U.S. Leans Toward Providing Abrams Tanks to Ukraine

It's the Ukrainians who are being turned into cannon fodder by the West, in its proxy war against Russia. Hopefully this conflict will finally escalate to a direct confrontation between the West and Russia. WW3 will do the West a lot of good
Well, I'll certainly say this about a possible nuclear Armageddon: at least it will finally kill off the commies. I mean, let's face it, if Pooty launches his ICBMs at us, it will be his suicide. Even if he goes first and has a ton of warheads on his ridiculously hyped, Flash Gordon-eque "super-duper-sonic" missiles (ridiculous because ...EVERBODY HAS THEM! DeRp!), the west can still reasonably rely on Russia's ICBMs and warheads suffering an absurdly high failure rate. Upon the USA detecting a widescale ICBM launch even in Russia, we could hypothetically sit back, take the hit, and then retaliate with catastrophic consequences to Russia. In other words, Russia lacks first strike capacity. It always has. Then when you consider that probably half of the ICBMs will probably not make it the USA, instead falling into the ocean or blowing up in their silos, and half of the warheads that do make it will malfunction, I say: go ahead, Pooty! Sign your death warrant. Launch away, shit-head! LOL!!
Millions of Ruskie men (and women) oppose what Pootin' is doing to Ukraine. Now, Ukraine does not really bother me. I think the west ought to keep our noses out of that corner of the world and let shit-head have Ukraine. It is not in America's national interest to get into a proxy war with Russia. It is too disruptive. What strikes me the most about Vladdy's operation in Ukraine is just how sorry his military is today. Without Russia's nuclear arsenal, even the EU alone could just walk into Russia and conquer it in a month or so. Or maybe Poland could align with Hungary and the remnants of Czechoslovakia, roll into Russia, and kick Russia's ass with some sling-shots and pellet guns. The only thing that keeps me from labeling Russia a third-world S-Hole country besides the nukes is the fact that Russia hosts vast resources. But take away the nukes and the diminish the resources and you are essentially left with ... Mexico.

I am REALLY disappointed with Putin and the Russian military. They have been far outpaced by western technology. Before the current war started I was telling everybody that Putin would have the operation completed with an unequivocal victory over Ukraine in less than one month. What a total asshole I feel like now! I thought Russia still had an effective conventional military. But I was wrong. They do not. Now Putin has to rely on his nukes for his stature, thereby implicitly admitting that his military sucks relative to what western countries have. We gave those goofballs in Ukraine some our our equipment and they are kicking Putin's butt. What do you think would happen if America was present in the theater? Putin would be DESTROYED in a conventional war against the USA. PATHETIC!!!! What would he do? He would use his nuclear arsenal, including mega-ton warheads on ICBMs. Why? Because shit-head would rather go out a cowardly mass-murderer than accept defeat. That is a pretty sad person right there in the form of Putin...der untermensche indeed. What a fucking loser. This whole Ukraine fiasco has really lowered my opinion of Putin and Russia. They are uncivilized, 19th century miscreants.

We spent 20 years in Afghanistan and now the Taliban is back in power. Over ten years in Vietnam and what happened? The communist won, fighting the US wearing sandals, and armed with Kalashnikovs. Your post is just a bunch of cheap Western rhetoric. If Russia is so weak and incompetent, what is America and its NATO toy waiting for? Go ahead already and fight Russia. Don't hide behind Ukraine, fighting Russia till the last Ukrainian. Go fight Russia the supposed weakling. Stop being a coward and fight Russia.

Sure there are millions of Russians against the war in Ukraine. So what? Russia has a population of 145 million people. It's a country with a large population so of course you're going to have 10%, 20% of its population being against one of its wars, whatever that war might be. Taking the higher figure of 20% that's close to 30 million people being against the war. That's a lot of people, right? But 80% are for the war. Why don't you mention that? Putin's popularity and approval rating is through the roof in Russia and Biden's is crap. Many Western leaders have horrible approval raitings.

