood

June 22, 2011

San Ysidro, Ca. – An illegal alien was shot and killed trying to enter the United States of America illegally by the U. S. Border Patrol. The BP agents said three men were coming through a hole in the border fence around 7:30 p.m Tuesday.

Two of the illegal aliens ran back into Mexico through the hole in the fence. The agents were able to restrain the third man who violently resisted arrest.

“As the struggle ensued one of the other men leaned over the top of the fence and hurled large rocks and a piece of wood with nails sticking out of it at the agents, San Diego Police homicide Lt. Ernie Herbert said.

The piece of wood hit one of them in the head, the lieutenant said.
As the man began to throw another rock the other agent opened fire, hitting him once. He fell back into Mexico and died at the scene, Herbert said.”

A Border Patrol report is expected to be released today.

Thats what happens when you endanger the lives of law enforcement officers like the border patrol, you get shot at and possibly die.

Now imagine this, if they didn't try to violate our immigration laws in the first place this guy would have never got shot ;).

You are exactly right...when-and until- law enforcemnt investigates and a court confirms your contention...
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