U.S. Life Expectancy Falls for Second Consecutive Year

Is an advertising campaign an adequate response to America's drug OD death problem?

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  • Don't know/Unsure

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We are also victims of our prosperity. The number one killer in America is heart disease, by a long shot.
Drug use and overdose deaths are entirely voluntary. Aside from an advertising campaign, which worked with cigarettes, there isn't much else that can be done. A crackdown on drug smugglers. Increased penalties for drug pushers. Yes, but not much else. People have to, they just have to say no. They have to stop using drugs on their own.

This is very much like overeating. You look at these people that are 600, 700 pounds or more and wonder why they just didn't stop shoveling food into their mouths and how does society prevent them from doing so?
Some of those deaths are from bad dope. So not all of those deaths are "voluntary"

If the person used the drug, the drug use was voluntary. The only drug use not voluntary is when someone holds an innocent person down and forcibly injects it into them or forces the pills down their throat.
What i was getting at is, they arent "volunteering" to die.
They are and perhaps once they realize that it might be incentive to stop.
480,000 people die from cigarette smoking each year in the US.

That dwarfs the opiod deaths by more than ten to one.

Now THAT is what I call an addiction. Nicotine is incredibly difficult to kick. As difficult as heroin.
How Drug Companies Flooded West Virginia With Opioid Pills

Drug wholesalers sent 780 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills into West Virginia over six years, according to an investigation by the Charleston Gazette-Mail.

Meanwhile, 1,728 West Virginians died from overdoses of these two powerful painkillers.

“I was surprised that some of the smallest pharmacies had some of the biggest numbers,” Eyre said. For example, nearly 9 million hydrocodone pills to one pharmacy in Kermit, W.Va., population 392.

Time to toss some pharmaceutical execs into prison.
If any pharmaceutical exec has forced anyone to take an opioid they should hang.
How Drug Companies Flooded West Virginia With Opioid Pills

Drug wholesalers sent 780 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills into West Virginia over six years, according to an investigation by the Charleston Gazette-Mail.

Meanwhile, 1,728 West Virginians died from overdoses of these two powerful painkillers.

“I was surprised that some of the smallest pharmacies had some of the biggest numbers,” Eyre said. For example, nearly 9 million hydrocodone pills to one pharmacy in Kermit, W.Va., population 392.

Time to toss some pharmaceutical execs into prison.
If any pharmaceutical exec has forced anyone to take an opioid they should hang.
They have flooded West Virginia knowing they are feeding an epidemic. Just to make money.

They are as evil as El Chapo and Pablo Escobar.

They should hang.
480,000 people die from cigarette smoking each year in the US.

That dwarfs the opiod deaths by more than ten to one.

Now THAT is what I call an addiction. Nicotine is incredibly difficult to kick. As difficult as heroin.

Deflection fail. Cigarette smokers can quit too. But there isn't a cigarette overdose.
How Drug Companies Flooded West Virginia With Opioid Pills

Drug wholesalers sent 780 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills into West Virginia over six years, according to an investigation by the Charleston Gazette-Mail.

Meanwhile, 1,728 West Virginians died from overdoses of these two powerful painkillers.

“I was surprised that some of the smallest pharmacies had some of the biggest numbers,” Eyre said. For example, nearly 9 million hydrocodone pills to one pharmacy in Kermit, W.Va., population 392.

Time to toss some pharmaceutical execs into prison.
If any pharmaceutical exec has forced anyone to take an opioid they should hang.
They have flooded West Virginia knowing they are feeding an epidemic. Just to make money.

They are as evil as El Chapo and Pablo Escobar.

They should hang.
Have you got a person they held down until they got high ? Do you feel the same way about pot?
The last time the U.S. had a downturn at all was over two decades ago. The last time we had a two consecutive year downturn was 1962-63, which was over 50 years ago.

The reason for this downturn? The reason is drug overdoses (mostly opiods) which have soared up to previously unseen heights. And if the trend continues next year, and based on current statistics and trends there's no reason to believe it won't continue, the US will see the worst life expectancy statistics since the Spanish flu epidemic of one hundred years ago.

US life expectancy drops for second year in a row - CNN

Luckily, our president has a solution. It's a big beautiful advertising campaign. How many people think an advertising campaign is an adequate response to the scale and the scope of the problem?

Well, obummer led people to die in the first place, so the first thing to do is let the people know that obummer is gone (the advertising part) and then cure the problems that obummer created to make peoples lives better.
The last time the U.S. had a downturn at all was over two decades ago. The last time we had a two consecutive year downturn was 1962-63, which was over 50 years ago.