If the US government and the EU, it's vassal bitch-toy, continue arming Zelensky, it's going to lead to a direct confrontation with Russia. I hope that happens, if the West continues arming Ukraine and using it as a proxy to wage war against Russia, cowardly killing Russians through Ukraine. The satisfaction that I will get from seeing Westerners like you ruined or better yet, pulverized and glowing in the dark, on account of WW3 with Russia, is worth it. Even if I am reduced to ashes before you, those moments before the missiles strike, will provide me with indescribable bliss, knowing all of you "woke" liberal filth are going to be wiped out shortly after me. Seeing the liberals panicking on MSNBC before they're forced off the air by that Russian nuke, will be cathartic for me and worth every particle of glowing dust that I will be reduced to when it's my turn. It will be worth it.

Last Ukrainian.png
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Stalin tried to establish good relations with Nazi Germany to avoid a catastrophic war.

Lie, 2 despots were socialists and loved each-other
In West Berlin, on Heinrich Dernburg Street, among other “memorial plaques” that commemorate the names of the victims of Nazism, there is a brass plate with several dates engraved. It is tucked away in the place where the house of the businessman, Max Zucker, stood before the war. When Adolf Hitler came to power, he decided to emigrate from Germany and moved in with his son, who lived in the Soviet Union. The decision had fatal consequences, says Dmitry Volcek, editor-in-chief at svoboda.org.

In 1937, in Moscow, the NKVD accused M. Zucker of espionage, arrested him, and deported him to Nazi Germany in 1939, following the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. At the border, he was turned over to the Gestapo staff. Since Zucker was a Jew born in Poland, he was sent to the Warsaw Ghetto. On October 23, 1941, he was fatally beaten in the street in the ghetto by the SS.

Documents recently uncovered in the Ukrainian SSR KGB archives opened to investigators after the 2014 revolution, show how the NKVD handed over to Gestapo German refugees hoping to find deliverance from Hitler in the Soviet Union.

One such document is a protocol signed on January 5, 1938, by the People’s Commissar for Internal Affairs of the USSR, Nikolai Yezhov, and the USSR prosecutor, Andrey Vishinsky, listing the names of 45 German, Austrian and foreign nationals condemned to expulsion from the USSR. After Joseph Stalin and Hitler became allies in 1939, refugees were betrayed and given to the Nazis as if by a conveyor. By the summer of 1941, the NKVD had sent hundreds of people to Germany. Many of them were members of Hitler’s defeated the German Communist Party. Stalin handed over communists and Jews, who had sought refuge in the Soviet Union, to Hitler."

do you agree that sralin killed more and enslaved more than hitler ?

Is It Time to Invest in TANKS? Who Makes the tanks USA, UK, & Germany are Sending Ukraine?​

We spent 20 years in Afghanistan and now the Taliban is back in power. Over ten years in Vietnam and what happened? The communist won, fighting the US wearing sandals, and armed with Kalashnikovs. Your post is just a bunch of cheap Western rhetoric. If Russia is so weak and incompetent, what is America and its NATO toy waiting for? Go ahead already and fight Russia. Don't hide behind Ukraine, fighting Russia till the last Ukrainian. Go fight Russia the supposed weakling. Stop being a coward and fight Russia.

Sure there are millions of Russians against the war in Ukraine. So what? Russia has a population of 145 million people. It's a country with a large population so of course you're going to have 10%, 20% of its population being against one of its wars, whatever that war might be. Taking the higher figure of 20% that's close to 30 million people being against the war. That's a lot of people, right? But 80% are for the war. Why don't you mention that? Putin's popularity and approval rating is through the roof in Russia and Biden's is crap. Many Western leaders have horrible approval raitings.

If the US government and the EU, it's vassal bitch-toy, continue arming Zelensky, it's going to lead to a direct confrontation with Russia. I hope that happens, if the West continues arming Ukraine and using it as a proxy to wage war against Russia, cowardly killing Russians through Ukraine. The satisfaction that I will get from seeing Westerners like you ruined or better yet, pulverized and glowing in the dark, on account of WW3 with Russia, is worth it. Even if I am reduced to ashes before you, those moments before the missiles strike, will provide me with indescribable bliss, knowing you and all of you "woke" liberal filth are going to be wiped out shortly after me. Seeing the liberals panicking on MSNBC before they're forced off the air by that Russian nuke, will be cathartic for me and worth every particle of glowing dust that I will be reduced to when it's my turn. It will be worth it.

