Biden admin used counterterrorism powers against parents without cause: House Judiciary report

CONCLUSION Internal Executive Branch documents indicate that the Biden Administration’s use of federal law-enforcement and counterterrorism resources is an example of government weaponization against American parents. If the Justice Department performed any due diligence prior to the issuance of the Attorney General’s memorandum, it would have understood clearly and forcefully that federal intervention was unwarranted. Because that due diligence did not occur—and the Administration acted out of political motivations rather than for law-enforcement reasons—parents around the country had FBI “assessments” opened into them.94 Ensuring the effective and even-handed use of federal law-enforcement authority should be a noncontroversial priority. Americans deserve to have confidence that the enormous power and reach of federal law enforcement will be used fairly and free of any indication of politicization. Committee Republicans have repeatedly called on Attorney General Garland to rescind his memorandum. He has declined to do so to date. The use of these resources chills protected First Amendment activity as parents rightfully fear that their passionate advocacy for their children could result in a visit from federal law enforcement. The Committee’s and the Select Subcommittee’s work is not complete. This oversight will continue as the Justice Department and the Education Department continue to produce responsive documents. In addition, the FBI has produced only fourteen pages of documents to date in response to the Committee’s subpoena—a flagrant disregard of the serious concerns about the Bureau’s misuse of its authorities against parents. 95 There remain open questions about the development and issuance of Attorney General Garland’s memorandum—issued only five days after receipt of the NSBA’s letter to President Biden—and the coordination between the Justice Department and White House on that point. There remain open questions about how the FBI quickly operationalized the Attorney General’s directive, and whether the Bureau objected to the civil liberty concerns inherent in the Attorney General’s memorandum. The Committee has outstanding subpoenas for testimony from Chip Slaven and Viola Garcia, senior NSBA officials who signed the letter to President Biden. Until all responsive documents are produced and interviews with the necessary parties take place, the Committee and the Select Subcommittee will continue its oversight to uncover facts that will inform potential legislative reforms.
So no answers yet, is basically what the notes say....?
You mean adults who called threats of violence against school officials and cry that they got called out.

I say fuck em.
Threats are illegal. Who has been charged with this serious crime at school board meetings? You do have examples, right? You better have examples or im going to buttfuck your stupid ass in front of everyone and make my bitch.
Threats are illegal. Who has been charged with this serious crime at school board meetings? You do have examples, right? You better have examples or im going to buttfuck your stupid ass in front of everyone and make my bitch.
me first?
Threats are illegal. Who has been charged with this serious crime at school board meetings? You do have examples, right? You better have examples or im going to buttfuck your stupid ass in front of everyone and make my bitch.
Hilarious little boi.

Do you even have pubes yet.
Has what to do with the OP? And if anyone actually did do that then local or state police are the ones to deal with it, not Federal counterterrorism powers.

Seems as if school officials made most of the alleged threats up as well.


If it's a local protest and there's no coordinated attempt to deny people of their civil rights, then yeah, let state or local PDs handle things.

If, on the other hand, there's evidence of interstate coordination of violence or intimidation under the cloak of so-called "grassroots protests", then federal agents can be called in to check that out.
A gym jordan propaganda screed.

Do you have any actual proof of your assertion the DOJ targeted innocent maga fuckups.
Do you have proof that people making threats at a school board meetings? Yeah, i didnt so. Youre dumb, bro.

CONCLUSION Internal Executive Branch documents indicate that the Biden Administration’s use of federal law-enforcement and counterterrorism resources is an example of government weaponization against American parents.

A GOP committee alleges government weaponization? Color me a wee bit skeptical.
LOL. So, when the Democratic House investigates it is 100% legit but when a Republican House investigates it is not?

Actually, yeah, I would say that's true most of the time. Both parties like to put on a show for their audiences, I won't deny, but Democrats (generally, though not always) live in a fact-based world.

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