U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks -officials

Russia Russia Russia :lmao:


Again, no argument at all, just mocking.

Fake news deserves a fake news response:

Unnamed officials familiar with the Trump transition team, who spoke on the conditions of anonymity, have denied this story.

So you're making stuff up now?

Unnamed officials familiar with the classified report, have doubts. that's all I can say. Why don't you believe these unnamed sources? they are familiar with the report!

Soooo you believe "unnamed officials"

Well I have it from my sources, high up in some unnamed organization, and these people are clearly unnamed sources, that in fact the Russians are aliens and it was the aliens who done it. There, must be true, as it came from unnamed sources that are MORE unnamed than your unnamed sources.
U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks -officials

In some cases, one official said, the material followed what was called “a circuitous route” from the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency, to WikiLeaks in an apparent attempt to make the origins of the material harder to trace, a common practice used by all intelligence agencies, including U.S. ones.

These handoffs, the officials said, enabled WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to say the Russian government or state agencies were not the source of the material published on his website.

U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks -officials

Time for Trump to wake up and stop playing the dog and pony show.
Like we are not hacking them? You are just butt hurt that the scandalous e mails were authentic. It's over and done. Get used to it.

Would you like your personal and work emails to be made public?

Wouldn't bother me much. I think it only bothers liars, cheaters and pedophiles, and I know LAKHOTA isn't a liar or a cheater....hmm.
...and we are still left with emails accurately describing the activities of the DNC. Basically you are calling the Russians narks.
U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks -officials

In some cases, one official said, the material followed what was called “a circuitous route” from the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency, to WikiLeaks in an apparent attempt to make the origins of the material harder to trace, a common practice used by all intelligence agencies, including U.S. ones.

These handoffs, the officials said, enabled WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to say the Russian government or state agencies were not the source of the material published on his website.

U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks -officials

Time for Trump to wake up and stop playing the dog and pony show.

And how does any of this change the fact
where the SOURCE of the ORIGINAL CONTENT of the leaked emails came from?

Had anyone ALTERED the content, you might have an argument this manipulated the
election campaign beyond the fault of the people exposed.

Why is all the focus on the source of the leak
and not on the SOURCE OF THE CONTENT!!!

It's because the dirt on the Republicans wasn't released as well. It wasn't a fair playing field.

Again... if people don't think the emails had an effect on the election, then why were they here bragging how much damage they were doing at the time of the release? Yet now that the election is over and things are being investigated, the emails didn't make a difference? There is a whole thread about this showing different threads related specifically to released emails at the time.
Russia Russia Russia :lmao:


Again, no argument at all, just mocking.

This matter has been settled frigidweirdo,


Oh, settled... you mean you've decided it is so, so you won't bother talking about it? Wow, that's some explanation for your bullshit.

It's very tiring to go over loony left fake news a thousand times .....

It wasn't Russia.

Deal with it. :dunno:

Oh, now the insults come out.

It wasn't Russia. PROVE IT.

Russia Russia Russia :lmao:


Again, no argument at all, just mocking.

Fake news deserves a fake news response:

Unnamed officials familiar with the Trump transition team, who spoke on the conditions of anonymity, have denied this story.

So you're making stuff up now?

Unnamed officials familiar with the classified report, have doubts. that's all I can say. Why don't you believe these unnamed sources? they are familiar with the report!

Soooo you believe "unnamed officials"

Well I have it from my sources, high up in some unnamed organization, and these people are clearly unnamed sources, that in fact the Russians are aliens and it was the aliens who done it. There, must be true, as it came from unnamed sources that are MORE unnamed than your unnamed sources.

That is why this story, who cite UNNAMED SOURCES!!!!!! is FAKE NEWS.

Good for you. You're catching on.
It's because the dirt on the Republicans wasn't released as well. It wasn't a fair playing field.

Again... if people don't think the emails had an effect on the election, then why were they here bragging how much damage they were doing at the time of the release? Yet now that the election is over and things are being investigated, the emails didn't make a difference? There is a whole thread about this showing different threads related specifically to released emails at the time.

The Republicans had internet security. Did not use password for the password, stuff like that.
Again, no argument at all, just mocking.

This matter has been settled frigidweirdo,


Oh, settled... you mean you've decided it is so, so you won't bother talking about it? Wow, that's some explanation for your bullshit.

It's very tiring to go over loony left fake news a thousand times .....

It wasn't Russia.

Deal with it. :dunno:

Oh, now the insults come out.

It wasn't Russia. PROVE IT.


I don't need to. I didn't say it was Russia.

The person saying it IS Russia needs to back themselves up. I'll wait until there's proof before I make a claim that it is someone.
trumps stooges and rubes are fifth columnists

A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group—such as a nation or a besieged city—from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack.

Unless they are pro- Hillary, then you would call them protestors
Again, no argument at all, just mocking.

Fake news deserves a fake news response:

Unnamed officials familiar with the Trump transition team, who spoke on the conditions of anonymity, have denied this story.

So you're making stuff up now?

Unnamed officials familiar with the classified report, have doubts. that's all I can say. Why don't you believe these unnamed sources? they are familiar with the report!

Soooo you believe "unnamed officials"

Well I have it from my sources, high up in some unnamed organization, and these people are clearly unnamed sources, that in fact the Russians are aliens and it was the aliens who done it. There, must be true, as it came from unnamed sources that are MORE unnamed than your unnamed sources.

