U.S. Debt appears to be slowing

It was approx. 10T when Obama was elected, and increased to approx. 20T when he left. Today it stands 21.689T.

Based on the increase since Trump took office, 6.9T will have been added after Trump serves 8 years. It's still going into the wrong direction, but at least there are signs of improvement.

Trump added 1.27 trillion in the past FY, how the fuck is that slowing down?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
He's almost at 2 years into his Presidency
Trump is alproaching Reagan levels of deficit spending. He could become the 2nd President to ever tripke the national debt. A real republican hero.
You do know that Obama had spent 9.5 trillion dollars over 8 years? That amounts to 1.15 trillion dollars average per year. What again is President Trumps numbers and oh yeah, his unemployment rate again? Now that it is President Trumps economy, that you bitches were wailing about, just earlier this week? Yeah, President Trump must have a pretty big magic wand to get such numbers, shame the last 1/2 white community agitators wand was a needle dick.

Paychecks rise to 9-year-high; Unemployment steady at 3.7% | 2018-11-02 | HousingWire
ccording to the report, the number of unemployed persons changed slightly from 6 million in September to 6.1 million in October.

The jobless rates for all other groups, including men at 3.5%, women 3.4%, teenagers at 11.9%, whites at 3.3%, blacks at 6.2%, Asians at 3.2% and Hispanics at 4.4% — these all showed little or no change over the month.
The average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls increased by 5 cents to $27.30. Over the year, average hourly earnings have risen by 3.%.
Unfortunately for you welfare queens, your pay didnt go up, because lazy ass fuckers shouldn't get a raise, so continue to bitch and moan how unfair your lives are, and be victims of liberalism.
Obama’s deficits actually went down, as the government began spending less when the economy began improving. Trump’s 1st budget was larger than all but 1 of Obama’s. His next budget is looking to be even bigger.

Congress not the POTUS creates the budget. POTUS approves it.
POTUS approved the hell out of his 1st trillion+ dollar budget, and will do the same to the second.

What? That statement didn't make any sense. Back to your safe space. How do you "Approve the Hell" out of something?
Christ :rolleyes:
It was approx. 10T when Obama was elected, and increased to approx. 20T when he left. Today it stands 21.689T.

Based on the increase since Trump took office, 6.9T will have been added after Trump serves 8 years. It's still going into the wrong direction, but at least there are signs of improvement.

Trump added 1.27 trillion in the past FY, how the fuck is that slowing down?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
He's almost at 2 years into his Presidency

Actually, Trump's first fiscal year started October 1, 2017, his second fiscal year started just last month, on October 1, 2018.
So fiscal calendar-wise, Trump just started his second year.
Last edited:

I'm still shaking my head that someone actually said the US debt is slowing.




You do know that Obama had spent 9.5 trillion dollars over 8 years? That amounts to 1.15 trillion dollars average per year. What again is President Trumps numbers and oh yeah, his unemployment rate again? Now that it is President Trumps economy, that you bitches were wailing about, just earlier this week? Yeah, President Trump must have a pretty big magic wand to get such numbers, shame the last 1/2 white community agitators wand was a needle dick.

Paychecks rise to 9-year-high; Unemployment steady at 3.7% | 2018-11-02 | HousingWire Unfortunately for you welfare queens, your pay didnt go up, because lazy ass fuckers shouldn't get a raise, so continue to bitch and moan how unfair your lives are, and be victims of liberalism.
Obama’s deficits actually went down, as the government began spending less when the economy began improving. Trump’s 1st budget was larger than all but 1 of Obama’s. His next budget is looking to be even bigger.

Congress not the POTUS creates the budget. POTUS approves it.
POTUS approved the hell out of his 1st trillion+ dollar budget, and will do the same to the second.

What? That statement didn't make any sense. Back to your safe space. How do you "Approve the Hell" out of something?
Christ :rolleyes:

Yep. No answer. Figures.
Deficits shouldn’t be increasing in a strong economy with record low unempliyment. Repubs must love debt!
Deficits shouldn’t be increasing in a strong economy with record low unempliyment. Repubs must love debt!
The last time the GOP controlled all the branches of government, they accelerated the debt then, too.

