U.S. Marines test all-male squads against mixed-gender squads: Results are bleak

Doubtful. SWAT teams rarely include females and it's for the same reaoson....they don't shoot as well. They have smaller weaker hands. Accurate shooting requires many things...but a firm strong grip is crucial, especially with combat weapons (sniper rifles much different...women can easily do that just as well).

Pistols, shotguns, AR15....women almost never shoot as well and no amount of training will grow their hands to be larger and stronger.
Well, save money and buy smaller weapons or make them smaller for women. But with ground war becoming obsolete due to drones and other technologies, even men may no longer be needed in ground combat situations
So you want to go with inaccurate weapons, as apposed to direct fire, and increased civilian casualties?

How undemocratic..

Are you a war criminal?

A smaller weapon does not necessarily equate to inaccuracy. Further, with increasing technological innovations collateral damage could be kept to a minimum, possibly even more than when ground troops are deployed.
State YOUR service...
Retired Military...that is all YOU need to know... now, state yours!
7 yrs US Army
libs for 25 years trying to say the sexes are equal. they are clearly not. same with blacks and whites- clearly whites are superior; just a fact.
If USMB is an indicator, you certainly don't measure up to the standards Blacks have shown here. Every Black that I know here is superior to you in every way! In fact they rank with the best in every facet of message board decorum and scholarship! That is just a fact!
Well, save money and buy smaller weapons or make them smaller for women. But with ground war becoming obsolete due to drones and other technologies, even men may no longer be needed in ground combat situations
So you want to go with inaccurate weapons, as apposed to direct fire, and increased civilian casualties?

How undemocratic..

Are you a war criminal?

A smaller weapon does not necessarily equate to inaccuracy. Further, with increasing technological innovations collateral damage could be kept to a minimum, possibly even more than when ground troops are deployed.
State YOUR service...
Retired Military...that is all YOU need to know... now, state yours!
7 yrs US Army

I won't ask why you got out... But it is hard to believe you have become so hardcore against Blacks having served with them for so long in the Army! Once you go back to civilian life I guess it is easy to forget the black guys who had your back when the chips were down, eh?
Anyone truly surprised ?
It won't matter at all though, we don't fight wars to win anyway.

The US Marines tested all-male squads against mixed-gender ones, and the results were pretty bleak

In 2013, the US military lifted its ban on women serving in combat. Shortly after, the Marine Corps began what it calls an “unprecedented research effort” to understand the impact of gender integration on its combat forces. That took the form of a year-long experiment called the Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force, in which 400 Marines—100 of them female—trained for combat together and then undertook a simulated deployment, with every facet of their experience measured and scrutinized.

All branches of the military are facing a January 1, 2016, deadline to open all combat roles to women. The Marine Corps is using this experiment to decide whether to request exceptions to that mandate.The Corps’ summary of the experiment, posted online today by NPR, concludes that combat teams were less effective when they included women.

Overall, the report says, all-male teams and crews outperformed mixed-gender ones on 93 out of 134 tasks evaluated. All-male teams were universally faster “in each tactical movement.” On “lethality,” the report says:

All-male 0311 (rifleman) infantry squads had better accuracy compared to gender-integrated squads. There was a notable difference between genders for every individual weapons system (i.e. M4, M27, and M203) within the 0311 squads, except for the probability of hit & near miss with the M4.


All-male infantry crew-served weapons teams engaged targets quicker and registered more hits on target as compared to gender-integrated infantry crew-served weapons teams, with the exception of M2 accuracy.


All-male squads, teams and crews and gender-integrated squads, teams, and crews had a noticeable difference in their performance of the basic combat tasks of negotiating obstacles and evacuating casualties. For example, when negotiating the wall obstacle, male Marines threw their packs to the top of the wall, whereas female Marines required regular assistance in getting their packs to the top. During casualty evacuation assessments, there were notable differences in execution times between all-male and gender-integrated groups, except in the case where teams conducted a casualty evacuation as a one-Marine fireman’s carry of another (in which case it was most often a male Marine who “evacuated” the casualty)

The report also says that female Marines had higher rates of injury throughout the experiment.

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Such conclusions may be disheartening to proponents of gender integration in combat, and certainly put a damper on the news that the Army’s ranger school recently graduated its first female soldiers. The tests come with at least one important caveat: As the Marine Corps Times notes, many of of the male study participants had previously served in combat units, whereas female participants, by necessity, came directly from infantry schools or from noncombat jobs.

The US Marines tested all-male squads against mixed-gender ones, and the results were pretty bleak
the last paragraph is what makes the test complete bullshit.

You can't put combat Vets up against boots and expect the boots to compete.

