U.S. Supreme Court Trump Ruling Today at 10 AM....Live feeds up.....Update: Reversed 9-0

There is nothing in the SCOTUS decision that indicates that Trump is not an insurrectionist.

You really haven't been paying attention....
States run their own elections. If Trump were an insurrectionist, they could and should keep him off the ballot.

Simple logic I’ve already explained to you.
Haha, it really bothers you cultists that you don't get to have a parade, because everyone saw this coming.

Yay! Your insurrectonist hero isn't barred from the ballot!

That's quite a low bar you have set for yourselves.
Schools out. Short bus is home mouthpiecing parental disappointment over 9-0 shellacking
States run their own elections. If Trump were an insurrectionist, they could and should keep him off the ballot.

Simple logic I’ve already explained to you.
wrong Federal elections are controlled by the Federal Government laws and regulations.
Good luck for Congress getting him off the ballots, it would never fly in the GOP-held House.

Eat Shit Commies! 9-0!

TRUMP 2024
This train has NO BRAKES !

This train has NO BRAKES !

You got that right...

They don’t micromanage details. A state has to really screw up for the SCOTUS to step in and spank them. Especially. 9-0.

Real screwups.

Like Colorado.
They don’t micromanage details. A state has to really screw up for the SCOTUS to step in and spank them. Especially. 9-0.

Real screwups.

Like Colorado.
They don’t micromanage details. A state has to really screw up for the SCOTUS to step in and spank them. Especially. 9-0.

Real screwups.

Like Colorado.
Even the couple of agenda driven Wise Latina types could not find legality in Colorado’s monkey business.
Even the couple of agenda driven Wise Latina types could not find merit or legality in Colorado’s monkey business,
Feelings and wishes just hit a brick wall including allies.
How long before lil Chucky Schumer puts out another hit on Supreme Court Justices?
Even the couple of agenda driven Wise Latina types could not find merit or legality in Colorado’s monkey business,
Feelings and wishes just hit a brick wall including allies.
That wasn't the ruling. They did not say the arguments did not have merit. Try to make one post without a lie in it.
That has virtually no chance.

Perhaps not.

But the intent remains.

These people need to get their priorities straight.

The country is going to hell in a handbasket and they wanna spend their time trying to figure new strategies on how to eliminate their so-called political opposition.

And in the name of democracy, no less.
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This train has NO BRAKES !

You got that right...


Looks more to me like your high hopes of ever getting rid of Trump crashing and burning.

What kind of desperate shit are you incels going to try now? Killing him?
Some relevant current events...

"I am working with a number of my colleagues including Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Eric Swalwell to revive legislation that we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by section three of the 14th Amendment.

House Democrats working to remove Trump from the ballot through legislation

LOL They have already acted - 18 USC 2383

Comrade Smith and the rest of the Biden clowns at the DOJ knew they couldn't prove it.

How long before lil Chucky Schumer puts out another hit on Supreme Court Justices?

"Inside the walls of this court, the Supreme Court has heard arguments, as you know, for the first major Stop Trump case since Justice Jackson came to the bench. We know what’s at stake. Over the last three years, muh democracy has come under attack in a way we haven’t seen in modern history. From Louisiana to Missouri to Texas, Trump is waging a war on Democrats, all Democrats, and he's taking away fundamental rights. I want to tell you, Roberts, I want to tell you, Thomas, Alito, Sotomayor, Kagan, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Jackson, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you since you went forward with these awful decisions."


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