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U.S. caves to key Iranian demands as nuke deal comes together


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Yes, we've had wonderful, sparkling news that the U.S. and Iran are near to a settlement in their talks about Iran's attempts to build an atomic Bomb.

And why wouldn't Iran be satisfied with the deal? It lets them build the Bomb they've wanted all along after ten years.

Basically, the Obama administration has surrendered. Iran will now get The Bomb.

The only difference between this outcome, and handing matches to a child in a powder magazine, is that (a) the child can only blow up a block or two, and (b) the child has never declared his intention of destroying his neighbors.


U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together Washington Free Beacon

U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together

Limited options for Congress as Obama seeks to bypass lawmakers

BY: Adam Kredo
March 26, 2015 2:00 pm

LAUSSANE, Switzerland—The Obama administration is giving in to Iranian demands about the scope of its nuclear program as negotiators work to finalize a framework agreement in the coming days, according to sources familiar with the administration’s position in the negotiations.

U.S. negotiators are said to have given up ground on demands that Iran be forced to disclose the full range of its nuclear activities at the outset of a nuclear deal, a concession experts say would gut the verification the Obama administration has vowed would stand as the crux of a deal with Iran.

Until recently, the Obama administration had maintained that it would guarantee oversight on Tehran’s program well into the future, and that it would take the necessary steps to ensure that oversight would be effective. The issue has now emerged as a key sticking point in the talks.

Concern from sources familiar with U.S. concessions in the talks comes amid reports that Iran could be permitted to continue running nuclear centrifuges at an underground site once suspected of housing illicit activities.

This type of concession would allow Iran to continue work related to its nuclear weapons program, even under the eye of international inspectors. If Iran removes inspectors—as it has in the past—it would be left with a nuclear infrastructure immune from a strike by Western forces.

“Once again, in the face of Iran’s intransigence, the U.S. is leading an effort to cave even more toward Iran—this time by whitewashing Tehran’s decades of lying about nuclear weapons work and current lack of cooperation with the [International Atomic Energy Agency],” said one Western source briefed on the talks but who was not permitted to speak on record.

With the White House pressing to finalize a deal, U.S. diplomats have moved further away from their demands that Iran be subjected to oversight over its nuclear infrastructure.

“Instead of ensuring that Iran answers all the outstanding questions about the past and current military dimensions of their nuclear work in order to obtain sanctions relief, the U.S. is now revising down what they need to do,” said the source. “That is a terrible mistake—if we don’t have a baseline to judge their past work, we can’t tell if they are cheating in the future, and if they won’t answer now, before getting rewarded, why would they come clean in the future?”

The United States is now willing to let Iran keep many of its most controversial military sites closed to inspectors until international sanctions pressure has been lifted, according to sources.

This scenario has been criticized by nuclear experts, including David Albright, founder and president of the Institute for Science and International Security.
Under this agreement is Iran allowed to continue chanting Death to America and funding terrorists?
Obama has no reason to be concerned about Iran having or even using a bomb.

By the time they have finished work on building a bunch of them He'll be living in his exile-villa in Cuba and Iran would NEVER bomb an ally.
Did anyone really think anything else would happen?
All this administration cared about is the PROCESS of a deal, not the result of it.
They just wanted to be able to say that they sat down with Iran and had direct talks.
It is what they wanted to do from day one.
As Stalin said of American Democrats... "USEFUL IDIOTS".
Yes, we've had wonderful, sparkling news that the U.S. and Iran are near to a settlement in their talks about Iran's attempts to build an atomic Bomb.

And why wouldn't Iran be satisfied with the deal? It lets them build the Bomb they've wanted all along after ten years.

Basically, the Obama administration has surrendered. Iran will now get The Bomb.

The only difference between this outcome, and handing matches to a child in a powder magazine, is that (a) the child can only blow up a block or two, and (b) the child has never declared his intention of destroying his neighbors.


U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together Washington Free Beacon

U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together

Limited options for Congress as Obama seeks to bypass lawmakers

BY: Adam Kredo
March 26, 2015 2:00 pm

LAUSSANE, Switzerland—The Obama administration is giving in to Iranian demands about the scope of its nuclear program as negotiators work to finalize a framework agreement in the coming days, according to sources familiar with the administration’s position in the negotiations.

U.S. negotiators are said to have given up ground on demands that Iran be forced to disclose the full range of its nuclear activities at the outset of a nuclear deal, a concession experts say would gut the verification the Obama administration has vowed would stand as the crux of a deal with Iran.

