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U.S. Veterans to form Human Shield at Dakota Pipeline Protest

And I told you I DON'T KNOW.... but if it doesn't, then why the fuck was it moved away from the original plans to build it by a 95% White city for fears it would contaminate their water supply to going through an Indian Reservation!

It's nowhere near the reservation.....try reality for once.

It's fucking next to the Missouri River which is what their water source is for the reservation.

Do you have any clue as to how many pipelines cross rivers in the US?
Riiiiiiiiiiight... "look, a brave has a weapon, SLAUGHTER ALL THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN."

Gimme a break, it was a massacre, plain and simple. NOT something the Cavalry or America should EVER be proud of.

After the slaughter at Little Big Horn, the Sioux should have run to Canada but they didn't. If you'd ever been in a combat theater you'd know that anybody who harbors, loads weapons, or feeds the enemy is fair game. The 7th had taken enough shit off these savages....Wounded Knee was the clincher....they submitted and never gave us another peep of trouble....mission accomplished.
God, are you one stupid bastard. The 7th committed a massacre equal to Sand Creek at Wounded Knee. And then were caught by armed Lakota Warriors, and would have been wiped out, quite justly, had it not been for the Buffalo Soldiers of the 9th Calvary.

Buffalo Soldier Novel - Rescue at Pine Ridge

Rescue at Pine Ridge is the story of the rescue of the famed 7th Cavalry by the 9th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers. The 7th Cavalry was entrapped again, after the Little Big Horn Massacre, fourteen years later, the day after the Wounded Knee Massacre. If it wasn't for the 9th Buffalo Soldiers, there would of been a second massacre of the 7th Cavalry. This story is about, brutality, compassion, reprisal, bravery, heroism and gallantry. You'll find the material and the read of "Rescue at Pine Ridge" interesting, with emotions, invigorating and thrilling.
And I told you I DON'T KNOW.... but if it doesn't, then why the fuck was it moved away from the original plans to build it by a 95% White city for fears it would contaminate their water supply to going through an Indian Reservation!

It's nowhere near the reservation.....try reality for once.

It's fucking next to the Missouri River which is what their water source is for the reservation.

Do you have any clue as to how many pipelines cross rivers in the US?
Do you have any clue at to how many times those pipelines have broken and contaminated the rivers? Twice recently on the Yellowstone in Montana.
And I told you I DON'T KNOW.... but if it doesn't, then why the fuck was it moved away from the original plans to build it by a 95% White city for fears it would contaminate their water supply to going through an Indian Reservation!

It's nowhere near the reservation.....try reality for once.
If that pipe breaks under the reservoir, it will contaminate the Reservation's drinking water and the water they use for irrigation.
Being a 6 year veteran 4 years spent on a nuclear sub underwater let me tell you I am just a little tired of the veterans whining about everything. If there is any truth to the op's claim then this is just another example.

Here is a site that offers information on the truth about the pipeline, let's argue fact not fiction.

You must be reading different history books than I have, because it wasn't the American Indians that were the constant aggressors, it was the imperialistic white man that invaded their country, broke every damn treaty, lied to them and treated them like dogs that were the aggressors. I'm a proud American, but the way we treated the American Indians is a fucking disgrace, no if's, and's or but's about it.

It's your leftist crap textbooks that produced this rant ^^^^^^^^. We in the 1-7 Cavalry know our history well. Don't second-guess decisions that were made by professional troopers. They felt they were in danger and acted accordingly. Your romanticized view of the plains indians is a fantasy...they were butchers without regard for anything or anybody but themselves.
And it took the Buffalo Soldiers of the 9th Calvary to save the 7th Calvary's ass when they ran into some armed Lakota.
You must be reading different history books than I have, because it wasn't the American Indians that were the constant aggressors, it was the imperialistic white man that invaded their country, broke every damn treaty, lied to them and treated them like dogs that were the aggressors. I'm a proud American, but the way we treated the American Indians is a fucking disgrace, no if's, and's or but's about it.

