U.S. oil industry prepares to boost production — but with a giant warning

Has the President come out and said that his intention was to do away with any other industries, Surada? Biden was quite clear that WAS his intention with the fossil fuel industry!

A bit of dramatic license. It's time we start looking at the future. Should have listened to Jimmy Carter. I installed solar panels in 1979 and ramped up insulation. My power bills were half that of the neighbors who also had 4-5000 square foot homes and growing children. The house is still a stand out in energy conservation. I bought my solar panels from Australia. They were only $1800.
A bit of dramatic license. It's time we start looking at the future. Should have listened to Jimmy Carter. I installed solar panels in 1979 and ramped up insulation. My power bills were half that of the neighbors who also had 4-5000 square foot homes and growing children. The house is still a stand out in energy conservation. I bought my solar panels from Australia. They were only $1800.
So you probably never paid them off and had to rebuild them and are still "paying them off". We get it, you're dumb with money.
So you probably never paid them off and had to rebuild them and are still "paying them off". We get it, you're dumb with money.

They paid for themselves in less than 2 years. My husband and I built spec residential houses and strip shopping centers. You quack like a failure.
A bit of dramatic license. It's time we start looking at the future. Should have listened to Jimmy Carter. I installed solar panels in 1979 and ramped up insulation. My power bills were half that of the neighbors who also had 4-5000 square foot homes and growing children. The house is still a stand out in energy conservation. I bought my solar panels from Australia. They were only $1800.
Dramatic license? Dude, that was what the idiot CAMPAIGNED on! It was his first order of business in his first week in office! That gets people's attention. The price of oil started going up before Biden was even sworn in. It wasn't like this was some kind of surprise...
Obama didn't take credit. He was happy that US production doubled, but he didn't take credit. He lightheartedly said that happened when I was president. You are an absolute dolt. Obama was never as insecure as Trump.
He sure as hell did take credit - numerous times.
They paid for themselves in less than 2 years. My husband and I built spec residential houses and strip shopping centers. You quack like a failure.

That's bullshit. I too have solar panels of that era, they were 14% efficient back then, 9% now. It took the better part of 14 years to repay them, and I put them together.
Has the President come out and said that his intention was to do away with any other industries, Surada? Biden was quite clear that WAS his intention with the fossil fuel industry!

Then he wonders why production is lagging? Joe never was all that bright!

Other industries have profit margins of 14-18%. What makes you think the administration wants to shut down any businesses?
Other industries have profit margins of 14-18%. What makes you think the administration wants to shut down any businesses?
Because Joe Biden PROMISED that was what he would do? Be honest for once, Surada! This administration wanted higher prices on fossil fuels...made policy decisions to make that happen...but now are scared to death because Americans are pissed at what those decisions have done to their family budgets!
Because Joe Biden PROMISED that was what he would do? Be honest for once, Surada! This administration wanted higher prices on fossil fuels...made policy decisions to make that happen...but now are scared to death because Americans are pissed at what those decisions have done to their family budgets!

Use your head. We have to begin to transition away from petroleum. Increased production is on the way. We still need to focus on increased efficiency and reduced emissions.
Why wage war on the US companies when the UAE (who has been wanting more production) and the Saudis who can increase production could drop the price of oil in a heartbeat.

The UAE is also fairly friendly on the world stage.

None of this makes a lot of sense anymore.
When we do drill more here then should every last drop not stay here? If we need it? Drilling more and shipping it away when we need it.....where's the logic? I'm not nationalistic but perhaps if we drill more on OUR land and we need the oil, then let's keep it.
When we do drill more here then should every last drop not stay here? If we need it? Drilling more and shipping it away when we need it.....where's the logic? I'm not nationalistic but perhaps if we drill more on OUR land and we need the oil, then let's keep it.
We have a thing called private property.
When we do drill more here then should every last drop not stay here? If we need it? Drilling more and shipping it away when we need it.....where's the logic? I'm not nationalistic but perhaps if we drill more on OUR land and we need the oil, then let's keep it.

The US oil business isn't nationalized.
Use your head. We have to begin to transition away from petroleum. Increased production is on the way. We still need to focus on increased efficiency and reduced emissions.
I've got no issue at all with a transition away from fossil fuels, Surada. What I DO have an issue with doing it before we have adequate alternative forms of energy at a reasonable price so that we don't bankrupt the country DOING the transition! We still need oil and natural gas. Artificially inflating the price of fossil fuels screws the people in our country who can least afford it.

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