U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.
Nah, she was in the middle of committing a violent insurrection with a violent mob. She will get $0, give or take $0,

How violent can a 5'2 110lb unarmed woman be? Can these capital police not handle this without resorting to shooting her?
Since it would be illegal for you to shoot Ashli if she were breaking into your car, then the police can't legally shoot her for breaking into the House lobby.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
And the Capitol Police will win the lawsuit.

she was trespassing on Capital ignoring police orders to stand down busting open a window to crawl through when she was shot, taking part in the attack on the US Capitol building during which other members of the group shoe is whiskey made threats against the lives of police and members of Congress as well as the vice president.

They had every reason to believe she was armed and no way to know she wasn't and gave her numerous warnings to stand down before shooting.
Since it would be illegal for you to shoot Ashli if she were breaking into your car, then the police can't legally shoot her for breaking into the House lobby.
Sure they can, it's called breaking and entering, you can shoot someone dead, when in the act of breaking into your house or business.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.
And the Capitol Police will win the lawsuit.

she was trespassing on Capital ignoring police orders to stand down busting open a window to crawl through when she was shot, taking part in the attack on the US Capitol building during which other members of the group shoe is whiskey made threats against the lives of police and members of Congress as well as the vice president.

They had every reason to believe she was armed and no way to know she wasn't and gave her numerous warnings to stand down before shooting.

Tresspassing does not justify lethal force.
There is nothing in the video as to the shooting cop ordering anything or saying any warning.
She did NOT bust out the window. Others did that.
No one made threats that I heard.

They had NO reason to believe she was armed.
No one inside was armed but the police.
They can't shoot UNLESS they first see an actual weapon.
Again, there were NO warnings by the police.
Since it would be illegal for you to shoot Ashli if she were breaking into your car, then the police can't legally shoot her for breaking into the House lobby.
Sure they can, it's called breaking and entering, you can shoot someone dead, when in the act of breaking into your house or business.

You can shoot someone breaking into your home, but not your car, and certainly not a public building like the House Lobby.
Your home is private and gives you your right of privacy.
The House lobby had no privacy so you can't shoot over it.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.

Whenever police shoot without first ensuring there is a deadly weapon threat, that is criminal.
The fact it happens without police being prosecuted is also a crime as well.
Since it would be illegal for you to shoot Ashli if she were breaking into your car, then the police can't legally shoot her for breaking into the House lobby.
Sure they can, it's called breaking and entering, you can shoot someone dead, when in the act of breaking into your house or business.

You can shoot someone breaking into your home, but not your car, and certainly not a public building like the House Lobby.
Your home is private and gives you your right of privacy.
The House lobby had no privacy so you can't shoot over it.
They can shoot someone breaking into their own police station as well as any business.
The capitol was closed to the public, not only did the dumb bitch, breach a police line she broke into the capitol, while congress was in session, she deserved to get shot.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.

Whenever police shoot without first ensuring there is a deadly weapon threat, that is criminal.
The fact it happens without police being prosecuted is also a crime as well.
No, it isn't, people charge the police numerous times, without a weapon, they get shot.
That's what the dumb bitch did.
If not for the death of a human being, this Ashli B. thread would be comedy gold. And a lesson in intentional obtuseness, I suppose.

The horse has been beaten to jelly.....yet we still have mokes who come on here and repeat and repeat the same old conspiratorial barracks-room lawyering. They KNOW when police can and cannot shoot.....and they could not have shot in this case. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Let's do a bit of a drive-by shooting at some previous posts above:

How violent can a 5'2 110lb unarmed woman be? Can these capital police not handle this without resorting to shooting her?
Ah, so they weighed her, measured her.....hell, even knew the figure suddenly thrust into the opening in a battered-barrier shrouded in some kind of figure concealing shroud.....was a woman? An unarmed woman? A woman who did not have a suicide-vest, a Glock 17 under that shroud?
Who knew?

Answer: Not the cop.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Ummmm, really now we have a view that the cop should have shot into the marble floor to warn Ashli. Really? In a corridor packed with people we have the suggestion that a bullet should be ricocheted off the floor so that rioters would know that having a gun pointed at 'em was serious. Without a shot, it wasn't serious?

Ahsli would be alive today, if only.

I'm thinking, that suggestion may be from someone who knows very very little about firearms.

You can shoot someone breaking into your home, but not your car, and certainly not a public building like the House Lobby.

Well, Congress is kinda sorta important to America. But, if folks can't be shot there for violently breaking down barriers despite warnings and pointed guns.....well, so too, the Oval Office, or the Court Chamber at the Supreme Court? Or the Pentagon? Or the Gem Room at the Smithsonian?
Or Fort Knox?