It's your leftist crap textbooks that produced this rant ^^^^^^^^. We in the 1-7 Cavalry know our history well. Don't second-guess decisions that were made by professional troopers. They felt they were in danger and acted accordingly. Your romanticized view of the plains indians is a fantasy...they were butchers without regard for anything or anybody but themselves.
And it took the Buffalo Soldiers of the 9th Calvary to save the 7th Calvary's ass when they ran into some armed Lakota.
OMG is everything about race with you people? You and your ilk's racism is getting old also.

By Terray Sylvester | CANNON BALL, N.D.
More than 2,000 U.S. military veterans plan to form a human shield to protect protesters of a pipeline project near a Native American reservation in North Dakota, organizers said, just ahead of a federal deadline for activists to leave the camp they have been occupying.

It comes as North Dakota law enforcement backed away from a previous plan to cut off supplies to the camp – an idea quickly abandoned after an outcry and with law enforcement’s treatment of Dakota Access Pipeline protesters increasingly under the microscope.

The protesters have spent months rallying against plans to route the $3.8 billion Dakota Access Pipeline beneath a lake near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, saying it poses a threat to water resources and sacred Native American sites.

Protesters include various Native American tribes as well as environmentalists and even actors including Shailene Woodley.

State officials issued an order on Monday for activists to vacate the Oceti Sakowin camp, located on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers land near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, citing harsh weather conditions.

The state's latest decision not to stop cars entering the protest site indicated local officials will not actively enforce Monday's emergency order to evacuate the camp issued by Governor Jack Dalrymple.

Dalrymple warned on Wednesday that it was "probably not feasible" to reroute the pipeline, but said he had requested a meeting with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council to rebuild a relationship.

"We need to begin now to talk about how we are going to return to a peaceful relationship,” he said on a conference call.

The 1,172-mile (1,885 km) pipeline project, owned by Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners LP (ETP.N), is mostly complete, except for a segment planned to run under Lake Oahe, a reservoir formed by a dam on the Missouri River.

Veterans Stand for Standing Rock, a contingent of more than 2,000 U.S. military veterans, intends to go to North Dakota by this weekend and form a human wall in front of police, protest organizers said on a Facebook page. Organizers could not immediately be reached for comment.

"I figured this was more important than anything else I could be doing,” Guy Dull Knife, 69, a Vietnam War Army veteran, told Reuters at the main camp.

Rest here: U.S. veterans to form human shield at Dakota pipeline protest

There is another pipeline along that same route, what's the big deal?
The big deal is that is a natural gas pipeline, and if it breaks, no major damage to the water. An oil pipeline is a big deal if it breaks in that reservoir that the Standing Rock Reservation depends on for drinking water and irrigation.

The pipeline company was originally going to route that pipe upstream from Bismark, and the people of Bismark said no way, so they routed it upstream from the reservation. After all, just a bunch of dumb indians there, and who gives a damn.

Well, now they know who gives a damn!

We've got oil pipelines that cross rivers and streams all across this country, none, zip, nada have caused irreparable harm anywhere. This is just more eco-nazi BS.
Tell that to the people in Montana, you lying dumb fuck.

Have you got a link to something I'm not aware of?
Pipeline Spills Oil into Yellowstone River Again

Saturday, January 17, 2015:
Montana officials said that a pipeline breach spilled crude oil into the Yellowstone River at 10 am near Glendive, Montana. The Bridger Pipeline Company reported that the break was repaired within an hour but still resulted in a spill of 42,000 gallons of oil.