That is why this story, who cite UNNAMED SOURCES!!!!!! is FAKE NEWS.

Good for you. You're catching on.

Not necessarily. Sometimes sources have to be unnamed in order to protect the person who doesn't want to be identified for a variety of reasons.

The point here is that you have to look at things and make judgements.

You can decided that an unnamed source is true. You can decided it's fake. You can decide to sit on the fence.
Ok all the left wing loons want to see Russia hung out to dry if these allegations are true because their actions might have influenced the election.

Well if we are to take the Russians to task shouldn't the DNC be punished along with the media for actively rigging the primary for Hillary?

Their actions manipulated the primary to ruin Bernie Sanders. Shouldn't there be penalties?
This matter has been settled frigidweirdo,


Oh, settled... you mean you've decided it is so, so you won't bother talking about it? Wow, that's some explanation for your bullshit.

It's very tiring to go over loony left fake news a thousand times .....

It wasn't Russia.

Deal with it. :dunno:

Oh, now the insults come out.

It wasn't Russia. PROVE IT.


I don't need to. I didn't say it was Russia.

The person saying it IS Russia needs to back themselves up. I'll wait until there's proof before I make a claim that it is someone.

But fake news doesn't wait.....they report the rumor ....that's not news.

That's why it's FAKE NEWS.

The same CIA that wrote all the talking points for Susan Rice over Benghazi blaming it on a video?

:lmao: :lol: :lmao:

The same James Clapper that assured us that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization?

:lmao: :lol: :lmao:

The same James Clapper that lied about the NSA spy program?

:lmao: :lol: :lmao:


The same source that declared convincingly that the United States had irrefutable evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction ....and within five months, that claim had been convincingly refuted.

Warmongers. That's all.

colin powell showing a vial of anthrax at the U.N. in 2003
Last edited:
Russia Russia Russia :lmao:


Again, no argument at all, just mocking.

Fake news deserves a fake news response:

Unnamed officials familiar with the Trump transition team, who spoke on the conditions of anonymity, have denied this story.

So you're making stuff up now?

Unnamed officials familiar with the classified report, have doubts. that's all I can say. Why don't you believe these unnamed sources? they are familiar with the report!

OK.We see you, and recognize you're an idiot. You don't have to keep posting the same silly shit.
U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks -officials

In some cases, one official said, the material followed what was called “a circuitous route” from the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency, to WikiLeaks in an apparent attempt to make the origins of the material harder to trace, a common practice used by all intelligence agencies, including U.S. ones.

These handoffs, the officials said, enabled WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to say the Russian government or state agencies were not the source of the material published on his website.

U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks -officials

Time for Trump to wake up and stop playing the dog and pony show.

And how does any of this change the fact
where the SOURCE of the ORIGINAL CONTENT of the leaked emails came from?

Had anyone ALTERED the content, you might have an argument this manipulated the
election campaign beyond the fault of the people exposed.

Why is all the focus on the source of the leak
and not on the SOURCE OF THE CONTENT!!!

Or the fact that the Reuters story above says that BY OCTOBER -- it became clear to (apparently US Intel) -- but the FBI INFORMED the DNC that they were being probed almost SIX MONTHS before that !!!!!

It's awfully hard to recreate a chain of custody for the purloined data if the crime happened that long ago. Unless -- we've got wires into every nook and cranny of Russia and can play back 4 or 7 month old intel intercepts.
U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks -officials

In some cases, one official said, the material followed what was called “a circuitous route” from the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency, to WikiLeaks in an apparent attempt to make the origins of the material harder to trace, a common practice used by all intelligence agencies, including U.S. ones.

These handoffs, the officials said, enabled WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to say the Russian government or state agencies were not the source of the material published on his website.

U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks -officials

Time for Trump to wake up and stop playing the dog and pony show.

And how does any of this change the fact
where the SOURCE of the ORIGINAL CONTENT of the leaked emails came from?

Had anyone ALTERED the content, you might have an argument this manipulated the
election campaign beyond the fault of the people exposed.

Why is all the focus on the source of the leak
and not on the SOURCE OF THE CONTENT!!!

Or the fact that the Reuters story above says that BY OCTOBER -- it became clear to (apparently US Intel) -- but the FBI INFORMED the DNC that they were being probed almost SIX MONTHS before that !!!!!

It's awfully hard to recreate a chain of custody for the purloined data if the crime happened that long ago. Unless -- we've got wires into every nook and cranny of Russia and can play back 4 or 7 month old intel intercepts.

You're grabbing at straws there junior.
Oh, settled... you mean you've decided it is so, so you won't bother talking about it? Wow, that's some explanation for your bullshit.

It's very tiring to go over loony left fake news a thousand times .....

It wasn't Russia.

Deal with it. :dunno:

Oh, now the insults come out.

It wasn't Russia. PROVE IT.


I don't need to. I didn't say it was Russia.

The person saying it IS Russia needs to back themselves up. I'll wait until there's proof before I make a claim that it is someone.

But fake news doesn't wait.....they report the rumor ....that's not news.

That's why it's FAKE NEWS.


And isn't it up to the reader to figure out what is fake and what is rumor? But most people don't. They just decide what fits their agenda. It's not necessarily fake. It's only fake once it gets into their head.

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