U.S Sends 2000 pound Bunker Buster Bombs to Israel.

Just more of the same from you.

Request denied.
Fuck off.

You lack any ability to post intelligently or honestly.

A fucking demented commie from Canuckistan, such as you, offers no cogent or meritorious comments about anything in the USA.

But it’s kind of funny to watch you always whiff.

Given certain domestic considerations...

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... My extra cash is going into Heinz and Hunts.


This war has the potential to escalate int something resembling America's proxy war in the Ukraine. This sort of escalation risks making the Zionists the proxies!

Russia has the other war under their control now and could call on the Muslim world to serve as their proxy force against America, within the Zionist state.

Ideas are all welcome now. Many war analysts are predicting that the Zionist regime won't survive this war. l

Anything is possible if the slaughter of Palestinians continues.
You’re right, after Israel is done with Hamas, it will destroy Hezbollah and then the Mullahs in Iran, which the people of Iran themselves are going to finish off.
Why the fuck are we sending them anything? We are enabling Israel's terrorist ways.

What we should do, is halt all weapons shipments to Israel; freeze all Israeli assets in US banks; and submit a resolution to the UNSC telling Israel they got 90 days to end the occupation, or the decision to leave, will no longer be theirs to make.
Kill Hamas
That's probably the worst thing the Zionist regime could do right now. The facts can't be hidden from the eyes of the world.
The Hole Whirled Is Watching

Putin carpet-bombed Chechnya and solved that problem for good. Hollow-chested squeaky voiced jurinalists described Grozny, its capital, as being in worst shape than any city obliterated in World War II, but no one cared, nor should they have.
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The Hole Whirled Is Watching

Putin carpet-bombed Chechnya and solved that problem for good. Hollow-chested squeaky voiced jurinalists called Grozny, its capital, as being in worst shape than any city obliterated in World War II, but no one cared, nor should they have.
After October 7, Israel doesn’t really care who is for or against what it needs to do.
Hamas needs mor Ach Light. ;)



Hamas needs mor Ach Light.

Arc Light would be better.
Why the fuck are we sending them anything? We are enabling Israel's terrorist ways.

What we should do, is halt all weapons shipments to Israel; freeze all Israeli assets in US banks; and submit a resolution to the UNSC telling Israel they got 90 days to end the occupation, or the decision to leave, will no longer be theirs to make.

Occupation of what? LOL!
There's a risk of the other side escalating the hostilities inside the Zionist regime's borders!

America's always reliable solution of more and bigger bombs has become answerable now by the might and capabilities of the other side.

Picture the scene over Jerusalem or Tel Aviv instead of over Vietnam!

Or over Tehran!
Russia's and China's resources can now be pivoted to this war and that's what the rest of the world is trying to avoid. The Zionists' territory can't stand even a fraction of the destruction that has practically eliminated the Ukraine.

America's behaviour in this war is in the world's spotlight and it's going to be answered this time.

Escalation to within the Zionist regime's borders must be avoided!!

Russia's resources? That's funny!
Yes, but it's of no interest to either side which American president is to blame. If the Zionists escalate then the answer from the other side is obvious.
Sheiking All Over

The proxies are the Gazans, and they will fight alone until they are dead or deported. The other Moslems and the Russians will watch and whine, but they won't dare to do anything to stop Israel themselves.
Russia's resources? That's funny!
No Bear in Babylon

The Ukraine is on Russia's borders and is therefore of vital interest to Putin. The Middle East isn't worth anything to him except to sell the huffy-puffy blowhard sheiks weapons they don't dare actually use, except on one another, as in Yemen.
Hamas is committing war crimes by hiding behind civilian populations.
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Don't listen to that ruling-class touchy-feely disinformation. The Gazan civilians have volunteered to become human shields—old people, women, and even children. Typical of that whole race of psychotic desert bandits. Not one of them deserves any sympathy, which the idea that they are being forced to do what comes naturally to rabid Arab rabble promotes.

Some genos need to be cided. That's what evolution is all about. The other Neanderthal didn't die out; they were killed off. And these creatures are Neanderthal hybrids originally driven to the desert as a hideout, making them survive long past their evolutionary expiration date. Ours will come due prematurely instead, unless we depose our preordained leaders of all bands of the specious spectrum.

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