U.S. now the world’s second-largest Spanish-speaking nation

I grew up in an area where there were several languages spoken, including Spanish, Yiddish, Italian and Chinese. Nice time in my life, great food too!

Yo, sounds like a Ghetto?


Sounds like you need to calm down and take a breath.

Yo, sounds like you are putting your nose where it don`t belong? Free Speech, Peach!!!

View attachment 66885
Do you cook your own Spanish food?
I grew up in an area where there were several languages spoken, including Spanish, Yiddish, Italian and Chinese. Nice time in my life, great food too!

Yo, sounds like a Ghetto?


Sounds like you need to calm down and take a breath.

Yo, sounds like you are putting your nose where it don`t belong? Free Speech, Peach!!!

View attachment 66885
Do you cook your own Spanish food?

Yo, yes I do, I am Spanish!

I grew up in an area where there were several languages spoken, including Spanish, Yiddish, Italian and Chinese. Nice time in my life, great food too!

Yo, sounds like a Ghetto?


Sounds like you need to calm down and take a breath.

Yo, sounds like you are putting your nose where it don`t belong? Free Speech, Peach!!!

View attachment 66885
Do you cook your own Spanish food?

Yo, yes I do, I am Spanish!

I know you have told me that no less than 5 times. I am asking of you cook the food yourself
Yo, sounds like a Ghetto?


Sounds like you need to calm down and take a breath.

Yo, sounds like you are putting your nose where it don`t belong? Free Speech, Peach!!!

View attachment 66885
Do you cook your own Spanish food?

Yo, yes I do, I am Spanish!

I know you have told me that no less than 5 times. I am asking of you cook the food yourself

Yo, all Spanish people know how to cook!

Sounds like you need to calm down and take a breath.

Yo, sounds like you are putting your nose where it don`t belong? Free Speech, Peach!!!

View attachment 66885
Do you cook your own Spanish food?

Yo, yes I do, I am Spanish!

I know you have told me that no less than 5 times. I am asking of you cook the food yourself

Yo, all Spanish people know how to cook!

View attachment 66889
Yo trhat is not what I asked.

Read slowly




Yo, sounds like you are putting your nose where it don`t belong? Free Speech, Peach!!!

View attachment 66885
Do you cook your own Spanish food?

Yo, yes I do, I am Spanish!

I know you have told me that no less than 5 times. I am asking of you cook the food yourself

Yo, all Spanish people know how to cook!

View attachment 66889
Yo trhat is not what I asked.

Read slowly





Yo, what are you looking for fool?

I grew up in an area where there were several languages spoken, including Spanish, Yiddish, Italian and Chinese. Nice time in my life, great food too!

Yo, sounds like a Ghetto?


Sounds like you need to calm down and take a breath.

Yo, sounds like you are putting your nose where it don`t belong? Free Speech, Peach!!!

Calm down, yo-yo.

Yo, the day will never come for you PAL? I say what I want, and when I want!!!

I grew up in an area where there were several languages spoken, including Spanish, Yiddish, Italian and Chinese. Nice time in my life, great food too!

Yo, sounds like a Ghetto?


Sounds like you need to calm down and take a breath.

Yo, sounds like you are putting your nose where it don`t belong? Free Speech, Peach!!!

Calm down, yo-yo.

...the day will never come for you...?

The day for what, headcase?
Its's also a good thing that children in school start learning Spanish, there are some places where Spanish is the primary language here in the United States. Children's TV is also teaching kids Spanish in their programs

The United States boasts the world’s second-largest Spanish-speaking population, now that this country’s Hispanic population outnumbers the entire populace of Spain.

Only Mexico has more Spanish-speakers than the U.S., but even that is expected to change by 2050, when the United States will likely be the world’s largest Spanish-speaking country, according to a new report on the Spanish language by the Cervantes Institute in Spain.

The 77-page report dedicates one of seven chapters to U.S. Spanish language , tracking momentous growth in the scope and presence of Uncle Sam’s Hispanic population in recent decades.

“More than half of the growth of the U.S. population between 2000 and 2010 resulted from the growth of the Hispanic community,” the report said, citing numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau.

U.S. now the world’s second-largest Spanish-speaking nation

How could it be any different? Obama lies and tells us that "illegal immigration is down" and yet the border patrol tells us that they are not allowed to apprehend any more wetbacks in the country. Mexico has moved nearly 25% of their population North of their border.

When I walk into a grocery store, fast food restaurant, or whatever, and they speak spanish - I walk out. Period, end of story. Will it make a difference? no. But I REFUSE to be a part of the "mexicanazation" of these United States. We've allowed this to happen every time we listened to an asshole politician that started a statement by saying "we have to stop the flow of illegals into this country" and BELIEVED them. They are lying assholes. always have been and always will be.
Yo, sounds like a Ghetto?


Sounds like you need to calm down and take a breath.

Yo, sounds like you are putting your nose where it don`t belong? Free Speech, Peach!!!

Calm down, yo-yo.

...the day will never come for you...?

The day for what, headcase?

Yo, you telling me what to do? Unless you pay me millions?

Do you cook your own Spanish food?

Yo, yes I do, I am Spanish!

I know you have told me that no less than 5 times. I am asking of you cook the food yourself

Yo, all Spanish people know how to cook!

View attachment 66889
Yo trhat is not what I asked.

Read slowly





Yo, what are you looking for fool?

View attachment 66891
My theory is that you are full of shit. You were welcomed here and all you have done is avoid or you refuse to answer or explain what you have posted, You are not to be believed on any level. My guess is that you are either a Sanders supporter or an athletic supporter I still have not figured out which.
Yo, yes I do, I am Spanish!

I know you have told me that no less than 5 times. I am asking of you cook the food yourself

Yo, all Spanish people know how to cook!

View attachment 66889
Yo trhat is not what I asked.

Read slowly





Yo, what are you looking for fool?

View attachment 66891
My theory is that you are full of shit. You were welcomed here and all you have done is avoid or you refuse to answer or explain what you have posted, You are not to be believed on any level. My guess is that you are either a Sanders supporter or an athletic supporter I still have not figured out which.

Yo, if you had something to say? I would answer you! But all you ask about is food? Are you a FAT FUCK? Me, I support Ted Cruz, like it or not!

I know you have told me that no less than 5 times. I am asking of you cook the food yourself

Yo, all Spanish people know how to cook!

View attachment 66889
Yo trhat is not what I asked.

Read slowly





Yo, what are you looking for fool?

View attachment 66891
My theory is that you are full of shit. You were welcomed here and all you have done is avoid or you refuse to answer or explain what you have posted, You are not to be believed on any level. My guess is that you are either a Sanders supporter or an athletic supporter I still have not figured out which.

Yo, if you had something to say? I would answer you! But all you ask about is food? Are you a FAT FUCK? Me, I support Ted Cruz, like it or not!

View attachment 66897
Yo brought it up


Urban Dictionary: GTP
I grew up in an area where there were several languages spoken, including Spanish, Yiddish, Italian and Chinese. Nice time in my life, great food too!

Yo, sounds like a Ghetto?


Sounds like you need to calm down and take a breath.

Yo, sounds like you are putting your nose where it don`t belong? Free Speech, Peach!!!

View attachment 66885
Do you cook your own Spanish food?

Yo, yes I do, I am Spanish!

I think you are having constipation. Go shove some of your suppository amigo.

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