In the immortal words of George W. Bush, "Fool me once...(awkward pause)...shame on...shame on you...(awkward pause)...Fool me can't get fooled again!"
I have the quickest and easiest way to get out of debt, but it will cause a lot of pain to liberals..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
Stop the war on poverty, as we saw with Obama's cash for clunkers FAILED, his QE forever FAILED, his economic polices that put more in poverty since the war started. Take the 1 trillion dollars that would go to the lazy fucking liberal welfare queens(men too) and put it to the debt, not only in 20 years would the debt be gone, but all those welfare pukes would either have to get a job, thus paying taxes, or try to take what is ours away, and end up shot and killed. Either way, the debt would be lowered and eventually paid off. But then liberal elites wouldn't have anything to run on such as free stuff..

Donald Trump: As projected in the FY 2019 budget, Trump plans to add $4.775 trillion, a 29-percent increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017.
  • FY 2021 - $1.119 trillion.
  • FY 2020 - $1.198 trillion.
  • FY 2019 - $1.225 trillion.
  • FY 2018 - $1.233 trillion.
I have the quickest and easiest way to get out of debt, but it will cause a lot of pain to liberals..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
Stop the war on poverty, as we saw with Obama's cash for clunkers FAILED, his QE forever FAILED, his economic polices that put more in poverty since the war started. Take the 1 trillion dollars that would go to the lazy fucking liberal welfare queens(men too) and put it to the debt, not only in 20 years would the debt be gone, but all those welfare pukes would either have to get a job, thus paying taxes, or try to take what is ours away, and end up shot and killed. Either way, the debt would be lowered and eventually paid off. But then liberal elites wouldn't have anything to run on such as free stuff..

This is stupid. Lets just go to Saudi and take the $$ and oil. Who stops us?
I have the quickest and easiest way to get out of debt, but it will cause a lot of pain to liberals..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
Stop the war on poverty, as we saw with Obama's cash for clunkers FAILED, his QE forever FAILED, his economic polices that put more in poverty since the war started. Take the 1 trillion dollars that would go to the lazy fucking liberal welfare queens(men too) and put it to the debt, not only in 20 years would the debt be gone, but all those welfare pukes would either have to get a job, thus paying taxes, or try to take what is ours away, and end up shot and killed. Either way, the debt would be lowered and eventually paid off. But then liberal elites wouldn't have anything to run on such as free stuff..

And order a few dozen more F-35’s! Those empty caves in Afghanistan aren’t going to blow themselves up!
I have the quickest and easiest way to get out of debt, but it will cause a lot of pain to liberals..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
Stop the war on poverty, as we saw with Obama's cash for clunkers FAILED, his QE forever FAILED, his economic polices that put more in poverty since the war started. Take the 1 trillion dollars that would go to the lazy fucking liberal welfare queens(men too) and put it to the debt, not only in 20 years would the debt be gone, but all those welfare pukes would either have to get a job, thus paying taxes, or try to take what is ours away, and end up shot and killed. Either way, the debt would be lowered and eventually paid off. But then liberal elites wouldn't have anything to run on such as free stuff..

This is stupid. Lets just go to Saudi and take the $$ and oil. Who stops us?


I have the quickest and easiest way to get out of debt, but it will cause a lot of pain to liberals..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
Stop the war on poverty, as we saw with Obama's cash for clunkers FAILED, his QE forever FAILED, his economic polices that put more in poverty since the war started. Take the 1 trillion dollars that would go to the lazy fucking liberal welfare queens(men too) and put it to the debt, not only in 20 years would the debt be gone, but all those welfare pukes would either have to get a job, thus paying taxes, or try to take what is ours away, and end up shot and killed. Either way, the debt would be lowered and eventually paid off. But then liberal elites wouldn't have anything to run on such as free stuff..

And order a few dozen more F-35’s! Those empty caves in Afghanistan aren’t going to blow themselves up!

You ever serve?
I have the quickest and easiest way to get out of debt, but it will cause a lot of pain to liberals..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
Stop the war on poverty, as we saw with Obama's cash for clunkers FAILED, his QE forever FAILED, his economic polices that put more in poverty since the war started. Take the 1 trillion dollars that would go to the lazy fucking liberal welfare queens(men too) and put it to the debt, not only in 20 years would the debt be gone, but all those welfare pukes would either have to get a job, thus paying taxes, or try to take what is ours away, and end up shot and killed. Either way, the debt would be lowered and eventually paid off. But then liberal elites wouldn't have anything to run on such as free stuff..

This is stupid. Lets just go to Saudi and take the $$ and oil. Who stops us?



It was approx. 10T when Obama was elected, and increased to approx. 20T when he left. Today it stands 21.689T.