History is dotted with female soldiers and warriors. Hell, so of the most feared and ruthless were all female.

aside from that, women have no place on the front lines, they don't have the strength to carry wounded out.
So you want to go with inaccurate weapons, as apposed to direct fire, and increased civilian casualties?

How undemocratic..

Are you a war criminal?

A smaller weapon does not necessarily equate to inaccuracy. Further, with increasing technological innovations collateral damage could be kept to a minimum, possibly even more than when ground troops are deployed.
State YOUR service...
Retired Military...that is all YOU need to know... now, state yours!
7 yrs US Army

I won't ask why you got out... But it is hard to believe you have become so hardcore against Blacks having served with them for so long in the Army! Once you go back to civilian life I guess it is easy to forget the black guys who had your back when the chips were down, eh?
I happen to have a lot of black friends...

I'm just prejudiced against racist idiots, and you fit that bill....
libs for 25 years trying to say the sexes are equal. they are clearly not. same with blacks and whites- clearly whites are superior; just a fact.
If USMB is an indicator, you certainly don't measure up to the standards Blacks have shown here. Every Black that I know here is superior to you in every way! In fact they rank with the best in every facet of message board decorum and scholarship! That is just a fact!
Omg lolol.
Why test a mixed gender Marine unit against an all male Marine unit?

That's not who they'd ever be fighting against.
I would pay serious money to see a bull dyke Marine take on Obiwan, Rabbi, or Koshergrl, in hand to hand combat. The amusement value alone would boost troop morale.
But whether or not they can toss grammas is irrelevant. The discussion is how valuable are they in the field...and the answer is...they're a liability.

What I wonder is what happens when you have three men and one woman in a foxhole all day long and she has to go to the bathroom. Leaving the foxhole means almost certainly getting shot. What does the woman do?
What the fuck? You must be a special kind of stupid.

I think it's a pretty good question. Taking care of bodily functions in mixed company in a war situation is asking for trouble. Also, women will normally just get in the way when they try to do a man's work. They don't have the size or strength and it's only imbeciles who think that women can physically cut the mustard. And then there will be the constant complaints about sexual harrassment. I know, the Army found a couple women that can keep up with the pack. Out of how many tens of thousands?

Not to mention pregnancies. What happens when women get pregnant in the field during a war situation?
Funny thing is, if I was going to wage war I'd send young men to die in droves as young women are far too valuable. Less crime, more sex and babies. Winner winner, chicken dinner. Godspeed, boys...
If you were to wage war you'll need a set of balls. No chance of that.
I would pay serious money to see a bull dyke Marine take on Obiwan, Rabbi, or Koshergrl, in hand to hand combat. The amusement value alone would boost troop morale.
But whether or not they can toss grammas is irrelevant. The discussion is how valuable are they in the field...and the answer is...they're a liability.

What I wonder is what happens when you have three men and one woman in a foxhole all day long and she has to go to the bathroom. Leaving the foxhole means almost certainly getting shot. What does the woman do?
What the fuck? You must be a special kind of stupid.

I think it's a pretty good question. Taking care of bodily functions in mixed company in a war situation is asking for trouble. Also, women will normally just get in the way when they try to do a man's work. They don't have the size or strength and it's only imbeciles who think that women can physically cut the mustard. And then there will be the constant complaints about sexual harrassment. I know, the Army found a couple women that can keep up with the pack. Out of how many tens of thousands?

Not to mention pregnancies. What happens when women get pregnant in the field during a war situation?
No reason they should. We have drugs for that...
But whether or not they can toss grammas is irrelevant. The discussion is how valuable are they in the field...and the answer is...they're a liability.

What I wonder is what happens when you have three men and one woman in a foxhole all day long and she has to go to the bathroom. Leaving the foxhole means almost certainly getting shot. What does the woman do?
What the fuck? You must be a special kind of stupid.

I think it's a pretty good question. Taking care of bodily functions in mixed company in a war situation is asking for trouble. Also, women will normally just get in the way when they try to do a man's work. They don't have the size or strength and it's only imbeciles who think that women can physically cut the mustard. And then there will be the constant complaints about sexual harrassment. I know, the Army found a couple women that can keep up with the pack. Out of how many tens of thousands?

Not to mention pregnancies. What happens when women get pregnant in the field during a war situation?
No reason they should. We have drugs for that...
Apparently you're ignorant of the fact that a significant number of pregnancies occurred during the Iraq war

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
A smaller weapon does not necessarily equate to inaccuracy. Further, with increasing technological innovations collateral damage could be kept to a minimum, possibly even more than when ground troops are deployed.
State YOUR service...
Retired Military...that is all YOU need to know... now, state yours!
7 yrs US Army

I won't ask why you got out... But it is hard to believe you have become so hardcore against Blacks having served with them for so long in the Army! Once you go back to civilian life I guess it is easy to forget the black guys who had your back when the chips were down, eh?
I happen to have a lot of black friends...

