U. S. Central Bank May Or Not Praise Jesus Christ, In Favor of Pythagoras(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
"A Jew Is Risen, A Jew Is Risen!: Likely No Pope Will Ever So-State(?)!" The English Royals are so-far not showing much tendency, to so-state! Princess Catherine of Wales is apparently not to be called even, "Mary," in any modern context--Likely especially, in Las Vegas.

So Quantitative Easing is now being actually thought to be what it is: A Regressive priming of the pump!

Has Wealth Inequality in US Sparked Fed's Interest?

So going back to Matthew 25:14-30, the apparently adult Heb from Nazareth--of a simpler time, like the 1950's in America--apparently used the Pythagorean Theorem to explain the greater gods of the conquering Greeks and Romans to all of Israel. Eventually, Pontius Pilate, the governor, would be unable to find any fault in the witness and the testimonry of Jesus Christ. Caiphas The Great One(?). . . .may have said, "And Away. . .We Go!" but actually supported the Law of Moses--opposed by Jesus Christ. He noted the blasephemy in the witness and the testimony at the trial. The Law of Moses does not allow a Jew to claim idolatory in Heaven. The penalty of the World-Hating Law of Moses is death. There are apparently tort-level consequences, even though nothing criminal ever happens in those rules, or not following along those rules.

So one servant gets five talents, another two, another 1. So that is a vertical scale from 0 to five. The top two double their loot. The Conservative saves the talent provided. There is no arithmetic way that the servant with the one talent can keep up with other two servants. So the outcome is horizontal at the top, computing 5. The square root of five squared, plus the square root of five squared, is about seven. The household that should have been enriched 8 talents, was itself really only enriched seven.

Time and time again--and just four years or so ago--what happens in history is the collapse of thriving economies. Mostly recently, the stupid conservatives, savers at the bottom, couldn't even keep up with the mortgages. All kinds of tossing into the outer darkness soon would happen all over.

The Holy Father would not contend that the greater deities of the Greeks and Romans had again prevailed. Israel would be more or less in a conquered state, again.

And so the QE again is found to reward the rich, and sacrifice the poor.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(At the new millenium, eventually the decimal point would be invented--about 1000 years later!)
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