U.S. takes fight to ISIS

[QUOTE="aaronleland, post: 11410829, member: 37250]

It's hard to celebrate victories in a war of choice that never should have happened. Especially when it created the power vacuum ISIS took advantage of.
Actually, I'll agree with you that the war in Iraq was a mistake, but BOTH parties supported it, based on flawed intelligence (and yes, Congress can get access to the same Intel the President has). And once it began, we had to deal with it.

But you have to bear in mind that our troops had Al Qaeda in Iraq on the ropes when Obama and the Democrats pulled our troops out (for political gain). That allowed Al Qaeda in Iraq to morph into ISIS, grow in strength, and seize all of that up-to-date equipment (including TANKS).
Now, if our troops have to go back in (and they undoubtedly will, especially in light of Obama's lackadaisical attempts to defeat ISIS so far), the price in blood that it will cost our troops has gone way up. THAT is the real disrespect to our troops here.

Do I support the brave men and women who put their lives on the line for us? HELL, YES!!!

Do I support those who hold our military in such contempt that their sacrifices mean nothing but a route to power, without regard for the blood of our troops? HELL, NO!!!![/QUOTE]

Of course our withdrawal from Iraq was a political plus to Obama among his supporters. That doesn't dismiss the fact that Bush signed a SOFA, and Obama followed on that timeline. The Iraqis wanted us gone, but now they want us back? Let their incompetent government fend for themselves. They should be happy we are even supporting them with air strikes.

Also, Al Qaeda isn't ISIS. They disowned ISIS because of their brutality and tactics. When Al Qaeda says you are too brutal to be affiliated with them you know you are hardcore.
Like it or not, its been President Obama who has gone after and killed many terrorists, including ISIS. If not for him, there would be no coalition of 60+ countries, all working together.

Thank you, Mr President.
Where are they? Apparently Obama misplaced most of them.

Oh, well, maybe he'll find them while he's looking for Hillary's missing emails....
I understand some people dislike Obama enough to ignore our victories, but there is no reason to. You don't have to praise Obama. I'm certainly not. Praise our military commanders. Praise the Kurds and Iraqi security forces. Quit being such partisan tools.

You mean all the Bush haters that did the same thing from 2003 to 2009?

It's hard to celebrate victories in a war of choice that never should have happened. Especially when it created the power vacuum ISIS took advantage of.

Yes many partisan hacks say such things..

Here is s clue for all the partisan hacks out there.

The group know as IS (what they are official called now) was actually formed by a Jordanian back in 1999.

So this group started under Clinton and was allowed to flourish under Obama after the horrid cut and run strategy to appease the fringe elements of his party. Yes he may have brought the troops home to win the election, but at the cost of that political maneuver.

If all lives matter, then they matter regardless of the area they live in..

So, it was created under Clinton, flourished under Obama, but the 8 years in between are ignored? You are such a tool. :lol:

Only a tool like you would ignore the facts. Just goes to show that you are the real tool!

Answer the question. Why do you ignore the 8 years in between? Could it have anything to do with it being a Republican President? :eek:
You mean all the Bush haters that did the same thing from 2003 to 2009?

It's hard to celebrate victories in a war of choice that never should have happened. Especially when it created the power vacuum ISIS took advantage of.

Yes many partisan hacks say such things..

Here is s clue for all the partisan hacks out there.

The group know as IS (what they are official called now) was actually formed by a Jordanian back in 1999.

So this group started under Clinton and was allowed to flourish under Obama after the horrid cut and run strategy to appease the fringe elements of his party. Yes he may have brought the troops home to win the election, but at the cost of that political maneuver.

If all lives matter, then they matter regardless of the area they live in..

So, it was created under Clinton, flourished under Obama, but the 8 years in between are ignored? You are such a tool. :lol:

Only a tool like you would ignore the facts. Just goes to show that you are the real tool!

Answer the question. Why do you ignore the 8 years in between? Could it have anything to do with it being a Republican President? :eek:

Because the 8 years in-between would take you to 2007 or are you unable to do math?

Shows who the true tool is.

Facts are fact, and if you want to deny them it is does is prove that you are the real and only tool here.

ISIS got it's start with Al Qaeda in Iraq. As a matter of fact, they got some of their leadership from them.

Don't you know what morphed means?

Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group - BBC News

Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

It has since been disavowed by al-Qaeda, but has become one of the main jihadist groups fighting government forces in Syria and Iraq.