Hey, man, I agree. We (the USA) ought not be arming those ding-dongs in Ukraine. You get ZERO disagreement from me on this. I am perfectly fine with letting Pooty Baby take Ukraine. He can fight his stupid war, a bunch of Ruskies and Cossacks die...who cares?!? It means nothing to America's national interests. We are getting involved to (1) distract the electorate from domestic matters; and (2) create immense wealth to for the oligarchs of the American military-industrial complex. Moreover, on a humanitarian level (for academic purposes only, as I don't actually care), our involvement will only prolong the war and the suffering. I say, let them fight and be done with it.
Lie, 2 despots were socialists and loved each-other
In West Berlin, on Heinrich Dernburg Street, among other “memorial plaques” that commemorate the names of the victims of Nazism, there is a brass plate with several dates engraved. It is tucked away in the place where the house of the businessman, Max Zucker, stood before the war. When Adolf Hitler came to power, he decided to emigrate from Germany and moved in with his son, who lived in the Soviet Union. The decision had fatal consequences, says Dmitry Volcek, editor-in-chief at svoboda.org.

In 1937, in Moscow, the NKVD accused M. Zucker of espionage, arrested him, and deported him to Nazi Germany in 1939, following the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. At the border, he was turned over to the Gestapo staff. Since Zucker was a Jew born in Poland, he was sent to the Warsaw Ghetto. On October 23, 1941, he was fatally beaten in the street in the ghetto by the SS.

Documents recently uncovered in the Ukrainian SSR KGB archives opened to investigators after the 2014 revolution, show how the NKVD handed over to Gestapo German refugees hoping to find deliverance from Hitler in the Soviet Union.

One such document is a protocol signed on January 5, 1938, by the People’s Commissar for Internal Affairs of the USSR, Nikolai Yezhov, and the USSR prosecutor, Andrey Vishinsky, listing the names of 45 German, Austrian and foreign nationals condemned to expulsion from the USSR. After Joseph Stalin and Hitler became allies in 1939, refugees were betrayed and given to the Nazis as if by a conveyor. By the summer of 1941, the NKVD had sent hundreds of people to Germany. Many of them were members of Hitler’s defeated the German Communist Party. Stalin handed over communists and Jews, who had sought refuge in the Soviet Union, to Hitler."

do you agree that sralin killed more and enslaved more than hitler ?

Is It Time to Invest in TANKS? Who Makes the tanks USA, UK, & Germany are Sending Ukraine?​

A lot of silly rhetoric and misinformation.
Hey, man, I agree. We (the USA) ought not be arming those ding-dongs in Ukraine. You get ZERO disagreement from me on this. I am perfectly fine with letting Pooty Baby take Ukraine. He can fight his stupid war, a bunch of Ruskies and Cossacks die...who cares?!? It means nothing to America's national interests. We are getting involved to (1) distract the electorate from domestic matters; and (2) create immense wealth to for the oligarchs of the American military-industrial complex. Moreover, on a humanitarian level (for academic purposes only, as I don't actually care), our involvement will only prolong the war and the suffering. I say, let them fight and be done with it.

Yeah, that's how it should be, but unfortunately, we have corrupt, incompetent leadership in this country, supported by a significant % of brainwashed Americans. If our government continues with its current policy of arming Zelensky, it's likely we're going to end up fighting WW3 with Russia and perhaps China as well. It's going to be catastrophic, in every way imaginable. Nuked to the stone age. Watch planet of the apes or Mad Max, that's where we're heading, assuming we don't become extinct.
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Hey, man, I agree. We (the USA) ought not be arming those ding-dongs in Ukraine. You get ZERO disagreement from me on this. I am perfectly fine with letting Pooty Baby take Ukraine. He can fight his stupid war, a bunch of Ruskies and Cossacks die...who cares?!? It means nothing to America's national interests. We are getting involved to (1) distract the electorate from domestic matters; and (2) create immense wealth to for the oligarchs of the American military-industrial complex. Moreover, on a humanitarian level (for academic purposes only, as I don't actually care), our involvement will only prolong the war and the suffering. I say, let them fight and be done with it.
Stalin tried to establish good relations with Nazi Germany to avoid a catastrophic war. That war occurred when Germany invaded Soviet Russia, in 1941, with four million troops in Operation Barbarossa, through Ukraine, resulting in the death of 27 million Soviets, mostly Russian.

