U.S. News“There’s Poop Everywhere”: San Francisco’s Office District Not Only A Ghost Town, It’s Also Covered In Sh*t


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
A true Democratic shithole. How can people tolerate this? Their leaders have done nothing but supply these people with drugs. Opioids can constipate people. You think that is their plan?

A true Democratic shithole. How can people tolerate this? Their leaders have done nothing but supply these people with drugs. Opioids can constipate people. You think that is their plan?

The DemoKKKrats LOVE this. They wanted it, they voted for it, and they made it happen. It's their dream.
A true Democratic shithole. How can people tolerate this? Their leaders have done nothing but supply these people with drugs. Opioids can constipate people. You think that is their plan?

Not 'Democrats' - actual feces
Hey everyone,notice sense this thread was posted a half hour ago not one of the shills from the DNC has shown their face here? once they saw us telling the truth how the dems have ruined california and SF,they decided not to show their faces here knowing they would suffer a major ass beating,LOL.
A true Democratic shithole. How can people tolerate this? Their leaders have done nothing but supply these people with drugs. Opioids can constipate people. You think that is their plan?

No shit.

That's why we moved out.

We had the best deal on the planet, a 3 bedroom place for 1600 bucks. In SF, near the university.

We gave it up. Walked away.

(Actually ran)...
Sorry bout that,

1. The shits getting deep at SF!
2. I might be concerned when its above their roof lines.


How did San Francisco handle the poo problem in the pre-automobile days when horse emissions were all over the streets? Just hire a few more guys to man the brooms.
How did San Francisco handle the poo problem in the pre-automobile days when horse emissions were all over the streets? Just hire a few more guys to man the brooms.
Sorry bout that,

1. No, let them drop their collective loads on the sidewalks.
2. And let no one dare to clean it up.
3. Get the fags out their cleaning that shit up!
4. Lots of fags out there, have them take action!
5. Not our problem, to drop a load here, and cop will come along and throw your stinky ass in JAIL!!!!
6. And you will be ticketed and it will cost you hundreds to sit and shit here, or you can shit it out in jail, in your jail cell.
7. All shit stired here, will go back on you!


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