Its precise size is unclear but it is thought to include thousands of fighters, including manyforeign jihadists.

The organisation is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Little is known about him, but it is believed he was born in Samarra, north of Baghdad, in 1971 and joined the insurgency that erupted in Iraq soon after the 2003 US-led invasion.

In 2010 he emerged as the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, one of the groups that later became Isis.
It's hard to celebrate victories in a war of choice that never should have happened. Especially when it created the power vacuum ISIS took advantage of.

Yes many partisan hacks say such things..

Here is s clue for all the partisan hacks out there.

The group know as IS (what they are official called now) was actually formed by a Jordanian back in 1999.

So this group started under Clinton and was allowed to flourish under Obama after the horrid cut and run strategy to appease the fringe elements of his party. Yes he may have brought the troops home to win the election, but at the cost of that political maneuver.

If all lives matter, then they matter regardless of the area they live in..

So, it was created under Clinton, flourished under Obama, but the 8 years in between are ignored? You are such a tool. :lol:

Only a tool like you would ignore the facts. Just goes to show that you are the real tool!

Answer the question. Why do you ignore the 8 years in between? Could it have anything to do with it being a Republican President? :eek:

Because the 8 years in-between would take you to 2007 or are you unable to do math?

Shows who the true tool is.

Facts are fact, and if you want to deny them it is does is prove that you are the real and only tool here.

Your timeline is...

1999: Clinton allowed ISIS to flourish.

2000-2008: Nothing bad happened... except the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history.


ISIS got it's start with Al Qaeda in Iraq. As a matter of fact, they got some of their leadership from them.

Don't you know what morphed means?

Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group - BBC News

Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

It has since been disavowed by al-Qaeda, but has become one of the main jihadist groups fighting government forces in Syria and Iraq.

Its precise size is unclear but it is thought to include thousands of fighters, including manyforeign jihadists.

The organisation is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Little is known about him, but it is believed he was born in Samarra, north of Baghdad, in 1971 and joined the insurgency that erupted in Iraq soon after the 2003 US-led invasion.

In 2010 he emerged as the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, one of the groups that later became Isis.

I agree. That is exactly what I was saying. I take issue with Kosh's assertion that Clinton and Obama helped ISIS flourish, but the 8 years in between never happened.
Yes many partisan hacks say such things..

Here is s clue for all the partisan hacks out there.

The group know as IS (what they are official called now) was actually formed by a Jordanian back in 1999.

So this group started under Clinton and was allowed to flourish under Obama after the horrid cut and run strategy to appease the fringe elements of his party. Yes he may have brought the troops home to win the election, but at the cost of that political maneuver.

If all lives matter, then they matter regardless of the area they live in..

So, it was created under Clinton, flourished under Obama, but the 8 years in between are ignored? You are such a tool. :lol:

Only a tool like you would ignore the facts. Just goes to show that you are the real tool!

Answer the question. Why do you ignore the 8 years in between? Could it have anything to do with it being a Republican President? :eek:

Because the 8 years in-between would take you to 2007 or are you unable to do math?

Shows who the true tool is.

Facts are fact, and if you want to deny them it is does is prove that you are the real and only tool here.

Your timeline is...

1999: Clinton allowed ISIS to flourish.

2000-2008: Nothing bad happened... except the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history.


Still shows you to be the tool here!

2008 Obama was not president! Man you really have no clue about anything, you just like being a trolling tool!

And no you as always are incorrect!

ISIS got it's start with Al Qaeda in Iraq. As a matter of fact, they got some of their leadership from them.

Don't you know what morphed means?

Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group - BBC News

Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

It has since been disavowed by al-Qaeda, but has become one of the main jihadist groups fighting government forces in Syria and Iraq.

Its precise size is unclear but it is thought to include thousands of fighters, including manyforeign jihadists.

The organisation is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Little is known about him, but it is believed he was born in Samarra, north of Baghdad, in 1971 and joined the insurgency that erupted in Iraq soon after the 2003 US-led invasion.

In 2010 he emerged as the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, one of the groups that later became Isis.

I agree. That is exactly what I was saying. I take issue with Kosh's assertion that Clinton and Obama helped ISIS flourish, but the 8 years in between never happened.

Once again the tool misrepresents the facts.

ISIS or IS was created in 1999 and allowed to flourish under Obama after his cut and run policy.

