Vladimir Putin himself said that.
Oh, well shit, if your messiah Vladimir Putin said then we should all immediately drop to one knee and agree.

Who gives a shit what a left-wing misogynist prick like Vladimir Putin says (I mean other than you progressives who hate women)? The rest of the world recognizes that he is a dictatorial murderous thug.
Vladimir Putin himself said that.
Oh, well shit, if your messiah Vladimir Putin said then we should all immediately drop to one knee and agree.

Who gives a shit what a left-wing misogynist prick like Vladimir Putin says (I mean other than you progressives who hate women)? The rest of the world recognizes that he is a dictatorial murderous thug.

Then I'm sure you can understand how mockingly using the words of the Russian dictator to a Russian troll is appropriate.
Need I look up the definition of whore for you, Sir?
I know what the definition of the word “whore” is, chief.

1 whore noun \ ˈhȯr , ˈhu̇r \

Definition of whore
1: term used by left-wing misogynistic men who feel threatened by women or are otherwise sexually frustrated by their inability to gain the attention and affection of women out of their league: also, informal + offensive : promiscuous or immoral
Then I'm sure you can understand how mockingly using the words of the Russian dictator
But that’s not what you were doing. Why the sudden and desperate attempt to contradict your previous statement?

Sigh ... I really have to explain this to you? It's completely obvious I was fucking with the guy. I've been doing it for hours, which is kind of depressing now that I think about it.

AND, at the same time, there is nothing sexist about using the word whore to refer to actual whores. That's a word. It means the same thing as prostitute. Also a real thing. It's definitely demeaning when you are using it to refer to women who aren't prostitutes, but in what way is it demeaning to refer to a prostitute as a whore? That's literally what she is, as defined by her profession.

And while not all whores are female, most are.
AND, at the same time, there is nothing sexist about using the word whore to refer to actual whores. That's a word. It means the same thing as prostitute. Also a real thing. It's definitely demeaning when you are using it to refer to women who aren't prostitutes, but in what way is it demeaning to refer to a prostitute as a whore?
It’s demeaning to use it when referring to women who are prostitutes. It’s a derogatory term and you know it. Don’t try to play stupid in a desperate attempt to cover up your misogynistic hatred of women.

A prostitute is still someone’s daughter. It is still someone’s sister, niece, or mother.
AND, at the same time, there is nothing sexist about using the word whore to refer to actual whores. That's a word. It means the same thing as prostitute. Also a real thing. It's definitely demeaning when you are using it to refer to women who aren't prostitutes, but in what way is it demeaning to refer to a prostitute as a whore?
It’s demeaning to use it when referring to women who are prostitutes. It’s a derogatory term and you know it. Don’t try to play stupid in a desperate attempt to cover up your misogynistic hatred of women.

A prostitute is still someone’s daughter. It is still someone’s sister, niece, or mother.

Lmao. Even if it is, which I don't agree with, so fucking what? I'm no saint. I don't give a fuck about being politically correct.

Go fuck yourself, cocksucker. Don't you dare preach morals or decency to me when Trump is your guy.
Uh...Russia colluded with Hitlery Clinton, chief. That has been proven. :cuckoo:
Look dude, if you're gonna say stupid shit like that you're gonna hafta change your screen name.
Look dude, if you’re gonna be this ignorant, you’re gonna hafta leave USMB...
According to the report in the Hill, the testimony from the informant implicates both Bill and Hillary Clinton in a bribery scheme with Russian officials. The informant made his accusations in written testimony to three congressional committees.
Hitlery colluded to get precious uranium (used in the world's ultimate weapons) into the hands of our enemy, colluded with Russians to steal the election from the American people, and colluded with the Russians to embezzle funds through her foundation.

FBI informant makes shocking accusations against Clintons, and it’s about Uranium One
Uh...Russia colluded with Hitlery Clinton, chief. That has been proven. :cuckoo:
Look dude, if you're gonna say stupid shit like that you're gonna hafta change your screen name.
Look dude, if you’re gonna be this ignorant, you’re gonna hafta leave USMB...
A check of their November 12 coverage showed both CNN and MSNBC gave enthusiastic coverage to the Russian-organized anti-Trump rally that day
All roads from Russia lead directly to Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats.

CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally
Uh...Russia colluded with Hitlery Clinton, chief. That has been proven. :cuckoo:
Look dude, if you're gonna say stupid shit like that you're gonna hafta change your screen name.
Look dude, if you’re gonna be this ignorant, you’re gonna hafta leave USMB...

Hillary Clinton’s Opposition To Russia Sanctions Coincided With Bill’s $500K Moscow Speech

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Yeah, those have been debunked. They are nothing more than rwnj fake news pushed to distract the faithful from the Mueller investigation.

Congratulations, you fell for it.
Uh...Russia colluded with Hitlery Clinton, chief. That has been proven. :cuckoo:
Look dude, if you're gonna say stupid shit like that you're gonna hafta change your screen name.
Look dude, if you’re gonna be this ignorant, you’re gonna hafta leave USMB...
According to the report in the Hill, the testimony from the informant implicates both Bill and Hillary Clinton in a bribery scheme with Russian officials. The informant made his accusations in written testimony to three congressional committees.
Hitlery colluded to get precious uranium (used in the world's ultimate weapons) into the hands of our enemy, colluded with Russians to steal the election from the American people, and colluded with the Russians to embezzle funds through her foundation.

FBI informant makes shocking accusations against Clintons, and it’s about Uranium One
Uranium None.
Uh...Russia colluded with Hitlery Clinton, chief. That has been proven. :cuckoo:
Look dude, if you're gonna say stupid shit like that you're gonna hafta change your screen name.
Look dude, if you’re gonna be this ignorant, you’re gonna hafta leave USMB...
A check of their November 12 coverage showed both CNN and MSNBC gave enthusiastic coverage to the Russian-organized anti-Trump rally that day
All roads from Russia lead directly to Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats.

CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally
Wow, thoroughly triggered you didn't I?

Btw, posting stuff over and over doesn't make it true, even if it does work when tRump does it to you.
Look dude, if you’re gonna be this ignorant, you’re gonna hafta leave USMB...
A check of their November 12 coverage showed both CNN and MSNBC gave enthusiastic coverage to the Russian-organized anti-Trump rally that day
All roads from Russia lead directly to Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats.

CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally
Wow, thoroughly triggered you didn't I?
Wow...what an intelligent response to indisputable proof that Hitlery Clinton colluded with Russia to steal the election. Vintage progressive parasite
Look dude, if you’re gonna be this ignorant, you’re gonna hafta leave USMB...
A check of their November 12 coverage showed both CNN and MSNBC gave enthusiastic coverage to the Russian-organized anti-Trump rally that day
All roads from Russia lead directly to Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats.

CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally
Wow, thoroughly triggered you didn't I?
Wow...what an intelligent response to indisputable proof that Hitlery Clinton colluded with Russia to steal the election. Vintage progressive parasite
You posted no "proof" of anything. You've linked fake news sites.

Since you've quoted my same post like 20 times now I'm guessing I hit pretty close to the mark.
A prostitute is still someone’s daughter. It is still someone’s sister, niece, or mother.
Even if it is, which I don't agree with, so fucking what?
I rest my case. The left’s War on Women is alive and well.

Keep telling yourself that, brother. Meanwhile, women will continue to drift toward the democrats.

By the way, I'm neither a democrat nor a republican. Not that it really matters.

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