Severe flooding and a river-altering ice flow in spring 2014 scoured several miles of the Yellowstone River, including the area where the pipeline break occurred. The pipeline which was believed to be several feet below the riverbed may actually sit bare on the river’s floor, leaving it vulnerable. (Source)

The Yellowstone River is partially frozen this time of year so initial estimates of the cleanup effort and contamination of the water was low because it was thought that the ice would prevent the oil from going downstream. However, the ice also made it hard to find the oil so in the end it hampered cleanup.
Previous Exxon Mobil Pipeline Oil Spill in 2011
On July 1st in 2011, an Exxon Mobil pipeline burst near the Yellowstone River by Billings, Montana. Twenty-miles of river were affected by 1,000 barrels of crude oil. Read associated story

List of pipeline accidents in the United States in the 21st century - Wikipedia

A very extensive list of pipeline spills.
Yeah, like the pipeline wasn't actually going "through" Bismark, but it was still re-routed to protect their water source.

Look, you've done your prog fake anger thing the rest of your ilk can relate to, but by now you know the pipeline is no eco-threat to anybody but the breezy/sunshine moonbats who leave as large a "carbon footprint" as the rest of us. Maybe you'd rather continue paying the Saudis for your oil but we don't and won't any longer. Get aboard or get the hell out of the way.
Fuck you. Gonna be in the way on this and other places where the big energy corporations are pushing regular American Citizens around.
It's fucking next to the Missouri River which is what their water source is for the reservation.

Ah, so now it's "next to".....the story changes.

Yeah, like the pipeline wasn't actually going "through" Bismark, but it was still re-routed to protect their water source.

You also need an education on this to cut thru the bullshit these assholes are spewing. Standing Rock currently get their water 20 miles away from the pipeline.

But they were given a new intake that is 70 count em 70 freaking miles away.
Link? And is that downstream from the pipeline? Does it deliver the same capacity as the present one? And is it already built? After all, the Lakota Nation has not had any treaties made that were not broken by the government and corporations. Promises are worthless to them.
My leftist crap textbooks?

You need to learn something here, skippy, I'm probably one of the most HARD RIGHT/CONSERVATIVE VETERANS of EIGHT YEARS MILITARY on this fucking board, so don't give me this "professional troopers" BULL SHIT.

And there's NOTHING, ROMANTIC about how the white man BOWLED OVER the American Indian tribes like they were BARELY THERE. They had the land, WE TOOK IT, if not by LYING and BREAKING TREATIES, then by simply KILLING THEM.

They fought back as best they could, and who the fuck WOULDN'T, but they were NOT the aggressors. They were just trying to hold on to WHAT WAS THEIR'S for HUNDREDS of years, and it was being TAKEN from them.

Go peddle your bull shit somewhere else.

You're a fucking pogue REMF boy.....don't EVER talk shit to a combat Vet in person or you'll be needing dental work. Your screed is too funny to bother with further....you're a fucking joke.
Oh my goodness, super tough boy at the computer keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!! I am quaking in my boots. LOL I bet that 007 is also. If he is not doubled over laughing.
Here's a kicker. Standing Rock was given millions of dollars for a new water treatment plant.

THIRTY count em 30 Million buckolas in 2009.

"The Sioux received about $30 million from the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to build a new water treatment plant, pump station, 5 million-gallon storage tank and several pipelines to feed fresh water to roughly 10,000 reservation residents."

For Standing Rock Sioux, new water system may reduce oil leak risk
While the scope of contamination of a future oil leak is difficult to predict, the distance from the pipeline to the new intake could reduce widespread contamination risks, regulators and environmental analysts said.

For Standing Rock Sioux, new water system may reduce oil leak risk

Could reduce? How reassuring. But thank you for the link. Really beats unsupported claims we see on this board continually.
It's fucking next to the Missouri River which is what their water source is for the reservation.

Ah, so now it's "next to".....the story changes.

Yeah, like the pipeline wasn't actually going "through" Bismark, but it was still re-routed to protect their water source.

You also need an education on this to cut thru the bullshit these assholes are spewing. Standing Rock currently get their water 20 miles away from the pipeline.

But they were given a new intake that is 70 count em 70 freaking miles away.
Link? And is that downstream from the pipeline? Does it deliver the same capacity as the present one? And is it already built? After all, the Lakota Nation has not had any treaties made that were not broken by the government and corporations. Promises are worthless to them.
They don't own the land… fact
Yeah, like the pipeline wasn't actually going "through" Bismark, but it was still re-routed to protect their water source.