Now show anywhere in-between where they were allowed to flourish like they did under Obama?
So, it was created under Clinton, flourished under Obama, but the 8 years in between are ignored? You are such a tool. :lol:

Only a tool like you would ignore the facts. Just goes to show that you are the real tool!

Answer the question. Why do you ignore the 8 years in between? Could it have anything to do with it being a Republican President? :eek:

Because the 8 years in-between would take you to 2007 or are you unable to do math?

Shows who the true tool is.

Facts are fact, and if you want to deny them it is does is prove that you are the real and only tool here.

Your timeline is...

1999: Clinton allowed ISIS to flourish.

2000-2008: Nothing bad happened... except the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history.


Still shows you to be the tool here!

2008 Obama was not president! Man you really have no clue about anything, you just like being a trolling tool!

And no you as always are incorrect!

Judging by your posts you have no clue what I'm even saying.

Tell me... did a presidency exist between Clinton and Obama, and did they have anything to do with our current problem?

ISIS got it's start with Al Qaeda in Iraq. As a matter of fact, they got some of their leadership from them.

Don't you know what morphed means?

Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group - BBC News

Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

It has since been disavowed by al-Qaeda, but has become one of the main jihadist groups fighting government forces in Syria and Iraq.

Its precise size is unclear but it is thought to include thousands of fighters, including manyforeign jihadists.

The organisation is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Little is known about him, but it is believed he was born in Samarra, north of Baghdad, in 1971 and joined the insurgency that erupted in Iraq soon after the 2003 US-led invasion.

In 2010 he emerged as the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, one of the groups that later became Isis.

I agree. That is exactly what I was saying. I take issue with Kosh's assertion that Clinton and Obama helped ISIS flourish, but the 8 years in between never happened.

Once again the tool misrepresents the facts.

ISIS or IS was created in 1999 and allowed to flourish under Obama after his cut and run policy.

Now show anywhere in-between where they were allowed to flourish like they did under Obama?

Um... because Obama wasn't president until almost 10 years later? :dunno:

ISIS got it's start with Al Qaeda in Iraq. As a matter of fact, they got some of their leadership from them.

Don't you know what morphed means?

Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group - BBC News

Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

It has since been disavowed by al-Qaeda, but has become one of the main jihadist groups fighting government forces in Syria and Iraq.

Its precise size is unclear but it is thought to include thousands of fighters, including manyforeign jihadists.

The organisation is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Little is known about him, but it is believed he was born in Samarra, north of Baghdad, in 1971 and joined the insurgency that erupted in Iraq soon after the 2003 US-led invasion.

In 2010 he emerged as the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, one of the groups that later became Isis.

The group has had various names.[45]

  1. The group was founded in 1999 by Jordanian radical Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād, "The Organisation of Monotheism and Jihad" (JTJ).[29]
  2. In October 2004, al-Zarqawi swore loyalty to Osama bin Laden and changed the group's name to Tanẓīm Qāʻidat al-Jihād fī Bilād al-Rāfidayn, "The Organisation of Jihad's Base in Mesopotamia", commonly known as al-Qaeda in Iraq. (AQI).[45][46] Although the group has never called itself al-Qaeda in Iraq, this has been its informal name over the years.[47]
  3. In January 2006, AQI merged with several other Iraqi insurgent groups to form the Mujahideen Shura Council.[48] Al-Zarqawi was killed in June 2006.
  4. On 12 October 2006, the Mujahideen Shura Council merged with several more insurgent factions, and on 13 October the establishment of the ad-Dawlah al-ʻIraq al-Islāmiyah, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), was announced.[49] The leaders of this group were Abu Abdullah al-Rashid al-Baghdadi and Abu Ayyub al-Masri.[50] After they were killed in a U.S.–Iraqi operation in April 2010, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became the new leader of the group.
  5. On 8 April 2013, having expanded into Syria, the group adopted the name Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, which more fully translates as Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.[51][52][53] These names are translations of the Arabic name ad-Dawlah al-Islāmīyah fīl-ʻIrāq wash-Shām,[54][55] al-Shām being a description of the Levant or Greater Syria.[33] The translated names are commonly abbreviated as ISIL or ISIS, with a debate over which of these acronyms should be used.[33][55] The Washington Post concluded that the distinction between the two "is not so great".[33]
  6. The name Daʿish is often used by ISIL's Arabic-speaking detractors. It is based on the Arabic letters Dāl, alif, ʻayn, and shīn, which form the acronym (داعش) of ISIL's Arabic name al-Dawlah al-Islamīyah fī al-ʻIrāq wa-al-Shām.[56][57] There are many spellings of this acronym, with DAESH gaining acceptance. ISIL considers the name Da'ish derogatory, because it sounds similar to the Arabic words Daes, "one who crushes something underfoot", and Dahes, "one who sows discord".[58][59] ISIL also reportedly uses flogging as a punishment for those who use the name in ISIL-controlled areas.[60][61]
  7. On 14 May 2014, the United States Department of State announced its decision to use "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL) as the group's primary name.[56] However, in late 2014, top U.S. officials shifted toward DAESH, since it was the preferred term used by Arab partners.[58]
  8. On 29 June 2014, the group renamed itself the Islamic State (IS) and declared it was a worldwide "caliphate".[37][62][63] "Accordingly, the 'Iraq and Shām' in the name of the Islamic State is henceforth removed from all official deliberations and communications, and the official name is the Islamic State from the date of this declaration." This name and the idea of a caliphate has been widely criticised, with the UN, various governments, and mainstream Muslim groups refusing to use it.[64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72]
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sure they were there... But after the surge, they weren't flourishing, they were on the ropes.

