Is there any question that under Obama we are moving closer and closer to an outright tyranny?

U.S. Drops to 49th in World Press Freedom Rankings Worst Since Obama Became President - The Intercept

Each year, Reporters Without Borders issues a worldwide ranking of nations based on the extent to which they protect or abridge press freedom. The group’s 2015 ranking was released this morning, and the United States is ranked 49th.

That is the lowest ranking ever during the Obama presidency, and the second-lowest ranking for the U.S. since the rankings began in 2002 (in 2006, under Bush, the U.S. was ranked 53rd). The countries immediately ahead of the U.S. are Malta, Niger, Burkino Faso, El Salvador, Tonga, Chile and Botswana.

Some of the U.S.’s closest allies fared even worse, including Saudi Arabia (164), Bahrain (163), Egypt (158), the UAE (120), and Israel (101: “In the West Bank, the Israeli security forces deliberately fired rubber bullets and teargas at Palestinian journalists”; 15 journalists were killed during Israeli attack on Gaza; and “the authorities also stepped up control of programme content on their own TV stations during the offensive, banning a spot made by the Israeli NGO B’Tselem that cited the names of 150 children who had been killed in the Gaza Strip”)

Worse since tea baggers got into our government and GOP took over congress. Maybe people will start showing up to midterms. Nah

I thought the TEA Party was a non-entity already.
Hey did their damage. What has the new congress done so far? Waiting for 2016. Raising money. Distracting you with war because the economy is just fine for them. And you?

Because of the bush great global recession of 2007 were still feeling it. Seniors who have savings not risky inestments are getting less than 1% because of you guys but the rich are doing great. U dumb.
Reporters Without Borders?

How phenomenally dumb is that? To rely on the scum of the earth to grade the scum of the earth?

I assume the OP meant well but -- Dewd...... Think.
You dont think liberal Democrats would lie, do you?

dimocrap scum wake up in the morning lying. They lie while they're taking a shit, they lie to their same-sex partners when they kiss them goodbye, they lie on their way to work, they lie while at work they lie on the way home, they lie at dinner, they lie in their sleep and they wake up in the morning and continue lying.

I don't hate and despise the scum of the earth because of their politics. I seriously don't.

I hate and depsise dimocraps because they are the lyingest scum to ever infest the earth.

dimocraps are the worst human beings to ever live on the surface of this planet.


Oh.... You want to know why?

I'll tell you why they are the worst living organism to ever exist.....

Let's go back to where all this shit started -- The French Revolution.

Was it misguided and corrupt? Yes, but they actually had a legitimate beef. A major beef.

Then there was their devil spawn -- communism. Did the Russian People have a legitimate gripe with the Czar? HELL YES!!

Russia was the only European Country to still practice a Manoral Society. They didn't 'benefit' from being conquered by Napoleon. The Russians had a legit beef. They were starving, just like the French in 1789.

How about the Fascists in Italy? Italy was in deep shit. Mussolini and his acolytes saved Italy from going under -- He made the trains run on time.

Hitler. Hitler prevented Germany from going belly-up.

Again, all these people, all these Take-Downs of existing governments had a basic foundation -- That the existing governments just weren't working and people were literally starving.

Same in Mao's China.

But here? Who's starving here?

We have the most opportunity for the most people of any Country in the History of Mankind. Ever.

Even our POOR live better than a lot of Countries' Rich.

And this is why I hate and despise dimocrap scum.

They really do want to take down this Country. They really do think we're unfair.

They really do want a Revolution a'la France or Russia.

But that failed when the Lying Cockucker's bestest buddies (Ayers, Dohrn, etc) were running the Violent Left back in the 60's and 70's.

So now, they still want the same thing, but they are going about it differently.

Instead of taking over from the outside in, they're taking over from the inside.

Same people. Same goals. Different methods.

I've been watching this shit for over 50 years people. I was knee-deep in it in the 60's

And I'm telling you -- the scum of the earth dimocrap party of today is the Violent, Radical Left of the 60's without the OVERT violence.

