U.S. Department of Justice, FBI and FDLE to probe Trayvon Martin killing

Salt Jones

Mar 22, 2011
Mounting pressure in Trayvon Martin case succeeds in prompting a federal probe.

The U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division and the FBI will investigate the killing of Miami Gardens teenager Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch volunteer, the department announced late Monday.

The announcement coincided with a statement from Florida Gov. Rick Scott asking the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to offer “appropriate resources” in the case.

U.S. Department of Justice, FBI and FDLE to probe Trayvon Martin killing - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

I guess we now know who runs the "Plantation".
This is a good thing borne of a bad thing. I hope that kid's family finds justice.
So we start with a lie, that a white guy killed him, we add in the fact every oneignores there was fight and that the Hispanic that did shoot him was on the ground with blood on his front and back, ignore the fact the cops found no cause to charge and then call in the feds. I got this right?
Here we go folks..

I heard Sharpton was going to stir up shit over this..
So we start with a lie, that a white guy killed him, we add in the fact every oneignores there was fight and that the Hispanic that did shoot him was on the ground with blood on his front and back, ignore the fact the cops found no cause to charge and then call in the feds. I got this right?

the only "cause" they found not to charge him is that he "said" it was self defense. last i heard one's say so isn't "evidence". and in every case like this, the police wouldn't have handled it properly or the feds wouldn't HAVE to step in.

self defense against what? an unarmed 17 year old kid half the guy's size?

and the 911 tapes show that they told him not to follow the kid. i'm not saying string up the guy, but yes, they should investigate.

not investigating this would allow anyone to claim self-defense so long as no one is looking.
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I agree with you Jillian. However, the travesty is that this never would have made national news if it was reported correctly from the get go. Al Sharpton is staging a rally for this kid. How many innocent teens are killed every single day?
I agree with you Jillian. However, the travesty is that this never would have made national news if it was reported correctly from the get go. Al Sharpton is staging a rally for this kid. How many innocent teens are killed every single day?

This past weekend in Chicago, Jesse Jackson and Obama's back yard, there were 41 shootings which resulted in 10 homicides. One of the deaths was a 6 year old girl.

The same happens in SouthEast Washington, Prince George's County, and every inner city neighborhood in the country. I hope that the truth is revealed and that justice is served for this kid but these matters always bring out the Sharptons of the world. The anti-gunners will also take a stand, demanding that guns be taken from law abiding citizens while the shootings continue in the neighborhoods that the activists and community organizers have pretended to care about for decades.
I agree with you Jillian. However, the travesty is that this never would have made national news if it was reported correctly from the get go. Al Sharpton is staging a rally for this kid. How many innocent teens are killed every single day?

how do you think it wasn't reported correctly?

no parent should be afraid to send their UNARMED kid to the store for fear some vigilante creep from a "neighborhood watch" is going to blow him away for being black.

cause that's really what we have here.
So we start with a lie, that a white guy killed him, we add in the fact every oneignores there was fight and that the Hispanic that did shoot him was on the ground with blood on his front and back, ignore the fact the cops found no cause to charge and then call in the feds. I got this right?
I've read the police found the killer standing OVER the victim; you didn't point out the killer was in his VEHICLE before he got out & followed the unarmed teenager. The teenager's right of self defense is also null & void it appears. FDLE is also involved, FDLE also calls the Feds in when they need Fed resources.
I agree with you Jillian. However, the travesty is that this never would have made national news if it was reported correctly from the get go. Al Sharpton is staging a rally for this kid. How many innocent teens are killed every single day?

And the killers are not brought in for questioning if found standing over the victim? None in my recollection.
Wonder how many blacks that went around the Wisconsin state fair last Summer beating whites got prosecuted?

I'm sick and tired of the hell being raised by national figures when a white or a cop is supposed to have killed some black kid and when blacks commit violence against whites it's swept under the rug.

I don't give a flying fuck about this issue. It's just being used to raise racial tension.
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So we start with a lie, that a white guy killed him, we add in the fact every oneignores there was fight and that the Hispanic that did shoot him was on the ground with blood on his front and back, ignore the fact the cops found no cause to charge and then call in the feds. I got this right?
I've read the police found the killer standing OVER the victim; you didn't point out the killer was in his VEHICLE before he got out & followed the unarmed teenager. The teenager's right of self defense is also null & void it appears. FDLE is also involved, FDLE also calls the Feds in when they need Fed resources.

Reports say the police were there within a minute of the gunshot heard on the 911 tape, and IIRC, at least one of the callers said they saw the shooter standing with his hands up telling the police he'd shot the kid.
They're hoping for somebody to drag some black kid behind a truck or maybe another Katrina right before the election.

This wouldn't even be a story if the guy's father had a hispanic name. Jorge Gonzalez instead of George Zimmerman.
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Wonder how many blacks that went around the Wisconsin state fair last Summer beating whites got prosecuted?

I'm sick and tired of the hell being raised by national figures when a white or a cop is supposed to have killed some black kid and when blacks commit violence against whites it's swept under the rug.

I don't give a flying fuck about this issue. It's just being used to raise racial tension.

I think it is impossible to raise YOUR racial tension.
So we start with a lie, that a white guy killed him, we add in the fact every oneignores there was fight and that the Hispanic that did shoot him was on the ground with blood on his front and back, ignore the fact the cops found no cause to charge and then call in the feds. I got this right?
Now that sharpton and holder are involved its race ... thought we were over this ... ha, see this will never end so why even worry about it we are different!
Wonder how many blacks that went around the Wisconsin state fair last Summer beating whites got prosecuted?

I'm sick and tired of the hell being raised by national figures when a white or a cop is supposed to have killed some black kid and when blacks commit violence against whites it's swept under the rug.

I don't give a flying fuck about this issue. It's just being used to raise racial tension.

I think it is impossible to raise YOUR racial tension.


Having black family members tends to let me see this issue from both sides.
Wonder how many blacks that went around the Wisconsin state fair last Summer beating whites got prosecuted?

I'm sick and tired of the hell being raised by national figures when a white or a cop is supposed to have killed some black kid and when blacks commit violence against whites it's swept under the rug.

I don't give a flying fuck about this issue. It's just being used to raise racial tension.

I think it is impossible to raise YOUR racial tension.


Having black family members tends to let me see this issue from both sides.

No it doesn't.

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