American's don't understand.
We've never lost near 27 million in a war!

But it doesn't mean that it can't happen. At least from where I sit. Any chaos is possible with Sippy Cup.
sure ivan

Russia has a sovereign fiat currency hence it will never run out of money. The budgetary constraints of the Russian government are based on its GDP. Russia's production capacity is currently more than capable of sustaining an extended war in Ukraine, but this war is going to be over soon. Russia is going to win it.

1sweden Chicken Booty.png
Yeah, that's how it should be, but unfortunately, we have corrupt, incompetent leadership in this country, supported by a significant % of brainwashed Americans. If our government continues with its current policy of arming Zelensky, it's likely we're going to end up fighting WW3 with Russia and perhaps China as well. It's going to be catastrophic, in every way imaginable. Nuked to the stone age. Watch planet of the apes or Mad Max, that's where we're heading, assuming we don't become extinct.

If we allow an aggressor nation to benefit from their aggression, then it will continue. The aggressor needs to have its ass kicked back into its own country. Ukraine is defending europe, and by extension, the entire western world.

If we allow an aggressor nation to benefit from their aggression, then it will continue. The aggressor needs to have its ass kicked back into its own country. Ukraine is defending europe, and by extension, the entire western world.

No, it's not, because Russia has no plans of invading Western Europe or any other nation. It's not Russia that has 700+ military bases and installations around the world, it's the United States. It's the US who is the world's saber rattler and bully hegemon, not Russia. The US is right now in Eastern Syria, controlling the nation's oil reserves, not Russia. Russia's military was in Syria with permission from Syria's government. The Russians have a naval base in Syria, with the complete consent of the Syrian government. It's the US that invaded Syria illegally and if that wasn't enough, Iraq as well, in 2003, after imposing twelve years of brutal sanctions on the country and taking the lives of over a million Iraqis.

The United States has zero moral high ground upon which to stand and point fingers at Russia.

You ignore what occurred in 2014 with the American-led coup, when the ultra-nationalists of the Svoboda Party and the Right Sector, took control of the Ukrainian government, pretty much by force and coercion, threatening politicians. Even Zelensly, the president of Ukraine, tried to disarm the right-wing paramilitary groups who were shelling the Donbas and they laughed in his face, and treated him like a clown.

The footage of Zelensky debating with ultra-nationalists, to put down their arms and stop shelling the Donbas, is presented in the following video:

That's the "commander and chief" of Ukraine? He can't even use law enforcement to stop these Neo-Nazi terrorists. Why? Because these ultra-nationalists, with their swastika tattoos, have Ukrainian politicians terrorized. A significant % of the Security Service of Ukraine (Служба безпеки України, romanized: Sluzhba bezpeky Ukrainy) or SBU (Ukrainian: СБУ), is ultra-nationalist. They're either directly involved with far-right groups or are in agreement with their nationalistic, anti-Russian ideology.

Why should Russia allow the United States to have its way in Ukraine, using it as a bulwark against Russia? The 2014 coup replaced Viktor Yanukovych, a democratically elected president who was friendly towards Russia (or at least neutral), with Petro Poroshenko, a Russian-hating ultra-nationalist, that sent his thugs to Eastern Ukraine in an attempt to force the Russo-Ukrainians to accept his authority. Why should the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea, accept the results of the 2014 American-led coup? Why should they accept an American/Western puppet coup regime that hates everything they are, as Russo-Ukrainians, i.e. Ukrainians that identify with Russia, ethnically, culturally, linguistically, historically..etc. Why should ethnic Russians of Eastern Ukraine, accept the outcome of a Western-led coup? The Ukrainian ultra-nationalist paramilitary thugs, supported by the United States, went to war with the ethnic Russians of the Donbas, trying to take it over and eliminate every vestige of Russian culture in the region.

