U.S. Supreme Court's Sotomayor lets Yeshiva University bar LGBT student club for now

So everybody should accommodate you & your twinky feelers?
Doesn't surprise me a bit from a bunch of whiny twats that don't know what a woman is & think men can get pregnant.

How about the rest of us do what we want no matter how emo you get over it?
'Cuz that's what I've always done & will always do
What the fuck are you blathering about? I want everyone to accomodate me? What do you know about me? Are you so fucking stupid as to think that you know something about my sexuality and gender identity based on my politics and advocacy?

I am not "emo" you moron. I am just calling you out on your stupidity and bigotry. You don't think that LGBNT people should be accomodated and accepted? Then why the fuck should YOU be accomodated and accepted? You are the whiny twat who thinks that your hetero/Cisgender normative lifestyle is superior to others. Get the fuck over it!
Lezbos and Homos are people leading a public, legalized version of a sexually deviant lifestyle through constant government effort to gradually get mainstream America to first tolerate, then accept it.
What you call "sexual deviants" are PEOPLE> They re human beings whos sexuality is not more, or less a part of who they are as people and human beings , than others

The fact is that "mainstreame America already does accept and tollerate them . They are a part of the fabric of society. They live openly in every community. They own homes, have families and raise children. They have jobs, pay taxes, andvolunteer in their community. They are just like everyone else in more ways then not. Your obsession with thier sexuality is nothing short of pathological and just plain stupid!
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LGBTQ like BLM are a political activist group aimed at gaining power through government lobbying and support who USE hate as the vehicle to promote their ends by trying to define REGULAR people as being hateful instead!
More bullshit. YOU are the ones employing hate to keep LGBT people down based on your irrational and pathological fear of them, Their political activism is defensive, in respons to you bigotry. Your activism is based on pure, unprovoked hate and fear
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What the fuck are you blathering about? I want everyone to accomodate me? What do you know about me? Are you so fucking stupid as to think that you know something about my sexuality and gender identity based on my politics and advocacy?

I am not "emo" you moron. I am just calling you out on your stupidity and bigotry. You don't think that LGBNT people should be accomodated and accepted? Then why the fuck should YOU be accomodated and accepted? You are the whiny twat who thinks that your hetero/Cisgender normative lifestyle is superior to others. Get the fuck over it!
Yes, you are absolutely right.
I totally believe normal behavior & sexual preferences are superior to the usual sexual deviancies of the lefties & IDC if you think this makes me bigoted because your opinion means nothing.

You shouldn't hang with pervs & pedos if you don't want to get lumped with them. IDC what you do as long as you keep it away from me & my kids but don't ever expect me to say it's normal to protect your delicate feelers.

You do you. Go bang a goat.
Get over it emo queen
So all LGBT people are athiests, and no religious people support LGBT rights.? And what is that "agenda" that you speak of and what exactly is being forced on you ?
Christians can't support gay marriage, illicit sex or trans stuff. Those things are the agenda of the Marxist atheist left which is trying to weaken America to make us ripe for takeover. This is being forced on Christians bakers, florists, musicians, teachers, and webmasters are being forced to cooperate under penalty of law.
Christians can't support gay marriage, illicit sex or trans stuff. Those things are the agenda of the Marxist atheist left which is trying to weaken America to make us ripe for takeover. This is being forced on Christians bakers, florists, musicians, teachers, and webmasters are being forced to cooperate under penalty of law.
I find it hard to believe that YOU believeyour own bullshit. No one could be that stupid!

And no, you do not get to decide who is a "real Christian

I suppose there is some overlap of the lgbtq hate group and the actual queers, but I don't worry about what kind of perverted shit people do in their bedrooms. When those people are doing perverted shit behind closed doors, they are just people, but when they impose lgbtq supremacy upon the rest of society, they become the hate group.

".......when they impose lgbtq supremacy upon the rest of society, they become the hate group."
Please explain exactly what this LGBT supremacy is. What does it actually look like and how is it being imposed on you? Please provide specific, every day examples.
Lezbos and homos are people, but lgbtq is a hate group.
Poor snow flake! Please tell the class all about what those evil, nasty, LGBT terrorists and perverts have been doing to you that makes you feel terrorized? Have you been fudge packed against your will by a leather boy? Or maybe you were willing and now overwhelmed by guilt and need to lash out?