Based on the increase since Trump took office, 6.9T will have been added after Trump serves 8 years. It's still going into the wrong direction, but at least there are signs of improvement.

How do you figure that?

Based on actual + budgeted projections the debt will increase by $5.683 Trillion FY2018 -FY 2021 (Trumps First FOUR years)
Under Obama (Actual) the debt increase FY2010-FY2017 the debt increased by $6.785 Trillion (Obamas EIGHT years)

If the current projections are correct the debt will increase almost as much in Trumps first FOUR years as it did during Obama's EIGHT years, thus the rate of debt accumulation is increasing, not slowing.

This is to be expected since mandatory entitlement spending and debt service are increasing and will only accelerate as rates rise, not to mention Trump + the Republicrat Congress have increased discretionary spending as well.
It was approx. 10T when Obama was elected, and increased to approx. 20T when he left. Today it stands 21.689T.

Based on the increase since Trump took office, 6.9T will have been added after Trump serves 8 years. It's still going into the wrong direction, but at least there are signs of improvement.

Trump added 1.27 trillion in the past FY, how the fuck is that slowing down?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
He's almost at 2 years into his Presidency

And he added 1.27 trillion to the debt in his first full Fiscal Year. In the midst of a booming economy.
Donald Trump: As projected in the FY 2019 budget, Trump plans to add $4.775 trillion, a 29-percent increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017.
  • FY 2021 - $1.119 trillion.
  • FY 2020 - $1.198 trillion.
  • FY 2019 - $1.225 trillion.
  • FY 2018 - $1.233 trillion.
If the war on poverty is stopped and the worthless welfare pukes dont get their pay checks, the FY budgets would look like this.

FY-2019 119 billion.
FY-2020 87 billion, as more people are working and more taxes going in.
FY-2021 50 billion, almost everyone is working or been shot.
FY2022 0 budget achieved, as no longer are jails being filled, for they are dead, and everyone else is working and happy. The United States has achieved a
"Liberal Free Zone".

I have the quickest and easiest way to get out of debt, but it will cause a lot of pain to liberals..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
Stop the war on poverty, as we saw with Obama's cash for clunkers FAILED, his QE forever FAILED, his economic polices that put more in poverty since the war started. Take the 1 trillion dollars that would go to the lazy fucking liberal welfare queens(men too) and put it to the debt, not only in 20 years would the debt be gone, but all those welfare pukes would either have to get a job, thus paying taxes, or try to take what is ours away, and end up shot and killed. Either way, the debt would be lowered and eventually paid off. But then liberal elites wouldn't have anything to run on such as free stuff..

And order a few dozen more F-35’s! Those empty caves in Afghanistan aren’t going to blow themselves up!

Yep, we can, because he negotiated a price decrease....thanks Trump!
I have the quickest and easiest way to get out of debt, but it will cause a lot of pain to liberals..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
Stop the war on poverty, as we saw with Obama's cash for clunkers FAILED, his QE forever FAILED, his economic polices that put more in poverty since the war started. Take the 1 trillion dollars that would go to the lazy fucking liberal welfare queens(men too) and put it to the debt, not only in 20 years would the debt be gone, but all those welfare pukes would either have to get a job, thus paying taxes, or try to take what is ours away, and end up shot and killed. Either way, the debt would be lowered and eventually paid off. But then liberal elites wouldn't have anything to run on such as free stuff..

And order a few dozen more F-35’s! Those empty caves in Afghanistan aren’t going to blow themselves up!

Yep, we can, because he negotiated a price decrease....thanks Trump!

When you burn through taxpayer dollars as fast as Trump does, vendors will say whatever he wants to hear to get a bigger piece of the pie. I doubt any discount stuck, but regardless Trump made sure to pay them a whole lot more!
It was approx. 10T when Obama was elected, and increased to approx. 20T when he left. Today it stands 21.689T.

Based on the increase since Trump took office, 6.9T will have been added after Trump serves 8 years. It's still going into the wrong direction, but at least there are signs of improvement.

Trump added 1.27 trillion in the past FY, how the fuck is that slowing down?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
He's almost at 2 years into his Presidency

And he added 1.27 trillion to the debt in his first full Fiscal Year. In the midst of a booming economy.
do you have a link?
And what did the democrats do to reduce the deficit. Nothing
But now we do have a growing economy, and Trump has ordered his departments to slash 5% or more.

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