U.S. Department of Justice, FBI and FDLE to probe Trayvon Martin killing

Brian Terry killed by a botched govnt plan and its swept under the rug and get absolutely no help in fact gets the opposite.
This is a local issue that needs to be handled at a local level....and all of you busybodies along with Al Fucken Sharpton and Eric Fast & Furious Holder need to stay the fuck out of it.
I'm wondering why this has to be a federal case.

The 911 Operator told the guy not to follow the man. He did anyway, (after using a racial epitath to describe him) and there was a shooting.

The local police should be investigating this, and for some reason, they aren't.
It needs to be a federal case BECAUSE it was not properly dealt with at the local level.
This is a local issue that needs to be handled at a local level....and all of you busybodies along with Al Fucken Sharpton and Eric Fast & Furious Holder need to stay the fuck out of it.

Yup. Local issue all the way. Let the local cops handle a shooting in their back yard.

Happens all across America every day and you don't see the DOJ or the Feds getting involved in each case.

If the kid had been white or Hispanic it wouldn't even be a blip on anyones radar.

Sharpton is just looking for publicity as always.
The Republicans Party is 90% white. No wonder Republicans on this board are defending the fact an unarmed child was gunned down. Seems he was "walking home while black". A terrible crime no doubt.
I'm wondering why this has to be a federal case.

The 911 Operator told the guy not to follow the man. He did anyway, (after using a racial epitath to describe him) and there was a shooting.

The local police should be investigating this, and for some reason, they aren't.

That is exactly why this has to be a federal case. The was packing heat, had a concealed carry permit, and started the fight with someone half his size, who was obviously a teenager. But the police did not arrest him. Extremely bad cess. The Feds need to be not only investigating the shooter, but also that police department.
This is a local issue that needs to be handled at a local level....and all of you busybodies along with Al Fucken Sharpton and Eric Fast & Furious Holder need to stay the fuck out of it.

Yup. Local issue all the way. Let the local cops handle a shooting in their back yard.

Happens all across America every day and you don't see the DOJ or the Feds getting involved in each case.

If the kid had been white or Hispanic it wouldn't even be a blip on anyones radar.

Sharpton is just looking for publicity as always.
What color is Rick Scott?
This is a local issue that needs to be handled at a local level....and all of you busybodies along with Al Fucken Sharpton and Eric Fast & Furious Holder need to stay the fuck out of it.

Yup. Local issue all the way. Let the local cops handle a shooting in their back yard.

Happens all across America every day and you don't see the DOJ or the Feds getting involved in each case.

If the kid had been white or Hispanic it wouldn't even be a blip on anyones radar.

Sharpton is just looking for publicity as always.

That statement seems so absolute.......such clarity.

Are there any shooting cases that local cops can't handle? Or, does this statement encompass all shootings?
Why is the history of the Sanford Police Department in question?

Sanford PD's officers have suffered a series of public missteps in recent years, according to local reporters. In 2006 two private security guards—the son of a Sanford police officer, and a volunteer for the department—killed a black teen with a single gunshot in his back. Even though they admitted to never identifying themselves, the guards were released without charges. In 2009, after an assailant allegedly attempted to rape a child in her home, the department was called to task for sitting on the suspect's fingerprints, delaying identification and pursuit of the attacker.

Perhaps the most significant incident occurred in late 2010: Justin Collison, the son of a Sanford PD lieutenant, sucker-punched a homeless black man outside a bar, and officers on the scene released Collison without charges. He eventually surrendered after video of the incident materialized online. The police chief at the time was ultimately forced into retirement. "Bottom line, we didn't do our job that night," a Police Department representative told WFTV of the incident. The TV station later learned that the Sanford patrol sergeant in charge on the night of Collison's assault, Anthony Raimondo, was also the first supervisor on the scene of Trayvon Martin's shooting death.

As a result of these incidents and their initial handling of Martin's death, the Sanford Police Department has been under increased scrutiny. Martin's parents have suggested they might call for Police Chief Bill Lee to resign.

The Trayvon Martin Killing, Explained
Why is the history of the Sanford Police Department in question?