Or maybe you are just objecting to the fact that you have to breath the same air and walk the same earth as gay people who refuse to go back into the closet. Please share.
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Please explain exactly what this LGBT supremacy is. What does it actually look like and how is it being imposed on you? Please provide specific, every day examples.
Supremacy is the state of having the ultimate authority. A ruling king has supremacy over his kingdom. Lgbtq supremacists have supremacy over normal people.
Poor snow flake! Please tell the class all about what those evil, nasty, LGBT terrorists and perverts have been doing to you that makes you feel terrorized? Have you been fudge packed against your will by a leather boy? Or maybe you were willing and now overwhelmed by guilt and need to lash out?

Or maybe you are just objecting to the fact that you have to breath the same air and walk the same earth as gay people who refuse to go back into the closet. Please share.
Lezbos and homos are people, but lgbtq is a hate group.
Supremacy is the state of having the ultimate authority. A ruling king has supremacy over his kingdom. Lgbtq supremacists have supremacy over normal people.
That is not an answere. You are flailing around. Just generalized bullshit and rhetoric. I asked you to b specific. Obviously you have nothing .Very pathetic indeed.
Lezbos and homos are people, but lgbtq is a hate group.
Holy fucking shit! You're just repeating the same shit all over again.! Does this actually represent the limits of your intellect? Apparently so. Once again. I asked :

" Please tell the class all about what those evil, nasty, LGBT terrorists and perverts have been doing to you that makes you feel terrorized? Have you been fudge packed against your will by a leather boy? Or maybe you were willing and now overwhelmed by guilt and need to lash out?

I also asked:

".....exactly what this LGBT supremacy is. What does it actually look like and how is it being imposed on you? Please provide specific, every day examples"

You responded with some general definition of "supremacy" while avoiding anything of substance. Stop being a fucking coward and answer the questions! It is more than apparent that you are not the sharpest tool in the shed.

I will hold your feet to the fire until you give answers or just slink away and shut up.
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Maybe you people should get over this crap about being LGBT is all about sex and understand that these are complex human beings who have lives that do not revolves around sex and sexuality just like everyone else.

These clubs serve as suport groups for people who have been historically marginalized and discriminated against. They are a place where they can find acceptance and validation.

I will add that sexual deviance is a subjective concept to the extent that whatever they do is done with consenting adults and harms no one.

They should go to another school? Why should they have to? Maybe you should go to another country, like Russia or Saudi Arabia where such sexual deviance are killed or imprisoned
You have free to have your homo club meeting at someone's house or apartment or gay bath house if that's you thing.
Holy fucking shit! You're just repeating the same shit all over again.! Does this actually represent the limits of your intellect? Apparently so. Once again. I asked :

" Please tell the class all about what those evil, nasty, LGBT terrorists and perverts have been doing to you that makes you feel terrorized? Have you been fudge packed against your will by a leather boy? Or maybe you were willing and now overwhelmed by guilt and need to lash out?

I also asked:

".....exactly what this LGBT supremacy is. What does it actually look like and how is it being imposed on you? Please provide specific, every day examples"

You responded with some general definition of "supremacy" while avoiding anything of substance. Stop being a fucking coward and answer the questions! It is more than apparent that you are not the sharpest tool in the shed.

I will hold your feet to the fire until you give answers or just slink away and shut up.
Relax. Homos and lezbos are just people. They could be your coworkers, family, or friends. Lgbtq on the other hand, is a hate group. It is important to remember that the lgbtq hate group and queers are NOT the same thing. If you have coworkers, family, or friends who are homo or lezbo, remember that it is nobody's business what kind of perverted shit they do in the bedroom, and that they are PEOPLE.

If you care about homos and lezbos, be sure to quickly condemn lgbtq supremacy the moment any of them ever demands that you respect them for what they do in the bedroom, or that you address them in a way that celebrates sexual deviancy. Be sure to keep your loved ones close, and the lgbtq hate group at a distance.
Relax. Homos and lezbos are just people. They could be your coworkers, family, or friends. Lgbtq on the other hand, is a hate group. It is important to remember that the lgbtq hate group and queers are NOT the same thing. If you have coworkers, family, or friends who are homo or lezbo, remember that it is nobody's business what kind of perverted shit they do in the bedroom, and that they are PEOPLE.

If you care about homos and lezbos, be sure to quickly condemn lgbtq supremacy the moment any of them ever demands that you respect them for what they do in the bedroom, or that you address them in a way that celebrates sexual deviancy. Be sure to keep your loved ones close, and the lgbtq hate group at a distance.
Herp Derp! That is still not an answer!

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