You also need an education on this to cut thru the bullshit these assholes are spewing. Standing Rock currently get their water 20 miles away from the pipeline.

But they were given a new intake that is 70 count em 70 freaking miles away.

Yeah... sure. That's why these fucking people are standing out in the freezing cold and getting hit wit water cannons. For no fucking reason. Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?

They want to she domestic production in the Bakkens.

That's the real reason. Period full stop.

F-U-L-L O-F S-H-I-T. /end of story

You really are ignorant you little wanker.


Standing Rock is a rent a tribe for the enviro whacko "leave it in the ground" movement.
No, lying little bitch, the people at Standing Rock care about their world. And your avatar is rank hypocrisy.
There is a difference in civilian casualties and fucking taking a Gatling gun and mowing down a whole tribe of men, women, and children until everyone of them are dead.

Once again you prove you're a young fool contaminated by leftist public education:

On the morning of December 29, the troops went into the camp to disarm the Lakota. One version of events claims that during the process of disarming the Lakota, a deaf tribesman named Black Coyote was reluctant to give up his rifle, claiming he had paid a lot for it.[6] A scuffle over the rifle ensued and by the time it was over, more than 150 men, women, and children of the Lakota had been killed and 51 were wounded (4 men and 47 women and children, some of whom died later); some estimates placed the number of dead at 300.[1] Twenty-five soldiers also died, and 39 were wounded (6 of the wounded later died).[7] At least twenty soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor.[8] In 2001, the National Congress of American Indians passed two resolutions condemning the awards and called on the U.S. government to rescind them.[9] The site of the battlefield has been designated a National Historic Landmark.[4] In 1990, both houses of the U.S. Congress passed a resolution formally expressing "deep regret" for the massacre.[10]
Most of the soldiers killed or wounded at Wounded Knee were killed or wounded by friendly fire.

Wounded Knee Massacre

The fighting lasted less than an hour. Casualty estimates vary. Lakota casualties included at least 185 killed and 51 wounded (some of whom died later). General Nelson Miles put the death toll at 90 warriors and about 200 women and children. Military records show that 84 men, 44 women and 18 children were buried in an unmarked grave. Some estimates place the number of Lakota dead at 300. Twenty-five U.S. troops were killed, and 39 were wounded (6 of the wounded would later die). Many of the U.S. casualties were probably victims of friendly fire.
And the real standing rock soux dont even want the protesters there. From the same article,

"Robert Fool Bear Sr.
Fool Bear has had it with the protesters. He says that more than two years ago, when members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe could have attended hearings to make their concerns known, they didn't care. Now, suddenly, the crowds are out of control, and he fears it's just a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt.
Go down to the camps, he says, and you won't see many Standing Rock Sioux.
"It irks me. People are here from all over the world," he says. "If they could come from other planets, I think they would."
The presence of all these people has become a downright nuisance to his community, he says. Given the roadblocks, residents of Cannon Ball are often forced to go more than 40 miles out of their way."

Not a blog, not Foux news but a Soux and a resident . Not you, no matter how much you want it to be.
I have visited Fort Yates, where my wife's relatives live, five times. Many of them are in that camp. And the protest is supported by most Lakota on the Reservation and off.
So you're saying that all those people died because the U.S. government was forcefully taking the land away from the Native Americans and disarming them. So what will you do if the government comes to take your guns?

I was educating you about there being a BATTLE, not a "massacre". The Sioux didn't own any land there or anywhere...they roamed around following food and suitable climate for their camps. They grew nothing...simply stole what they couldn't produce and were a menace to whites looking to settle the land. Whether you like it or not, the west was taken from these butchers/slavers after they repeatedly proved they had no interest in peace.
How can a lying little fuck like you educate anyone about something of which he apparently knows very little?

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