We also have the Kyiv coup government's refusal to implement the Minsk-2 agreement, which would grant autonomy to the Russo-Ukrrainians of the Donbas, allowing them to preserve their Russian heritage and not be bullied or eliminated by the Kyiv government. It's not so much a refusal by the Kyiv government than simply an inability to implement it due to the threats and activities of the ultra-nationalists, that as you saw in the above video, essentially told Zelensky, their president, to go fuck himself. German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted a few months ago that the Minsk agreements weren't meant to be implemented. It was a ploy to give the Kyiv government more time to arm itself with American weapons and continue fighting the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas, to take that "rebellious" region over and place it under the authority of the anti-Russian, American coup puppet in Kyiv.

Then we have the issue of NATO, a cold war dinosaur, military alliance, trying to turn Ukraine and other countries on Russia's border into its launching pads. Why should Russia allow the United States to turn Ukraine into a giant NATO base? NATO, whether you recognize it or not, is considered by the Russian government as a hostile, anti-Russian military alliance, geared operationally and strategically to fight Russia. Why the heck would the Russians allow NATO to encircle it, as it has been doing for the last 20+ years? The US and its Western European allies took advantage of Russia after the illegal dissolution of the Soviet Union when it was in a weakened if not chaotic state, unable to effectively defend itself or bring any leverage to the negotiating table, and that of course all changed under Vladimir Putin's leadership.

Putin nationalized Russia's energy sector and either kicked out the oligarchs or forced them under his heel, prohibiting them from getting involved in politics. Russia has billionaires, but they're under Putin's watch and control, and that is what allowed Russia to increase its GDP severalfold since 2000 and become a world power again.

The United States has been trying to balkanize Russia, splitting it into many republics, since the cold war.

Russia has every right to defend itself against the US and its attempt to destroy it. Russia will not allow Ukraine to become a NATO base or for the Western Ukrainians to ethnically cleanse Eastern Ukraine of its Russo-Ukrainian population. Really, why do most American liberals hate Russia so much? Is it because it invaded the Ukrainian Donbas? No. It's because of this:



The Russian government under Putin, is very, socially conservative. Russia in general is a socially conservative culture and doesn't allow what you see in the above two pictures. A bunch of naked, crazy homosexuals, parading their filth in the streets or sexualizing children. They're not going to do that shit in Moscow or anywhere else. The American liberals hate Russia because it's not culturally "liberal" enough. It's not "woke" enough, it's not LGBTQ-friendly enough, it's not feminist-friendly enough. That's really the source of their rage and hatred against Russia, the fact that the Russians, in general, aren't going to put up with their sick shit. They don't allow homosexuals to adopt children and groom children. Not in Russia.


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No, it's not, because Russia has no plans of invading Western Europe or any other nation. It's not Russia that has 700+ military bases and installations around the world, it's the United States. It's the US who is the world's saber rattler and bully hegemon, not Russia. The US is right now in Eastern Syria, controlling the nation's oil reserves, not Russia. Russia's military was in Syria with permission from Syria's government. The Russians have a naval base in Syria, with the complete consent of the Syrian government. It's the US that invaded Syria illegally and if that wasn't enough, Iraq as well, in 2003, after imposing twelve years of brutal sanctions on the country and taking the lives of over a million Iraqis.

The United States has zero moral high ground upon which to stand and point fingers at Russia.

You ignore what occurred in 2014 with the American-led coup, when the ultra-nationalists of the Svoboda Party and the Right Sector, took control of the Ukrainian government, pretty much by force and coercion, threatening politicians. Even Zelensly, the president of Ukraine, tried to disarm the right-wing paramilitary groups who were shelling the Donbas and they laughed in his face, and treated him like a clown.

The footage of Zelensky debating with ultra-nationalists, to put down their arms and stop shelling the Donbas, is presented in the following video:

That's the "commander and chief" of Ukraine? He can't even use law enforcement to stop these Neo-Nazi terrorists. Why? Because these ultra-nationalists, with their swastika tattoos, have Ukrainian politicians terrorized. A significant % of the Security Service of Ukraine (Служба безпеки України, romanized: Sluzhba bezpeky Ukrainy) or SBU (Ukrainian: СБУ), is ultra-nationalist. They're either directly involved with far-right groups or are in agreement with their nationalistic, anti-Russian ideology.