I'm just prejudiced against racist idiots, and you fit that bill....
USMB is full of White racist idiots, similar to you..I guess you "can't see the forest for the trees." You hit that "agree" or "like" button quite frequently to show how much you concur with much of what they say. You don't have black friends... You just want people to think you do so you won't look so hopelessly racist. It isn't working... You are outed....
What I wonder is what happens when you have three men and one woman in a foxhole all day long and she has to go to the bathroom. Leaving the foxhole means almost certainly getting shot. What does the woman do?
What the fuck? You must be a special kind of stupid.

I think it's a pretty good question. Taking care of bodily functions in mixed company in a war situation is asking for trouble. Also, women will normally just get in the way when they try to do a man's work. They don't have the size or strength and it's only imbeciles who think that women can physically cut the mustard. And then there will be the constant complaints about sexual harrassment. I know, the Army found a couple women that can keep up with the pack. Out of how many tens of thousands?

Not to mention pregnancies. What happens when women get pregnant in the field during a war situation?
No reason they should. We have drugs for that...
Apparently you're ignorant of the fact that a significant number of pregnancies occurred during the Iraq war

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
As I said, we have a fix for that.
Thank you. A recent conversation in which I argued the stupidity of putting women in combat:

Can you have the best military in the world with an all male force?


Can you have the best military in the world with an all female force?

Thanks for your opinion. However, Its apparent you dont know what you are talking about.

Thank you very muuuuuuch.

It's weird a study had to be made to prove what should be common sense.
libs for 25 years trying to say the sexes are equal. they are clearly not. same with blacks and whites- clearly whites are superior; just a fact.
Asians are actually the top dogs. Sucks for you, little whitey.

Asians show how minorities can easily succeed in America.
Education, self-discipline, and hard work.
Asian superior academic prowess has been overtaken by the new model minority for years..where have you been? BTW, there rare 46 million poor whites who never seem to get the "how to easily succeed" message you are so eager to proselytize.
What I wonder is what happens when you have three men and one woman in a foxhole all day long and she has to go to the bathroom. Leaving the foxhole means almost certainly getting shot. What does the woman do?
What the fuck? You must be a special kind of stupid.

I think it's a pretty good question. Taking care of bodily functions in mixed company in a war situation is asking for trouble. Also, women will normally just get in the way when they try to do a man's work. They don't have the size or strength and it's only imbeciles who think that women can physically cut the mustard. And then there will be the constant complaints about sexual harrassment. I know, the Army found a couple women that can keep up with the pack. Out of how many tens of thousands?

Not to mention pregnancies. What happens when women get pregnant in the field during a war situation?
No reason they should. We have drugs for that...
Apparently you're ignorant of the fact that a significant number of pregnancies occurred during the Iraq war

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
And rapes.
State YOUR service...
Retired Military...that is all YOU need to know... now, state yours!
7 yrs US Army

I won't ask why you got out... But it is hard to believe you have become so hardcore against Blacks having served with them for so long in the Army! Once you go back to civilian life I guess it is easy to forget the black guys who had your back when the chips were down, eh?
I happen to have a lot of black friends...

I'm just prejudiced against racist idiots, and you fit that bill....
USMB is full of White racist idiots, similar to you..I guess you "can't see the forest for the trees." You hit that "agree" or "like" button quite frequently to show how much you concur with much of what they say. You don't have black friends... You just want people to think you do so you won't look so hopelessly racist. It isn't working... You are outed....
Haters like you see no value in women and have no problem sacrificing them. Men and women are different. Men can't get pregnant, but they are better soldiers.
What the fuck? You must be a special kind of stupid.

I think it's a pretty good question. Taking care of bodily functions in mixed company in a war situation is asking for trouble. Also, women will normally just get in the way when they try to do a man's work. They don't have the size or strength and it's only imbeciles who think that women can physically cut the mustard. And then there will be the constant complaints about sexual harrassment. I know, the Army found a couple women that can keep up with the pack. Out of how many tens of thousands?

Not to mention pregnancies. What happens when women get pregnant in the field during a war situation?
No reason they should. We have drugs for that...
Apparently you're ignorant of the fact that a significant number of pregnancies occurred during the Iraq war

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
As I said, we have a fix for that.

We had it during the Iraq war. It seems you aren't figuring something into your "fix."

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