U.S.Capitol on lockdown

The mob is already mitigating the scene! "Besides breaking of that window and that lone woman getting shot, this has been nothing like a BLM mob where there's plenty of vandalism!" These people need serious mental help! :rolleyes:
No looting, no buildings burned....this is MILD compared to previous BLM and Antifa riots.

The initial BLM protests were people kneeling. People (including Trump) condemned that.
LMAO!!! Yeah...OK

lol that's how they spin fomenting racist hate crimes and promoting killing cops and looting. They're sick in the head,
Do any of the idiots at the Capitol, who show their face on camera, realize what will happen to them?

The same thing that happened to the idiot rioters this summer.

Police will identify them from video and pictures and then arrest them.

The charges will include
18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government
Good luck trying to prove they want to “overthrow” the government. They are asking for the lawful count of votes.
Breaching the Capitol, storming the House floor and the Senate floor is ILLEGAL no matter the reason.
The last time the Capitol was breached was by the British in 1814 as part of the war of 1812.
You lost, deal with it. I wouldn't be surprised if we see no more objections in Congress over electors when they resume ratifying the election because of the siege on the Capitol today.

We didn't lose. America lost. It lost its trust in the election process. The court must hear the protests and do the right thing of recounting the ballots and investigating the machines. I doubt this is going away. There will be more protests in the streets.
Nope, America won. We excised the cancer in the Oval office. As far as your trust in elections, that's also good for America as hopefully, you won't bother to vote again since you have no faith in the process. It was that defeatist attitude which led to Democrats winning both Georgia Senate seats to wrestle control of the Senate away from Republicans. And Impeached Trump and his allies have had more than 60 attempts to prove in court that they really had evidence of fraud and they failed each and every time. And let there be protests. That's a Constitutional right. Just stay the fuck out of the Capitol and the White House.
Transparency from the states in question is all that is needed. Scan the ballots and and forensically audit the machines. That will answer all the questions about fraud.
This is a great sight.

Life is sweet, Norm. America has a backbone to stand up to the subversion of democracy. And all on my birthday too.

Happy fucking birthday to me!

The banana republic cops who used deadly force on American citizens (the same American citizens who supported the cops during the Anarcho-Marxists riots all summer) exercising their first amendment rights are now shooting tear gas on the peaceful, civil rights protesters.

Do any of the idiots at the Capitol, who show their face on camera, realize what will happen to them?

The same thing that happened to the idiot rioters this summer.

Police will identify them from video and pictures and then arrest them.

The charges will include
18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government
Good luck trying to prove they want to “overthrow” the government. They are asking for the lawful count of votes.
Breaching the Capitol, storming the House floor and the Senate floor is ILLEGAL no matter the reason.
The last time the Capitol was breached was by the British in 1814 as part of the war of 1812.
True, it is illegal. But isn’t “civil disobedience” important?

By the way, isn’t burning down a business “ILLEGAL no matter the reason”? You all supported those illegal acts by BLM all year.
The made up shit was Russia.

Nobody is talking about Russia. You're deflecting.

Trump supporters breached the capital and one of them is in critical condition because they are spoon-fed the nonsense that their election was stolen.

The one spoon-feeding them this has a delicate ego, cares only about himself, and is no leader.
You said "made up" Russia was made up. This is not about Trump itis about election integrity. Trump just happens to be the president this happened to. Give the swing states the transparency they demand. Scan the ballots and audit the machines. If there was no fraud they will not find any, right?

They don't want that to happen; they're gangsters and that's what they do, extort and murder and steal.
So what is the rebellion about? A stolen election?

It's about the horrible Left trying to force us to believe men are women; that everyone has to celebrate homosexual weddings and be glad of every commercial showing disgusting misogyny. It's about all of us supposed to swallow constant Democratic election cheating and that's supposed to be all right. It's about antifa rioting and them trying to overwhelm the chain link fence around the White House and rush in and kill everyone and we aren't supposed to care about that. And all the other antifa riots. That's apparently okay, but whatever we do, isn't. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. . . . . . .
This is a great sight.

I would say its more sad than awesome,,, the fact it had to come to this when it would have been so easy to allow detailed audits of the contested election issue.

but they decided to say no and then mock us for contesting it,,

and I didnt even vote for trump,, I care about the election not trump,,

The Democrats only cared about winning. And they orchestrated every event in 2020 even holding back Covid relief to do it.
doesn't matter who is president the country has always survived every presidency and the world is still here and still will be four years from now and beyond....

'The World' survived Stalinism, Nazi Germany, bubonic plague, etc. That doesn't mean they didn't matter.
Trumpism will go down in history being compared to Stalinism, Nazism, bubonic plague-COVID-19.
Trump will not be compared to Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan.
Trump and his minions are a true embarrassment.
Many spineless politicians who support Trump are realizing they he is becoming a liability. They will be running from him like the spineless rats they are.
If someone gets hurt, this will be directly on Trump.
No, it will be on Pelosi laughing her butt off and acting out a created false narrative of ever so many fake narratives, only now she is going to pin the death of a Trump supporter on Trump, and photos of gushing blood from the woman shot fatally will be her rally cry, whereas she kept mum about each and every Antifa and BLM fatalities to shunt charges of Demmie kills.

I wonder how many cheater votes she has to use to get herself reelected every two years.
This is a great sight.

I'm hearing most of these are antifa thugs pretending to be Trump supporters. I'm holding off on saying if I think this is awesome or an act of terrorism until I know for sure these are true patriots and not fake communists pretending to be Trump supporters.

The ones that broke in and gassed it you know they are antifa people pretending to be trump supporters,that’s how they operate,they have been exposed beating up on the elderly and children so we know it’s them.

the two guys on this channel reporting it just said they were probably antifa people as well.
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Young female Trump supporter was shot. May have been fatal.

Capitol Police shooting Patriots trying to protest blatant election corruption by the Communist Party USA.


Patriots protest. Traitors committing anarchy in our capital building in an attempted coup... get shot.

Ass. Scamper back to your bunker you feeble headed fuck.
I love it. It's 5:00 PM now and I'm guessing it will peter out, but wow. FINALLY they have figured out we are dangerous.

I'm just curious what happens at 6PM when the DC mayors curfew kicks in and 500,000 people are still at the capitol?

Remember how the Left whined when Trump brought in a few federal police to protect federal property from VIOLENT people?

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