*ps.....outta curiosity, to any real LEO's who are lurking on this forum, lemme ask: If you are in your parked car and someone is battering and breaking the window, while hollering angry epithets at you, and then busting out the window and thrusting themselves into the car interior, despite your screeching to cease, to get out, to leave you alone.......well, could you shoot 'em?
Or do you have to shoot a warning shot through the roof first?

Thanks, in advance.

My opinion, FWIW:
Ashli B. got caught up in the world of rampant conspiracies and white grievance that is the world of QAnon. Her social media footprints show clear indications of her commitment to those fantasies. She was there, right at hand, part of the tip of the spear at that doorway. She saw, heard, and could feel the battering down of this barrier. She was part of it, even if she didn't swing a club or a helmet to do the battering. She had the clear and obvious choice to leave when she saw the breaking and entering, instead she was loudly shouting at the police behind the barrier. The barrier broke, she suddenly jumped or was thrust into the opening despite the warnings not to. Despite the clear and obvious aimed firearm.

She entered. She died. Foolishly and regrettably. And that's on her.

All the claims of her being murdered are the silly, ridicule worthy nonsense of the conspiratorial jackassery typified by QAnon's ill-informed, ill-educated, ill-motivated nut jobs that believe in it.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on Q.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.

Anyone - ESPECIALLY a police officer, if they feel there is an immediate DEADLY threat to themself or the general public have the duty to discharge their weapon in order to eliminate the threat.

Someone tell me - where was the "threat"? This lady was not armed, was outside the immediate perimeter. Today, had she been black, there would be MORE riots. However, she was a white lady so - "Too bad, so sad".

Stupid Americans........
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Anyone - ESPECIALLY a police officer, if they feel there is an immediate DEADLY threat to themself or the general public have the duty to discharge their weapon in order to eliminate the threat.
except if it's a black person. call a card a card, or duck a duck. I don't care, but that's a fact. you can't change it either.
How violent can a 5'2 110lb unarmed woman be?
Who knows? The officers protecting the congresspeople were trying to stop the whole mob breaking into the area. They don't known who is armed and who isn't. 140 injured cops...a gallow on the steps, people chanting that they are going to kill members of government...were they supposed to assume she was delivering cookies, or part of a violent mob?

These are softball questions.
That whole thing was really weird.

A bunch of over excited morons ran into the capital and broke some stuff and caused a rukus and left before night even fell. They were universally labeled as terrorists, reported as killing someone, violent and so on. Pretty much everyone all but said they should be banned or killed along with republicans and people not a democrat.

Meanwhile no one talks about the multiple cities around the nation being destroyed, burned, looted, bystanders hardware, police threatened and attack by groups of people making demands and actually being terrorists. It's been going over a year and no one ever talks about it in the news.

Then you have the cop that was reported as being killed during the capitol attack with images of someone swinging a fire extinguisher. But the man died of a stroke and even his own mother said there was so physical trauma but no one really reported it on tv.

Meanwhile a unarmed woman was shot and killed while on her hands and knees crawling through a barricade and no one really talks about it on tv because she was part of the terrorist attack on the capital.

And still the national guard is setup at the capital for no apparent reason other than "there might maybe could be more terrorists attacking our nation". And trump is still living rent free in the heads of the democrats.

I can't think of better proof of the democrats trying to push a narrative and the media going right along with them to help their agenda.

The fact is that this animal was trying to force their way into the capitol unlawvfully. She was not a passive standbyer. She was a active participator in a act of sedition.

The fact is that nearly everyone of the protests were peaceful. There were also right wing agitators who were trying to provoke violence. Also the police mishandled the situation by coming out in militarized clothing and equipment. How much was done by these outside forces and protestors is unknown. However the vast majority of protests were peaceful.
Good to know the police can gun down unarmed people for trespassing now.

They have every right to stop a mob breaking into the capitol.

Then why move the barricades for them? The capital belongs to the taxpayers. It's the same as shooting someone who is entering the bathroom of a public park going around the signs that say "bathroom closed for cleaning."

In the video you can clearly see the cop lifting the barricade and moving it out of the way.

SOME barricades were removed by SOME cops. Not all. You having trouble with that fact, hun?
How violent can a 5'2 110lb unarmed woman be?
Who knows? The officers protecting the congresspeople were trying to stop the whole mob breaking into the area. They don't known who is armed and who isn't. 140 injured cops...a gallow on the steps, people chanting that they are going to kill members of government...were they supposed to assume she was delivering cookies, or part of a violent mob?

These are softball questions.
In reality, those pretending to care about Babbitt's death are just upset because their insurrection failed and they are losers.
Since it would be illegal for you to shoot Ashli if she were breaking into your car, then the police can't legally shoot her for breaking into the House lobby.
If you are in your car and protecting your family from a crazy woman (with many behind her also trying to break in) you would have EVERY RIGHT to shoot her.

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