U.S. Marshals told not to arrest protesters outside justices’ homes, documents reveal

You've missed wildly once again. Breaking a law demands consequences. Law enforcement not enforcing a law makes an administration a banana republic. You support this
Read a damn book before you start using phrases like banana republic, which has nothing to do with this.

You don’t support freedom of speech. You want people arrested for exercising their rights. That’s fascist.
They certainly should be arrested if they are harassing people at their homes!!! And so the Montgomery County statute said, too, but the worthless Dems stopped the police from arresting them.
Sidewalk is public space, which means people can exercise their rights there.

Why do you hate it when people exercise their rights? Oh that’s right. When it’s because you disagree with them politically.
Read the article. You look like a moron.
My computer rejects Breitphart, so nope. But Zippy, you gave it away "were reportedly told not to arrest protesters". So which is it buttface? An order from the AG or somebody said they were told?

The real story is neither, of course.
Refusing to attack the freedom of speech doesn’t make is a banana republic.
Another thing that makes this country into a banana republic corrupted by the Dems is constantly trying to charge and arrest and imprison political candidates. I can remember when Americans could be proud we didn't do that kind of thing. Now the Democrats do it 24/7/365.
Another thing that makes this country into a banana republic corrupted by the Dems is constantly trying to charge and arrest and imprison political candidates. I can remember when Americans could be proud we didn't do that kind of thing. Now the Democrats do it 24/7/365.
Oh right. Political candidates are immune from complying with laws.

Sidewalk is public space, which means people can exercise their rights there.

Why do you hate it when people exercise their rights? Oh that’s right. When it’s because you disagree with them politically.
No, it's when they are harassing people trying to go about their own business. I don't like this new idea blacks have of rushing onto freeways to stop commuting, either. I personally hope they get run over and learn better. Slowly.
My computer rejects Breitphart, so nope. But Zippy, you gave it away "were reportedly told not to arrest protesters". So which is it buttface? An order from the AG or somebody said they were told?

The real story is neither, of course.

Read the article, you look ignorant.
No, it's when they are harassing people trying to go about their own business. I don't like this new idea blacks have of rushing onto freeways to stop commuting, either. I personally hope they get run over and learn better. Slowly.
Do you like the idea of harassing people walking into planned parenthood?

SCOTUS says that’s constitutionally protected.

The freedom of speech doesn’t just apply to speech you agree with.
It is not illegal to protest. There was nothing to arrest people over for protesting. Look at how many places that had to pay out millions for arresting people while simply protesting.
They were protesting a SC judges house before a ruling. That is against the law.
Oh right. Political candidates are immune from complying with laws.
Yep, that's what EVERY African dictator in a leopard-skin skirt says: see, I had to put him in jail, he had broken the law, see! And every petty pol in Tajikistan and Pakistan and all the other Worthlesstans, and in Honduras and Nicaragua, and Peru, and Ecuador ---------- and in Washington, D.C. as soon as the Democrats have gotten hold of it.

The country doesn't even have to grow bananas anymore: now that they see that the United States Democrats also arrest and imprison all political opponents, everyone in the world is doing it now --- Israel, France, everywhere they can get away with it. This is how the Democrats are ruining not just America but the whole rest of the world, as fast as they can.
No, you're confused. What the protesters were doing is a crime, which was clearly explained in the article you didn't read. Your president, fascist that he is, ordered his AG to stop law enforcement from enforcing the law and arresting the criminals. That's how banana republics operate, and you support it.

Im not confused at all. You support a law that criminalizes speech.

But we are the fascists? Look in a mirror.

As I previously said, it might be impossible to get a conviction because the protesters were actually incapable of breaking the law. The law says they are trying to influence a justices decision. But everybody knows all the conservative justices already had their minds made up, and weren't going to be influenced by anything.

You can't influence somebody, who already made up their mind decades earlier.
Do you like the idea of harassing people walking into planned parenthood?

SCOTUS says that’s constitutionally protected.

The freedom of speech doesn’t just apply to speech you agree with.
No, I hate that. Those horrible people should be arrested, same deal as the harassers outside the homes of the USSC justices.
Consistency may be the hobgoblin of little minds, as Emerson said, but IMO consistency has something to say for it.

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