Until recently, the Obama administration had maintained that it would guarantee oversight on Tehran’s program well into the future, and that it would take the necessary steps to ensure that oversight would be effective. The issue has now emerged as a key sticking point in the talks.

Concern from sources familiar with U.S. concessions in the talks comes amid reports that Iran could be permitted to continue running nuclear centrifuges at an underground site once suspected of housing illicit activities.

This type of concession would allow Iran to continue work related to its nuclear weapons program, even under the eye of international inspectors. If Iran removes inspectors—as it has in the past—it would be left with a nuclear infrastructure immune from a strike by Western forces.

“Once again, in the face of Iran’s intransigence, the U.S. is leading an effort to cave even more toward Iran—this time by whitewashing Tehran’s decades of lying about nuclear weapons work and current lack of cooperation with the [International Atomic Energy Agency],” said one Western source briefed on the talks but who was not permitted to speak on record.

With the White House pressing to finalize a deal, U.S. diplomats have moved further away from their demands that Iran be subjected to oversight over its nuclear infrastructure.

“Instead of ensuring that Iran answers all the outstanding questions about the past and current military dimensions of their nuclear work in order to obtain sanctions relief, the U.S. is now revising down what they need to do,” said the source. “That is a terrible mistake—if we don’t have a baseline to judge their past work, we can’t tell if they are cheating in the future, and if they won’t answer now, before getting rewarded, why would they come clean in the future?”

The United States is now willing to let Iran keep many of its most controversial military sites closed to inspectors until international sanctions pressure has been lifted, according to sources.

This scenario has been criticized by nuclear experts, including David Albright, founder and president of the Institute for Science and International Security.
Good for Iran! Proud of you for standing strong against the ZOG forces and getting what you deserve. Big thumbs up!
What did you expect? And Obama didn't cave.

Despite saying his goal was to keep Iran from having a bomb, he gave them PROOF Israel has them, with our assistance .

Any idiot knows that, at that point, we couldn't tell Iran no without them walking away from the table and scuttling the deal he's so desperate to have, even if he has to bypass Congress and go to the U N.
This Deal should be called:

"You can trust Obama, and he trusts the Mullahs."

It is designed to keep Iran from announcing that it has a nuclear weapon until he is safely out of office, and can blame it on the next president.

Most of the people who trust Obama today are atheist, I say that because I think most Democrats are now proudly atheists, which means they have contempt for religion and that it is potentially dangerous...and yet, they are willing to trust mullahs because Obama says to do so.

I choose Sanity. I don't trust Obama or mullahs.
ran across this just now. Obama and his hateful administration has been just horrible. and not just for us

GOP Senators: Obama’s ‘Obsession’ with ‘Placating’ Iran Led to ‘Mideast on Fire’

Bridget Johnson


March 26, 2015 - 1:30 pm

Decrying that President Obama’s policies have pushed the Middle East to a “tipping point,” Republican senators accused the commander in chief of not acting against Iran’s aggression in Yemen and other places because of his “obsession” with placating the Islamic Republic during nuclear talks.

“Operation Decisive Storm,” launched at midnight Saudi Arabia time, bombarded Yemen’s Houthi rebels with the power of 100 Saudi fighters jets, 150,000 soldiers and naval units in the operation. The United Arab Emirates pitched in 30 fighter jets, Bahrain contributed 15, Qatar sent 10, Kuwait deployed 15 and Jordan contributed six. Even North Africa got into the game, with Sudan sending three fighter jets, Egypt supplying four warships and air support, and Morocco sending six fighter jets. Pakistan also provided naval and aerial support in the attack on the Iran-backed Houthi rebels. The White House said the U.S. provided “logistical and intelligence” support.

But it was revealed today that Pentagon officials were told about the coalition operation just a few hours before the Saudis struck. The Saudi ambassador to Washington announced the attack at their embassy in D.C. shortly after the military found out.

“The reality is that countries in the region no longer have confidence in or are willing to work with the United States of America,” Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) somberly noted at a press conference on the Hill moments ago.

“Look at where we have come from — our closest allies in the region no longer trust us that they wait to tell us a few hours before they begin a major military operation,” McCain said. “I understand why these countries did not notify us or seek our coordination. That’s because they believe we are siding with Iran.”

all of it here:
GOP Senators Obama s Obsession with Placating Iran Led to Mideast on Fire PJ Tatler

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