U.S. takes fight to ISIS

What BS.

Its Obama who is killing ISIS and 60+ other countries joined him.

Since you hate this country so much - LEAVE.

You traitors would not be missed.


I'll say it again, in case you have ADD....

I never saw a list of those "60+ countries",
and Obozo has never told us who they are. Could you list them for us?

Or did Hillary delete the list when she deleted all those emails?
Where r my keys

I know what you mean....

And they want to praise Obama for what our troops did, after he ignored ISIS for so long and made their job that much harder....

Obama effectively gave ISIS a free pass until the situation went all to hell and the American people caught on, thanks to the media...

Guess the media has more intelligence than Obozo...
No doubt it was a heroic mission and it shows how well trained the American Military is but where do we go from here? I'm surprised that there aren't a dozen post praising Obama's decision to use the Delta Force but the radical left seems as stunned as the jihad. Is it anothet "mission accomplished" Like Bin Ladin? Why didn't the administration use the Seals like they usually do? Have the Seals fallen out of favor since the controversy about the movie?
No doubt it was a heroic mission and it shows how well trained the American Military is but where do we go from here? I'm surprised that there aren't a dozen post praising Obama's decision to use the Delta Force but the radical left seems as stunned as the jihad. Is it anothet "mission accomplished" Like Bin Ladin? Why didn't the administration use the Seals like they usually do? Have the Seals fallen out of favor since the controversy about the movie?

It is part of the narrative the far left runs, so they have to follow their religion. Even though Obama is in illegal wars, you figured the far left would be screaming their heads off. Or how many drone strikes are killing innocents under Obama.

They do care about those things, unless the person has an (R) next to their name.

The alphabet means more to them than anything else..
Want to hear them scream?

They think it's OK for Obama to use drones (which frequently kill innocent civilians), so Bill Clinton has no excuse for this one...

Bill Clinton Hours Before 9 11 Attacks I Could Have Killed Osama bin Laden - ABC News

Hours before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, former President Bill Clinton told an audience in Australia about his missed chance to kill attack mastermindOsama bin Laden, according to audio released this week.

Clinton was speaking at a business meeting in Melbourne when the topic turned to terrorism.

“I’m just saying, you know, if I were Osama bin Laden ... He’s a very smart guy. I spent a lot of time thinking about him. And I nearly got him once,” Clinton said in the audio, which was recorded by former Liberal Party head Michael Kroger and aired by Sky News.

“I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have had to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him.

“And so I didn’t do it.”

Hours after Clinton spoke, a hijacked Boeing 767 slammed into the north tower of New York City’sWorld Trade Center. A second plane struck the south tower 18 minutes later. Other planes crashed in Washington, D.C., and western Pennsylvania. The attacks, organized by bin Laden, killed more than 3,000 people.

OK, let's follow your logic.

You say ISIS wasn't a formidable force when Obama pulled our troops out.

And now they control 1/3 of Iraq and Syria.

Now, since everyone knows ISIS is a threat to us (and even Obama is having to admit that now), how can anybody say Obama didn't screw the pooch?

And if ISIS is a growing threat, we had damn well better do something! We don't need more people dying here from terrorist attacks. We found that out on 9/11.

It looks as if you are not going to get a response..

It looks like Obiwan and I were having a respectable debate until you came along.

On topic, Obama "screwed the pooch" as bad as Bush did with his "WMD intelligence,". I never blamed either. Blame their military intelligence. Even they are wrong at times.

OK, let's follow your logic.

You say ISIS wasn't a formidable force when Obama pulled our troops out.

And now they control 1/3 of Iraq and Syria.

Now, since everyone knows ISIS is a threat to us (and even Obama is having to admit that now), how can anybody say Obama didn't screw the pooch?

And if ISIS is a growing threat, we had damn well better do something! We don't need more people dying here from terrorist attacks. We found that out on 9/11.

It looks as if you are not going to get a response..

It looks like Obiwan and I were having a respectable debate until you came along.

On topic, Obama "screwed the pooch" as bad as Bush did with his "WMD intelligence,". I never blamed either. Blame their military intelligence. Even they are wrong at times.

Wrong as always!

I made two facts and you went all troll partisan hack!

OK, I'll buy your premise that Obama had faulty Intel on the strength of ISIS, but where he made his mistake was in pulling our troops out and allowing AQI to morph into ISIS, against the advice of his generals. Then he gave them a haven in Libya and Syria too. That shows bad judgment, and only made our troops' job harder.

Now back to the OP....The troops did a great job, like they always do under difficult and dangerous circumstances. While we are in a dialog about paying burger flippers $15/hr, why don't Obama and the Democrats try to get decent pay for the people who put their lives on the line to keep us safe?

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