U.S. Marshals told not to arrest protesters outside justices’ homes, documents reveal

Not surprising. AG Garland was just trying to intimidate the Justices to get the decision his boss wanted from them.

Didn't work, but he thought it was worth a try.
That's what FDR did when SCOTUS struck down his New Deal as unconstitutional.

Then after he intimidated them with his Court Packing Scheme they backed down and passed it.

The DNC is more of a crime syndicate than a political party.
“The law states that it is illegal, ‘with the intent of influencing any judge to: ‘picket or parade “’n or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer,'” it added, “‘or with such intent,’ to resort’“to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence.'”
Well there's the problem right there.

Everybody knows that these conservative justices already had their minds made up, even when they were going through their confirmations saying the opposite.

So technically, if the protesters are unable to influence the justices, they could not commit such a crime. (the impossibility defense)
Well, if these rotten people were in favor of mask mandates, I don't know what you expect!! :mad: :mad-61:
This is threatening and harassing. Standing on a sidewalk is not.

You haven’t grasped the difference.
No, you're confused. What the protesters were doing is a crime, which was clearly explained in the article you didn't read. Your president, fascist that he is, ordered his AG to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law and arresting the criminals. That's how banana republics operate, and you support it.
Im not confused at all. You support a law that criminalizes speech.

But we are the fascists? Look in a mirror.
Everything we know about Merrick Garland points to him being a dangerous man and a danger to the Republic.

He must resign or be impeached. There is no other course.

Deputy U.S. marshals assigned to guard Supreme Court justices last year were directed to try not to make arrests, according to documents a U.S. senator revealed Tuesday, contradicting Attorney General Merrick Garland’s assurances to Congress.
Sen. Katie Britt, Alabama Republican, confronted Mr. Garland with the training package used for the marshals deployed to protect justices. It said arrests were “not” to be a priority.
Conservatives have argued the protests, which erupted after a draft of a major abortion-rights ruling leaked last spring, violate a federal statute that outlaws protesting against a judge’s home with the intent of influencing a ruling.
Nobody was charged under that statute.
Mr. Garland told senators earlier this month that his prosecutors couldn’t bring cases unless the marshals made arrests, and the marshals on the scene didn’t think there was a reason to do that.
Ms. Britt said the guidance documents show they were directed not to.
“They were actively discouraged from doing so,” she said.
One section of the guidance specifically said making arrests was “not the goal” of the deployment, and another section said arrests should be “a last resort to prevent physical harm.”

But we must arrest anyone who was at 1/6. Everyone.
What a bunch of nonsense.

Refusing to attack the freedom of speech doesn’t make is a banana republic.

You little fascists just want people to be arrested because you disagree with them.

You've missed wildly once again. Breaking a law demands consequences. Law enforcement not enforcing a law makes an administration a banana republic. You support this.
The American people are getting sick of this China like Biden executive branch and their little army of treasonous pricks....
China would be first in line cracking down on speech against the government.

That’s what you want here.

Do you guys really not see this?
What a bunch of nonsense.

Refusing to attack the freedom of speech doesn’t make is a banana republic.

You little fascists just want people to be arrested because you disagree with them.
They certainly should be arrested if they are harassing people at their homes!!! And so the Montgomery County statute said, too, but the worthless Dems stopped the police from arresting them.

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