Ever notice that when the current SCUM want VIOLENCE that it's just a snap of the finger away?

The Occupy (bowel) Movement? The Black Lives Matter movement?

You think those are spontaneous?

You better think again.

I predict next it will be a La Raza type of violence.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

Reporters Without Borders?

How phenomenally dumb is that? To rely on the scum of the earth to grade the scum of the earth?

I assume the OP meant well but -- Dewd...... Think.
You dont think liberal Democrats would lie, do you?

dimocrap scum wake up in the morning lying. They lie while they're taking a shit, they lie to their same-sex partners when they kiss them goodbye, they lie on their way to work, they lie while at work they lie on the way home, they lie at dinner, they lie in their sleep and they wake up in the morning and continue lying.

I don't hate and despise the scum of the earth because of their politics. I seriously don't.

I hate and depsise dimocraps because they are the lyingest scum to ever infest the earth.

dimocraps are the worst human beings to ever live on the surface of this planet.


Oh.... You want to know why?

I'll tell you why they are the worst living organism to ever exist.....

Let's go back to where all this shit started -- The French Revolution.

Was it misguided and corrupt? Yes, but they actually had a legitimate beef. A major beef.

Then there was their devil spawn -- communism. Did the Russian People have a legitimate gripe with the Czar? HELL YES!!

Russia was the only European Country to still practice a Manoral Society. They didn't 'benefit' from being conquered by Napoleon. The Russians had a legit beef. They were starving, just like the French in 1789.

How about the Fascists in Italy? Italy was in deep shit. Mussolini and his acolytes saved Italy from going under -- He made the trains run on time.

Hitler. Hitler prevented Germany from going belly-up.

Again, all these people, all these Take-Downs of existing governments had a basic foundation -- That the existing governments just weren't working and people were literally starving.

Same in Mao's China.

But here? Who's starving here?

We have the most opportunity for the most people of any Country in the History of Mankind. Ever.

Even our POOR live better than a lot of Countries' Rich.

And this is why I hate and despise dimocrap scum.

They really do want to take down this Country. They really do think we're unfair.

They really do want a Revolution a'la France or Russia.

But that failed when the Lying Cockucker's bestest buddies (Ayers, Dohrn, etc) were running the Violent Left back in the 60's and 70's.

So now, they still want the same thing, but they are going about it differently.

Instead of taking over from the outside in, they're taking over from the inside.

Same people. Same goals. Different methods.

I've been watching this shit for over 50 years people. I was knee-deep in it in the 60's

And I'm telling you -- the scum of the earth dimocrap party of today is the Violent, Radical Left of the 60's without the OVERT violence.

Ever notice that when the current SCUM want VIOLENCE that it's just a snap of the finger away?

The Occupy (bowel) Movement? The Black Lives Matter movement?

You think those are spontaneous?

You better think again.

I predict next it will be a La Raza type of violence.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.


Who wakes up angry? But I don't think you are lying. I think you are wrong. You truly believe the shit coming out your mouth.
The one problem I have with Reagan is that he defeated the Soviets and communism peacefully.

In WWII, we fought and destroyed MILLIONS of Nazis. After the War, they were outlawed and hunted down like the vermin they were.

That didn't happen after our Victory over scumbag communists. Millions of them survive(d)

So the disease lives on. It wasn't destroyed, it wan't fire-bombed, it wasn't put on Public Trial, it's disgusting practitioners weren't dogged and hunted down to extinction.

A shame
The one problem I have with Reagan is that he defeated the Soviets and communism peacefully.

In WWII, we fought and destroyed MILLIONS of Nazis. After the War, they were outlawed and hunted down like the vermin they were.

That didn't happen after our Victory over scumbag communists. Millions of them survive(d)

So the disease lives on. It wasn't destroyed, it wan't fire-bombed, it wasn't put on Public Trial, it's disgusting practitioners weren't dogged and hunted down to extinction.

A shame
So Reagan never won the cold war. Like the Taliban and al quida still exists. They just went away for a little bit.
And bush 1 should have finished off Saddam. Rounded up all his boys. Yea that worked.

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