U.S. Life Expectancy Falls for Second Consecutive Year

Is an advertising campaign an adequate response to America's drug OD death problem?

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The last time the U.S. had a downturn at all was over two decades ago. The last time we had a two consecutive year downturn was 1962-63, which was over 50 years ago.

The reason for this downturn? The reason is drug overdoses (mostly opiods) which have soared up to previously unseen heights. And if the trend continues next year, and based on current statistics and trends there's no reason to believe it won't continue, the US will see the worst life expectancy statistics since the Spanish flu epidemic of one hundred years ago.

US life expectancy drops for second year in a row - CNN

Luckily, our president has a solution. It's a big beautiful advertising campaign. How many people think an advertising campaign is an adequate response to the scale and the scope of the problem?
Wasn’t Jared supposed to fix that problem???? ( along with brokering peace in the ME and 7 other jobs.)

Jared's probably going to end up in prison just like his father. Maybe he and Don Jr. can share a cell.
480,000 people die from cigarette smoking each year in the US.

That dwarfs the opiod deaths by more than ten to one.

Now THAT is what I call an addiction. Nicotine is incredibly difficult to kick. As difficult as heroin.

Deflection fail. Cigarette smokers can quit too. But there isn't a cigarette overdose.
Mike Pence is on record saying cigarettes don’t cause cancer. I’m sure you agree. It’s your DUTY and OBLIGATION to agree.
Of course while Pence was saying that as governor, Big Tobacco was stuffing tens of thousands of dollars in his pockets.
Tell me again how that drain the swamp thing works again?
The last time the U.S. had a downturn at all was over two decades ago. The last time we had a two consecutive year downturn was 1962-63, which was over 50 years ago.

The reason for this downturn? The reason is drug overdoses (mostly opiods) which have soared up to previously unseen heights. And if the trend continues next year, and based on current statistics and trends there's no reason to believe it won't continue, the US will see the worst life expectancy statistics since the Spanish flu epidemic of one hundred years ago.

US life expectancy drops for second year in a row - CNN

Luckily, our president has a solution. It's a big beautiful advertising campaign. How many people think an advertising campaign is an adequate response to the scale and the scope of the problem?
Wasn’t Jared supposed to fix that problem???? ( along with brokering peace in the ME and 7 other jobs.)

Jared's probably going to end up in prison just like his father. Maybe he and Don Jr. can share a cell.
Jared is on the list. And Mueller is checking it twice.
How Drug Companies Flooded West Virginia With Opioid Pills

Drug wholesalers sent 780 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills into West Virginia over six years, according to an investigation by the Charleston Gazette-Mail.

Meanwhile, 1,728 West Virginians died from overdoses of these two powerful painkillers.

“I was surprised that some of the smallest pharmacies had some of the biggest numbers,” Eyre said. For example, nearly 9 million hydrocodone pills to one pharmacy in Kermit, W.Va., population 392.

Time to toss some pharmaceutical execs into prison.
Big Pharma is just as bad as the Mexican drug cartels, but few know it.

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