Obama gave them a second chance, and isn't too serious about destroying them now.

And if ISIS is a threat to us, they need to be taken out, politics be damned.
Only a tool like you would ignore the facts. Just goes to show that you are the real tool!

Answer the question. Why do you ignore the 8 years in between? Could it have anything to do with it being a Republican President? :eek:

Because the 8 years in-between would take you to 2007 or are you unable to do math?

Shows who the true tool is.

Facts are fact, and if you want to deny them it is does is prove that you are the real and only tool here.

Your timeline is...

1999: Clinton allowed ISIS to flourish.

2000-2008: Nothing bad happened... except the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history.


Still shows you to be the tool here!

2008 Obama was not president! Man you really have no clue about anything, you just like being a trolling tool!

And no you as always are incorrect!

Judging by your posts you have no clue what I'm even saying.

Tell me... did a presidency exist between Clinton and Obama, and did they have anything to do with our current problem?

Again showing that you are a partisan tool!

All I pointed were facts that IS formed in 1999 and that they were allowed to flourish under Obama.

You are denying the actual facts with a partisan rant!

ISIS got it's start with Al Qaeda in Iraq. As a matter of fact, they got some of their leadership from them.

Don't you know what morphed means?

Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group - BBC News

Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

It has since been disavowed by al-Qaeda, but has become one of the main jihadist groups fighting government forces in Syria and Iraq.

Its precise size is unclear but it is thought to include thousands of fighters, including manyforeign jihadists.

The organisation is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Little is known about him, but it is believed he was born in Samarra, north of Baghdad, in 1971 and joined the insurgency that erupted in Iraq soon after the 2003 US-led invasion.

In 2010 he emerged as the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, one of the groups that later became Isis.

I agree. That is exactly what I was saying. I take issue with Kosh's assertion that Clinton and Obama helped ISIS flourish, but the 8 years in between never happened.

Once again the tool misrepresents the facts.

ISIS or IS was created in 1999 and allowed to flourish under Obama after his cut and run policy.

Now show anywhere in-between where they were allowed to flourish like they did under Obama?

Um... because Obama wasn't president until almost 10 years later? :dunno:

Yes I know you are trolling tool, no need to prove that.

All I stated were facts that IS was created under Clinton and allowed to flourish under Obama.

Why is that so hard for a partisan hack like you to accept?

Sure they were there... But after the surge, they weren't flourishing, they were on the ropes.

Obama gave them a second chance, and isn't too serious about destroying them now.

And if ISIS is a threat to us, they need to be taken out, politics be damned.

Exactly! However the partisan hacks can not admit to that as they would have to admit to Obama being a fail leader.

Sure they were there... But after the surge, they weren't flourishing, they were on the ropes.

Obama gave them a second chance, and isn't too serious about destroying them now.

And if ISIS is a threat to us, they need to be taken out, politics be damned.

Bush and the Iraqis gave them a second chance. We invaded, stayed for over ten years, and the Iraqis asked us to leave. Bush signed the SOFA, and we agreed. Obama followed through on that agreement long before ISIS became a formidable force. Now ISIS has control of one-third of Iraq and Syria, and we are supposed to send our troops in again to die in both countries?

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