U.S. government has been secretly buying large amounts of sensitive and intimate information on it's citizens from 3rd party data providers.

The American government is collecting data on American citizens?


So evidently the US government is stocking up on very intimate and personal data on American citizens person lives. As in a lot of it. But sounds like it's worse than I expected. And as we move more to a digitized age I expect a lot more, especially when the current administration finally forces a switch to a digital currency, we will all essentially be naked in front of the government.

The only real shock here is they are buying it and not just having it handed to them.
This cartoon always made me laugh.

I can't believe it is eleven years old now.

This is such old news. . . .

Google talks to NSA​

Where do the corporations end, and the government agencies start?

Who knows anymore. . . . . .
The American government is collecting data on American citizens?


So evidently the US government is stocking up on very intimate and personal data on American citizens person lives. As in a lot of it. But sounds like it's worse than I expected. And as we move more to a digitized age I expect a lot more, especially when the current administration finally forces a switch to a digital currency, we will all essentially be naked in front of the government.

Hillary Clinton has been the role model of one who collects information on other people so she can destroy them in one of the worst destructive benges ever done. She has been First Lady who was too high and mighty to bake cookies for friends, became a Secretary of State who somehow managed not to help out a Middle East American Embassy, and her "answers" to almost anything has been either "I forget" or "what difference does it make?" And I don't know who did it, but I got hacked online by some kind of criminals who tried to use my information to take money from my bank account, and was somehow associated with an outfit "Telecheck" who blacklisted me and told Walmart, Tractor Supply (I have a farm) and Home Depot not to honor first, my credit card, and second, my checks. I've been a strong voice against the lies of the deep state, and I have a feeling my blacklistings have the smelly hatred of left on them, because I've never cheated anyone in my whole life, and retired from a business whose only star was making quilts for veterans of foreign wars, a handicapped day care center, and currently, for fatherless babies at the local women's health center. In fact, I worked on one all night last night instead of sleeping to help another unborn child to have a warm quilt blanket this winter. I loved working on it. It's all orange in honor of my alma mater at Oregon State University, where I had the best human health science and physical education teachers in the whole wide world. It pains me to hear of Oregon falling prey to stunts of politics, as for some reason it now seems to be a one-party State like California. So I just pray every day for our country, for drivers to drive safely on the highways and byways of America, hoping they will be conscientious drivers who strive to practice all they know about safety when traveling wherever they go. I so love our America, and when I retired in 2009, my husband and I moved back home to be near my sister who was dying of cancer so I could hug her and help her get back on her feet again. When I got back, she doubled down on beating cancer, and was clean of the disease for 5 years of good health, only to die suddenly of COPD 3 months after my husband passed away. It was a hard hit, but I became devoted to my church and making baby blankets for charity since I lost the love of my life and the best sister anyone could ever have in 2016. I decided to continue my husband's politics as a conservative and found USMB a very comforting place to speak with other Americans. Not to offend anyone, but I think the government misuses information it gets on people to hammer whoever their political adversaries are who disapprove of letting lies and narratives filled with lies to drive the vote.
Pedo Joe and the authoritarian Democratic party of slavery now will have your car spy on you, monitoring your vehicle's interior.
The only real shock here is they are buying it and not just having it handed to them.
Why? It is all tax payer money, and it is all corruption in the end.

What is the difference between lobbyists for silicon valley getting tax breaks for this or that, or some federal agency giving this or that tech company, a pay-out for data?

IN the end, IN-Q-TEL failed projects, are as much a pork project, as buying metadata, regardless of its usefulness.

And the folks that sit at the top of those government agencies, will in the next few years, be staffing the top divisions of those corporations, and those in the corporations, come back in turn . . . . why is that any shock, at all that these outlays would get approved? It is a totally incestuous relationship. The whole system RUNS on money.

Of course they are going to get paid, the whole system runs on that back of the tax payer, or on increasing the national debt.

It could never work if it was free, as the article stated, then, it would potentially be a violation of the 4th Amendment.

". . . Perhaps most controversially, the report states that the government believes it can “persistently” track the phones of “millions of Americans” without a warrant, so long as it pays for the information. Were the government to simply demand access to a device's location instead, it would be considered a Fourth Amendment “search” and would require a judge's sign-off. But because companies are willing to sell the information—not only to the US government but to other companies as well—the government considers it “publicly available” and therefore asserts that it “can purchase it.”

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