U.S.Capitol on lockdown

Yep, it's pretty obvious overrunning the capital because you don't like how the election went is kind of not legal.
"Overrunning?" LOL....It's a peaceful protest just like we were told the 2020 riots were 'peaceful protests.'
They are trying to prevent the overthrowing of the government. They are patriots and heroically standing up for the Civil Rights of American citizens.

There's nothing fucking patriotic about it.
Nothing patriotic about covering up obvious fraud either. All the states in question want is transparency. The governors and election official and the courts refuse to allow that transparency. Audit the machines and scan the ballots.
The stress of everyone due to the pandemic, may be influencing the aggression.

But, what the hell do I know?
You lost, deal with it. I wouldn't be surprised if we see no more objections in Congress over electors when they resume ratifying the election because of the siege on the Capitol today.

We didn't lose. America lost. It lost its trust in the election process. The court must hear the protests and do the right thing of recounting the ballots and investigating the machines. I doubt this is going away. There will be more protests in the streets.

The 'recounts' were indeed a joke, and this is merely the results of left wing election stealing. I'm surprised anybody did something about it for once, and also very happy they did. Hopefully the communists started something they can't finish, and the police stand down like they did for the left wing criminals and murderous street gangs hired by the Democratic Party.
The made up shit was Russia.

Nobody is talking about Russia. You're deflecting.

Trump supporters breached the capital and one of them is in critical condition because they are spoon-fed the nonsense that their election was stolen.

The one spoon-feeding them this has a delicate ego, cares only about himself, and is no leader.
You said "made up" Russia was made up. This is not about Trump itis about election integrity. Trump just happens to be the president this happened to. Give the swing states the transparency they demand. Scan the ballots and audit the machines. If there was no fraud they will not find any, right?
You lost, deal with it. I wouldn't be surprised if we see no more objections in Congress over electors when they resume ratifying the election because of the siege on the Capitol today.

We didn't lose. America lost. It lost its trust in the election process. The court must hear the protests and do the right thing of recounting the ballots and investigating the machines. I doubt this is going away. There will be more protests in the streets.
Nope, America won. We excised the cancer in the Oval office. As far as your trust in elections, that's also good for America as hopefully, you won't bother to vote again since you have no faith in the process. It was that defeatist attitude which led to Democrats winning both Georgia Senate seats to wrestle control of the Senate away from Republicans. And Impeached Trump and his allies have had more than 60 attempts to prove in court that they really had evidence of fraud and they failed each and every time. And let there be protests. That's a Constitutional right. Just stay the fuck out of the Capitol and the White House.

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