U.S. man killed by Mexican Pirates on Border Lake


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
U.S. man killed by Mexican Pirates on Border Lake

On Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010 tragedy struck a beautiful Colorado couple. David Michael Hartley, 30 and his wife Tiffany Hartley, 29, were on a Texas lake shared with Mexico. Mr. Hartley was shot in the back of the head and thought to be killed and Mrs. Hartely barely escaped death.

The incident happened on Falcon lake which is a 60 mile long border lake that Texas shares with Mexico. The young couple moved to McAllen, Texas 5 months ago and had planned to return home to Colorado in 2 weeks. Mr. Hartley worked in the oil business. Falcon Lake is about 60 miles from Laredo, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs Hartley took jet ski's to the Mexican side of the lake and they were sightseeing and picture taking of a historic landmark, the Church in Old Guerrero. They got on their jet ski's and were returning to the U.S. side of the lake.

They were about 5 or 6 miles from the Texas shoreline when they saw, 6 armed Mexican pirate gunmen in two speed boats approaching them. The couple didn't speak to them but fled as fast as they could go. The gunmen opened fire upon the young couple with suspected high power fire arms, A-K47's and/or AR-15's. They hit David Michael Hartley in the back of the head.

Tiffany tried turning back for her husband but the Mexican pirates started shooting at her. She was force to leave her husband behind or lose her life. The Pirates chased her and may have crossed the into U.S. waters while trying to kill her.

Tiffany Hartley went to the first lake house she could find and called police. She told authorities she's afraid her husband was dead and that the shooting took place 5 or 6 miles from the Texas shoreline.

Texas authorities say, "Mr. Hartley's fate is unclear but it's believed he has been killed." Mr. Hartley's body has not been found on the U.S. side of the lake and it's unknown whether the Mexican authorities are even searching for him. I wonder if it's possible if the Mexican pirates fished him out of the lake, or if he could possibly still be alive. If he was alive it probably wasn't for long.

A Texas sheriff contacted the Mexican consulate and ask them to look for Mr. Hartley. "He said there was nothing else he could do."
In April, May and August of this year, pirates robbed other boaters at gun point, the Mexican pirates ask for drugs and stole money and possessions.

The pirates have been seen with the words, "Game Wardin" misspelled on the side of their boat written in duct tape. There have been 5 different incidents with Mexican pirates on the lake this year. In May 5 armed pirates robbed a boat on the American side of the lake. I say, this is getting out of hand. These pirates are using techniques used by seasoned Somali pirates hi-jacking oil tankers.

Authorities say, the Mexican pirate use Mexican fishermen with bigger boats to tow them so, they can get close to American tourist and local boaters and fishermen.

Nothing seems to being done about this atrocity except a briefing by state Rep. Aaron Pena, who suggested Americans stay off the lake completely. The pro-immigration Texas Gov. Perry peeped up and said, "Their is a need to secure the border."

I hope the American public will become in raged with these kind of terrorists attacks on our sovereignty and demand that our ports and borders be guarded and ALL illegal aliens be deported.


(A picture of the couple can be found here.)

Sheriff: Mexican Lake Pirates Shoot U.S. Man
Fate of Pleasure-Boater Uncertain after He, Wife Chased, Shot at by Armed Men on Border Lake


Sheriff: Pirates shoot U.S. man in Mexican waters
Tourist is shot in the back of the head after being ambushed

Search resumes for US man shot in Mexican waters

'I couldn't pull him up': Wife's agony as she abandons her husband after he is shot by Mexican pirates while jet-skiing

Tiffany Hartley's choice: Husband and wife shot by Mexican pirates on Falcon Lake | Mail Online

The Mexican police have Not looked for the body of David Michael Hartley because the engine of their boat was missing. The story at the link say, Mrs. Hartley flung herself into the water and was trying to lift her husband on her jet ski when the pirates started firing at her. She barely escaped with her life, leaving her husband in the water with a bullet hole in the back of his head.

They were high school sweethearts and had been married for 8 years. See the pictures at the link above.
Are you people so naive as to think that MEXICO even cares???? Especially being that it was an AMERICAN??? Wake up and get real. We are open season for every country who sees fit to destroy us little by little and one at a time if necessary. Have we done anything about all the killings that have taken place in this country by mexicans in years past? I think not! So I say to you - WAKE UP to the reality! I will leave it to you to figure out what that is.
I don't mean to be cynical...but I certainly hope that he didn't have an abnormally large life insurance policy.

Just sayin'...
not a single leftist came in to lament his death. I was not wrong. Sux to be you xotoxi. loxi.

'I couldn't pull him up': Wife's agony as she abandons her husband after he is shot by Mexican pirates while jet-skiing

Tiffany Hartley's choice: Husband and wife shot by Mexican pirates on Falcon Lake | Mail Online

The Mexican police have Not looked for the body of David Michael Hartley because the engine of their boat was missing. The story at the link say, Mrs. Hartley flung herself into the water and was trying to lift her husband on her jet ski when the pirates started firing at her. She barely escaped with her life, leaving her husband in the water with a bullet hole in the back of his head.

They were high school sweethearts and had been married for 8 years. See the pictures at the link above.

And they will not let US look for the body. What message is Mexico sending us? They killed this man for no other reason than he was an american. When is enough, enough?
I am a leftist and i deplore what mexico did to this man. Need my voter's registration?
Now the mexicans are saying - 'what man'? - NO man here'! They refuse to let the USA help them look for and retrieve the body cause of course now they have one more american victim in THEIR hands!! Idiots - their stupidity knows NO bounds! Can anybody see why that God forsaken country is in the pits of HELL?


I have been pissed since I 1st heard about this "incident"... which ought to be an INTERNATIONAL incident at that!

Why the Hell are'nt we (THE U.S. Gov't) down there recovering that mans body, and just DARING the Mexican fuck-ups to make a move!!!????
THEY took the body! And have any of you heard what they do to dead bodies when they don't want them found? I will leave it to your imagination. Gosh! It's alot easier to accuse the wife of lying than to have to face the killers! What does that tell you about the level that this country has now fallen? Where are the men with guts of yesteryear??? God help us all.
Now you clowns have a 1 1,000 of the understanding that middle easterners murdered in the thousands by us for oil are going through.
Two suspects have been identified:

You mean she did not lie???? Feature that!!! I hope she sues all the doubters!!! Idiots! As I said before, they much rather call her a liar than call mexican criminals killers! No surprise there.
This is why David Hartleys body will never be found:

"Another brutal means of torture and death is called “guisoe.” This practice involves putting a person into a 55 gallon drum, usually dead, but not always, and pouring various flammable liquids over the body and lighting it on fire."

Department Of Homeland Security Report on the drug cartels and illegal aliens.
A small Excerpt from Page 12.

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