Why should Russia allow the United States to have its way in Ukraine, using it as a bulwark against Russia? The 2014 coup replaced Viktor Yanukovych, a democratically elected president who was friendly towards Russia (or at least neutral), with Petro Poroshenko, a Russian-hating ultra-nationalist, that sent his thugs to Eastern Ukraine in an attempt to force the Russo-Ukrainians to accept his authority. Why should the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea, accept the results of the 2014 American-led coup? Why should they accept an American/Western puppet coup regime that hates everything they are, as Russo-Ukrainians, i.e. Ukrainians that identify with Russia, ethnically, culturally, linguistically, historically..etc. Why should ethnic Russians of Eastern Ukraine, accept the outcome of a Western-led coup? The Ukrainian ultra-nationalist paramilitary thugs, supported by the United States, went to war with the ethnic Russians of the Donbas, trying to take it over and eliminate every vestige of Russian culture in the region.

We also have the Kyiv coup government's refusal to implement the Minsk-2 agreement, which would grant autonomy to the Russo-Ukrrainians of the Donbas, allowing them to preserve their Russian heritage and not be bullied or eliminated by the Kyiv government. It's not so much a refusal by the Kyiv government than simply an inability to implement it due to the threats and activities of the ultra-nationalists, that as you saw in the above video, essentially told Zelensky, their president, to go fuck himself. German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted a few months ago that the Minsk agreements weren't meant to be implemented. It was a ploy to give the Kyiv government more time to arm itself with American weapons and continue fighting the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas, to take that "rebellious" region over and place it under the authority of the anti-Russian, American coup puppet in Kyiv.

Then we have the issue of NATO, a cold war dinosaur, military alliance, trying to turn Ukraine and other countries on Russia's border into its launching pads. Why should Russia allow the United States to turn Ukraine into a giant NATO base? NATO, whether you recognize it or not, is considered by the Russian government as a hostile, anti-Russian military alliance, geared operationally and strategically to fight Russia. Why the heck would the Russians allow NATO to encircle it, as it has been doing for the last 20+ years? The US and its Western European allies took advantage of Russia after the illegal dissolution of the Soviet Union when it was in a weakened if not chaotic state, unable to effectively defend itself or bring any leverage to the negotiating table, and that of course all changed under Vladimir Putin's leadership.

Putin nationalized Russia's energy sector and either kicked out the oligarchs or forced them under his heel, prohibiting them from getting involved in politics. Russia has billionaires, but they're under Putin's watch and control, and that is what allowed Russia to increase its GDP severalfold since 2000 and become a world power again.

The United States has been trying to balkanize Russia, splitting it into many republics, since the cold war.

Russia has every right to defend itself against the US and its attempt to destroy it. Russia will not allow Ukraine to become a NATO base or for the Western Ukrainians to ethnically cleanse Eastern Ukraine of its Russo-Ukrainian population. Really, why do most American liberals hate Russia so much? Is it because it invaded the Ukrainian Donbas? No. It's because of this:

The Russian government under Putin, is very, socially conservative. Russia in general is a socially conservative culture and doesn't allow what you see in the above two pictures. A bunch of naked, crazy homosexuals, parading their filth in the streets or sexualizing children. They're not going to do that shit in Moscow or anywhere else. The American liberals hate Russia because it's not culturally "liberal" enough. It's not "woke" enough, it's not LGBTQ-friendly enough, it's not feminist-friendly enough. That's really the source of their rage and hatred against Russia, the fact that the Russians, in general, aren't going to put up with their sick shit. They don't allow homosexuals to adopt children and groom children. Not in Russia.

Zelensky is jewish, so what little neo-nazis were there, they're of little consequence. Similar to the neo-nazis right here in the USA.

But russia gaining territory is a big deal for all of europe. This is why Finland and Sweden want to join NATO. Most of the EU is united in reducing russian oil consumption or eliminating it.

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