U.S. Leans Toward Providing Abrams Tanks to Ukraine

Really? Did Russia get a fresh batch of conscripts they intend to make into cannon fodder?
It's the Ukrainians who are being turned into cannon fodder by the West, in its proxy war against Russia. Hopefully this conflict will finally escalate to a direct confrontation between the West and Russia. WW3 will do the West a lot of good.
abrams tanks.jpg
It's the Ukrainians who are being turned into cannon fodder by the West, in its proxy war against Russia. Hopefully this conflict will finally escalate to a direct confrontation between the West and Russia. WW3 will do the West a lot of good.
It's the Ukrainians who are being turned into cannon fodder by the West, in its proxy war against Russia. Hopefully this conflict will finally escalate to a direct confrontation between the West and Russia. WW3 will do the West a lot of good.
Russia is conscripting men, giving them next to no training, next to no supplies, next to no information and dropping them off at the front lines only to be annihilated when they meet Ukrainian artillery because they have no maps and no idea where they are.

Ukrainians are fighting for their country. They’re not doing it for us.
No more proxy wars, that's for hypocrites and punks. Confront your enemy head on and fight them. Don't hide behind Ukraine, fight Russia once and for all.
Go tell ukraine and Russia and stop telling us. We don't give a damn.
Russia is conscripting men, giving them next to no training, next to no supplies, next to no information and dropping them off at the front lines only to be annihilated when they meet Ukrainian artillery because they have no maps and no idea where they are.

Ukrainians are fighting for their country. They’re not doing it for us.

You're obviously living in a fantasy world. Millions of Russian men are volunteering to go fight people like you in Ukraine. You're oblivious to what is about to happen to Ukraine, the tool that you're hiding behind to fight Russia.
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You're obviously living in a fantasy world. Millions of Russian men are volunteering to go fight people like you in Ukraine. You're oblivious to what is about to happen to Ukraine, the took that you're hiding behind to fight Russia.
If they were volunteering, Russia wouldn’t have resorted to conscription.

That and emptying the jails, sending convicts to the front line.

These aren’t secrets. These are facts. We’ve seen interviews with them. We’ve seen videos of recruiting from jails.
If they were volunteering, Russia wouldn’t have resorted to conscription.

That and emptying the jails, sending convicts to the front line.

These aren’t secrets. These are facts. We’ve seen interviews with them. We’ve seen videos of recruiting from jails.

The Wagner group did that. During Vietnam and WW2, criminals in the US, were also given the choice between prison and serving in combat. So what? What we're seeing now in Russia is a combination of mobilization and conscription. Russia is preparing for a direct confrontation with NATO. Despite any draft, there are many Russians lining up to fight Westerners like yourself in Ukraine. Shortly we're all going to see Russia's ability to open a can of whoop-ass. I can't wait, it's going to be marvelous. I look forward to the West's direct confrontation with "Russia the weakling".
At this point, shouldn't we just go in and fight the war ourselves? It will be done quicker, more efficiently, and cost us less if we do --- That is, of course, sarcasm, as I think we are already in way too far in the Ukraine matter...WAY TOO FAR. But if we are going to be pragmatic and cost-effective, it is worth considering doing it ourselves. Thus, it is only a matter of time before we are subjected to wholesale support from people demanding that we start bombing Russia.
At this point, shouldn't we just go in and fight the war ourselves? It will be done quicker, more efficiently, and cost us less if we do --- That is, of course, sarcasm, as I think we are already in way too far in the Ukraine matter...WAY TOO FAR. But if we are going to be pragmatic and cost-effective, it is worth considering doing it ourselves. Thus, it is only a matter of time before we are subjected to wholesale support from people demanding that we start bombing Russia.

That's right, let's do this. America should go to war with Russia. WW3, let's get this on now. Sounds like a great idea.

You're obviously living in a fantasy world. Millions of Russian men are volunteering to go fight people like you in Ukraine. You're oblivious to what is about to happen to Ukraine, the tool that you're hiding behind to fight Russia.
Millions of Ruskie men (and women) oppose what Pootin' is doing to Ukraine. Now, Ukraine does not really bother me. I think the west ought to keep our noses out of that corner of the world and let shit-head have Ukraine. It is not in America's national interest to get into a proxy war with Russia. It is too disruptive. What strikes me the most about Vladdy's operation in Ukraine is just how sorry his military is today. Without Russia's nuclear arsenal, even the EU alone could just walk into Russia and conquer it in a month or so. Or maybe Poland could align with Hungary and the remnants of Czechoslovakia, roll into Russia, and kick Russia's ass with some sling-shots and pellet guns. The only thing that keeps me from labeling Russia a third-world S-Hole country besides the nukes is the fact that Russia hosts vast resources. But take away the nukes and the diminish the resources and you are essentially left with ... Mexico.

I am REALLY disappointed with Putin and the Russian military. They have been far outpaced by western technology. Before the current war started I was telling everybody that Putin would have the operation completed with an unequivocal victory over Ukraine in less than one month. What a total asshole I feel like now! I thought Russia still had an effective conventional military. But I was wrong. They do not. Now Putin has to rely on his nukes for his stature, thereby implicitly admitting that his military sucks relative to what western countries have. We gave those goofballs in Ukraine some our our equipment and they are kicking Putin's butt. What do you think would happen if America was present in the theater? Putin would be DESTROYED in a conventional war against the USA. PATHETIC!!!! What would he do? He would use his nuclear arsenal, including mega-ton warheads on ICBMs. Why? Because shit-head would rather go out a cowardly mass-murderer than accept defeat. That is a pretty sad person right there in the form of Putin...der untermensche indeed. What a fucking loser. This whole Ukraine fiasco has really lowered my opinion of Putin and Russia. They are uncivilized, 19th century miscreants.
The Wagner group did that. During Vietnam and WW2, criminals in the US, were also given the choice between prison and serving in combat. So what? What we're seeing now in Russia is a combination of mobilization and conscription. Russia is preparing for a direct confrontation with NATO. Despite any draft, there are many Russians lining up to fight Westerners like yourself in Ukraine. Shortly we're all going to see Russia's ability to open a can of whoop-ass. I can't wait, it's going to be marvelous. I look forward to the West's direct confrontation with "Russia the weakling".
The Wagner group couldn’t give people pardons and clean out prisons without the state authorizing them to do so.

The conscripts are barely given working guns and small amounts of ammo. They don’t even give them maps half the time.

The Russian army has seriously depleted itself in terms of effective manpower and weapons. Now they’re going to have to face sophisticated armor from the west. Just compare a Bradley IFV to a Russian BMP. There’s no contest.

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