Sanford PD's officers have suffered a series of public missteps in recent years, according to local reporters. In 2006 two private security guards—the son of a Sanford police officer, and a volunteer for the department—killed a black teen with a single gunshot in his back. Even though they admitted to never identifying themselves, the guards were released without charges. In 2009, after an assailant allegedly attempted to rape a child in her home, the department was called to task for sitting on the suspect's fingerprints, delaying identification and pursuit of the attacker.

Perhaps the most significant incident occurred in late 2010: Justin Collison, the son of a Sanford PD lieutenant, sucker-punched a homeless black man outside a bar, and officers on the scene released Collison without charges. He eventually surrendered after video of the incident materialized online. The police chief at the time was ultimately forced into retirement. "Bottom line, we didn't do our job that night," a Police Department representative told WFTV of the incident. The TV station later learned that the Sanford patrol sergeant in charge on the night of Collison's assault, Anthony Raimondo, was also the first supervisor on the scene of Trayvon Martin's shooting death.

As a result of these incidents and their initial handling of Martin's death, the Sanford Police Department has been under increased scrutiny. Martin's parents have suggested they might call for Police Chief Bill Lee to resign.
The Trayvon Martin Killing, Explained

Well, well ...
Why am I not surprised that a DOJ headed by a proven racist, Eric Holder, who never met a White person he thought deserved ANY rights, has joined this witch hunt? This is the same Eric Holder who thinks Blacks can't commit the federal offense of voter intimidation? Why am I not surprised at who posted this so gleefully: Salt "I hate White people because they're White" Jones? Why am I not surprised that every liberal here seems to think Black racism is OK? Could it be, because this is the most racist administration America has ever seen? If the victim in this case was White, and the shooter Black, there would not be one peep of protest from the liberals, here, in the media, in government, or anywhere else. It's the Left's dirty little not-so-secret, secret; Whites are all automatically guilty, and all Blacks are innocent victims, according to them. We don't even have all the facts in this case, but let's have a witch hunt and form a lynch mob anyway; let's rush to judgement anyway. The shooter is White, the deceased is Black, so this HAD to be racist, it just HAD to be,....because any other conclusion, however factual, does not fit the liberal narrative. BTW will you liberals please make up your minds whether Hispanic is a separate "race" or whether they're White? I mean, you switch back and forth so much that it's more than a little confusing. I hate to bitch, but you really can't have it both ways, however much you wish you could.
Of course, this is more important to a black goon like Holder than a white Border Agent being killed by Mexican gangs operating inside our border....especially when scum in our own govt gave them the guns.

How many black teens die each day from other blacks??? Holder better get busy, that asswipe.
All these agencies will cooperate in ginning up a case against this guy. There is no need for an investigation. It's political theater. The government is picking winners and losers and manufacturing the case with a predetermined outcome.

Zimmerman admitted shooting the boy. The facts are not in dispute. The investigation isn't into what happened, but for building a case as to what state of mind the government needs in an election year with a black guy running for reelection.
I agree with you Jillian. However, the travesty is that this never would have made national news if it was reported correctly from the get go. Al Sharpton is staging a rally for this kid. How many innocent teens are killed every single day?

Then again, how many young children go missing every single day? How many young children are neglected and killed by their parents? But no doubt, Casey Anthony is the poster child for such situations in your eyes. Would it be nice if every tragedy the country over were to gain enough limelight that each and every innocent victim could be honored and remembered to the same degree? Sure it would. But that's not realistic. When cases like this make national headlines, I hope for justice for the particular victims and their families just as I would for any other case that I maybe never heard of because it didn't garner the same attention. But I also hope that these cases will serve as examples and create more awareness across the rest of our society.
Mounting pressure in Trayvon Martin case succeeds in prompting a federal probe.

The U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division and the FBI will investigate the killing of Miami Gardens teenager Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch volunteer, the department announced late Monday.

The announcement coincided with a statement from Florida Gov. Rick Scott asking the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to offer “appropriate resources” in the case.

U.S. Department of Justice, FBI and FDLE to probe Trayvon Martin killing - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

I guess we now know who runs the "Plantation".

Let me guess. They won't invesitgate the two black kids who poured gasoline on the white kid and set him on fire will they?

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