The reason for this downturn? The reason is drug overdoses (mostly opiods) which have soared up to previously unseen heights. And if the trend continues next year, and based on current statistics and trends there's no reason to believe it won't continue, the US will see the worst life expectancy statistics since the Spanish flu epidemic of one hundred years ago.

US life expectancy drops for second year in a row - CNN

Luckily, our president has a solution. It's a big beautiful advertising campaign. How many people think an advertising campaign is an adequate response to the scale and the scope of the problem?

Well, obummer led people to die in the first place, so the first thing to do is let the people know that obummer is gone (the advertising part) and then cure the problems that obummer created to make peoples lives better.
A troll mod! Cool!

"Obama's gone....addiction, solved!"
480,000 people die from cigarette smoking each year in the US.

That dwarfs the opiod deaths by more than ten to one.

Now THAT is what I call an addiction. Nicotine is incredibly difficult to kick. As difficult as heroin.

Deflection fail. Cigarette smokers can quit too. But there isn't a cigarette overdose.

It's called cancer.
The last time the U.S. had a downturn at all was over two decades ago. The last time we had a two consecutive year downturn was 1962-63, which was over 50 years ago.

The reason for this downturn? The reason is drug overdoses (mostly opiods) which have soared up to previously unseen heights. And if the trend continues next year, and based on current statistics and trends there's no reason to believe it won't continue, the US will see the worst life expectancy statistics since the Spanish flu epidemic of one hundred years ago.

US life expectancy drops for second year in a row - CNN

Luckily, our president has a solution. It's a big beautiful advertising campaign. How many people think an advertising campaign is an adequate response to the scale and the scope of the problem?
Wasn’t Jared supposed to fix that problem???? ( along with brokering peace in the ME and 7 other jobs.)
The last time the U.S. had a downturn at all was over two decades ago. The last time we had a two consecutive year downturn was 1962-63, which was over 50 years ago.

The reason for this downturn? The reason is drug overdoses (mostly opiods) which have soared up to previously unseen heights. And if the trend continues next year, and based on current statistics and trends there's no reason to believe it won't continue, the US will see the worst life expectancy statistics since the Spanish flu epidemic of one hundred years ago.

US life expectancy drops for second year in a row - CNN

Luckily, our president has a solution. It's a big beautiful advertising campaign. How many people think an advertising campaign is an adequate response to the scale and the scope of the problem?
Ironically, this is generally a trump voter base, if they could leave the drugs alone long enough to vote.
Aside from an advertising campaign, which worked with cigarettes, there isn't much else that can be done

Spot on! Well, aside from addiction treatment, limiting over-prescription of opioid medicine, cracking down on the fentanyl black market, and providing narcan to every first responder, hospital, and family of addicts...

...but otherwise, spot on!

None of which addresses the major cause of drug use which is the drug user. I oppose treatment centers and oppose providing first responders with narcan, families can do what they want, including locking the addict up in the basement.

There is no way around it. People have to stop using drugs IF THEY ARE EVER TO STOP USING DRUGS. Making others responsible only promotes more drug use.
“ The major cause of drug use is the drug user.”
Who said there aren’t intellectual DEPLORABLES!
Big Pharma pushed this scourge on us to make money . The family that owns OxyContin are billionaires now .

Most addicts started wh doctor approved scripts . Yet you don’t see this level of addiction in other countries.
The last time the U.S. had a downturn at all was over two decades ago. The last time we had a two consecutive year downturn was 1962-63, which was over 50 years ago.

The reason for this downturn? The reason is drug overdoses (mostly opiods) which have soared up to previously unseen heights. And if the trend continues next year, and based on current statistics and trends there's no reason to believe it won't continue, the US will see the worst life expectancy statistics since the Spanish flu epidemic of one hundred years ago.

US life expectancy drops for second year in a row - CNN

Luckily, our president has a solution. It's a big beautiful advertising campaign. How many people think an advertising campaign is an adequate response to the scale and the scope of the problem?

Well, obummer led people to die in the first place, so the first thing to do is let the people know that obummer is gone (the advertising part) and then cure the problems that obummer created to make peoples lives better.
I see there’s no IQ test here to become a mod.
They must just close their eyes a pick another dunce from the basket of deplorables.
Big Pharma pushed this scourge on us to make money . The family that owns OxyContin are billionaires now .

Most addicts started wh doctor approved scripts . Yet you don’t see this level of addiction in other countries.
Remember when Trump promised his cult he’d lower the prices on pharmaceuticals?
That was until he got paid a visit in the Oval Office by the Big Pharma swamp.
Swamp drowned the orange fraud.

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