U.S. to relinquish remaining control over the Internet

It's not in Fucken China ether you fucken idiot. But who controls it now?

It's like building a sports car from scratch, spending thousand of dollars fixing it up, then just handing the keys to some asshole that hates our guts. He didn't spend one thin dime to build the thing and now we just turn it over to him?

what is wrong with these people?

Then we should return the statue of Liberty???

Do we own west Germany since the Marshal plan rebuilt that place??? Japan, how much do we own??

Did your parents feed you with a slingshot when you were little?

The Statue of Liberty was a gift. It serves no national security purpose.

Do you doubt that most of the staff managing the Domain Names comes from India?
Well, after a quick scan through the information about ICANN, I can't seem to find anything evil or sinister. And, why the staff clearly has international backgrounds, I don't see anything that leads me to believe they are anything more than super-nerds who are infatuated with the web and want to see it available to everyone.

Anyone get anything different?
It does need to stop. 2014 mid-terms are a good place to begin that.

And a Big Thanks to Obama for the NSA scandal that put the U.S. in a position of having to give up governance of the internets. Let's all look forward to a world where internet liberty is overseen by the equivalent of the U.N. Security Council.


Its funny watching you people spin. One minute you want the government not to regulate with net neutrality and in the next breath you dont want them to give up control of the internet.

But hey lets be hacky and blame Obama...Really shows a really deep well thought out reasoning.
seems to me that this will lower government spending

but giving it to a french company?

mon du
Just more of the "transformation of America" that Obama promised.

ICANN's primary principles of operation have been described as helping preserve the operational stability of the Internet; to promote competition; to achieve broad representation of the global Internet community; and to develop policies appropriate to its mission through bottom-up, consensus-based processes.[3]

Why this is like a free market advocate wet dream. You people need to educate yourself more instead of kneejerking on everything
If Obama gave the internet to the French, then why would everyone start typing in Russian?

Do a lot of French people speak Russian?

No, retard. But, since the French are utter pussies, it will only be a matter of time before they white-flag to Putin.
seems to me that this will lower government spending

but giving it to a french company?

mon du

they are in Los angles.

A CA company?

eee gads

Hope it's not run by political liberals, cuz if it is, free speech dies on the net

ICANN's primary principles of operation have been described as helping preserve the operational stability of the Internet; to promote competition; to achieve broad representation of the global Internet community; and to develop policies appropriate to its mission through bottom-up, consensus-based processes.[3]
they are in Los angles.

A CA company?

eee gads

Hope it's not run by political liberals, cuz if it is, free speech dies on the net

ICANN's primary principles of operation have been described as helping preserve the operational stability of the Internet; to promote competition; to achieve broad representation of the global Internet community; and to develop policies appropriate to its mission through bottom-up, consensus-based processes.[3]

Yeah, don't fix it if it ain't broke.
You noticed that the Panama Canal was not in the USA??

You imperialist slay me....Ha!

It's not in Fucken China ether you fucken idiot. But who controls it now?

It's like building a sports car from scratch, spending thousand of dollars fixing it up, then just handing the keys to some asshole that hates our guts. He didn't spend one thin dime to build the thing and now we just turn it over to him?

what is wrong with these people?

Except that we ran that sports car into the ground over the years and finally at the end of it's useful life it was no longer economically feasible for us to spend the $ to upgrade it to modern usefulness.
I have to admit I saw this earlier and wasn't certain what all it meant?

I see some say no problem and some say it's bad...

I'm still confused
No nation should have legal authority over the Internet. May have begun in the US, but it's changed since and is now an international/non-state entity. If anyone should have any kind of authority over it it's the UN. Can't think of anything more international than the net.

Now we can look forward to a Web tax to pay for something somewhere else in the world.

What we can look for is a web tax to support totalitarians implementing censorship of the internets.

How Hopey-Changey is that?!!!!

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