U.S. Women's Soccer Co-Captain: ‘I’ll Probably Never Sing The National Anthem Again’

Ya gotta love how the womans team filed suit over pay discrepancies with the mens team.
Here's an easy solution to the problem.... they can play the mens team,if they win they get equal pay.
You know, I joined the military in the early 80's, served 20 years, and retired in the early 2000's. Over that 20 years I was in, I served in 4 different combat zones.

Every year, there was a half a week of training that we did called Navy Rights and Responsibilities. That was training on what was expected of us, how we were to conduct ourselves, as well as a lot of other stuff. Some of which was about the Constitution and our Oath of Enlistment. When I enlisted, I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the USA, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. My oath was to the Constitution of the US, not the flag, not the anthem, but the founding document of this country.

Part of that oath means I support and defend EVERYTHING in that document, which means if someone wants to do a peaceful protest, they have the right to do so, whether or not I agree with it. So, it's because of the service of people like myself that allows her do take a knee if she wants, because the Constitution (the document I swore an oath to support and defend) says she can.

As eloquent as that was, you've totally missed the point. No one is questioning her right to do it. Americans are questioning her reasoning for doing it, the timing of it and the message it sends for those who view this as an opportunity to unite the country.
Ya gotta love how the womans team filed suit over pay discrepancies with the mens team.
Here's an easy solution to the problem.... they can play the mens team,if they win they get equal pay.
They win more than the men's team. But do carry on with your misogynist self.
You know, I joined the military in the early 80's, served 20 years, and retired in the early 2000's. Over that 20 years I was in, I served in 4 different combat zones.

Every year, there was a half a week of training that we did called Navy Rights and Responsibilities. That was training on what was expected of us, how we were to conduct ourselves, as well as a lot of other stuff. Some of which was about the Constitution and our Oath of Enlistment. When I enlisted, I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the USA, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. My oath was to the Constitution of the US, not the flag, not the anthem, but the founding document of this country.

Part of that oath means I support and defend EVERYTHING in that document, which means if someone wants to do a peaceful protest, they have the right to do so, whether or not I agree with it. So, it's because of the service of people like myself that allows her do take a knee if she wants, because the Constitution (the document I swore an oath to support and defend) says she can.

Fine. I agree with you about her right to free speech.
My problem is that she is being paid by MY tax money to represent the United States in the national soccer team. She is NOT representing this country and should be removed from the team.

Are you positive that the team is funded by tax dollars? Just about everything that I've been able to find says that they generate their own revenue by selling tickets. And, interestingly enough, the women's soccer team generates MORE revenue than the men's, as well as they have had a better past few seasons than the men, yet they get paid significantly less.

Do they actually play a season and sell tickets?
From what I understand they only play every four years.
Ya gotta love how the womans team filed suit over pay discrepancies with the mens team.
Here's an easy solution to the problem.... they can play the mens team,if they win they get equal pay.
They win more than the men's team. But do carry on with your misogynist self.

It's no different than the WNBA. They get paid less because they put out an inferior product.
Freedom of speech is sometimes a royal bitch. It means you have to allow some asshole the same rights you have to stand up (or kneel) as the case may be to say something verbally or otherwise. Yes, I know it sucks. But to do deny her that right puts you in the same boat with the assholes that will not allow conservative speakers on some college campuses. Do you know how many other countries would have her shot or sent to prison for embarrassing her country and their leaders on the international stage? She ought to take that into account too, but she is who she is and all of us have to accept her rights as equal to our own.

And BTW, I do not see why said freedom of speech should be influenced by whether or not any part of her participation is paid for by us tax dollars. In a way, I'm kinda to live in a country where that can happen; she's on the team based on merit and I like that. She's allowed to freely express herself and I like that. And some of us are allowed to agree or disagree with her and I like that too.
You know, I joined the military in the early 80's, served 20 years, and retired in the early 2000's. Over that 20 years I was in, I served in 4 different combat zones.

Every year, there was a half a week of training that we did called Navy Rights and Responsibilities. That was training on what was expected of us, how we were to conduct ourselves, as well as a lot of other stuff. Some of which was about the Constitution and our Oath of Enlistment. When I enlisted, I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the USA, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. My oath was to the Constitution of the US, not the flag, not the anthem, but the founding document of this country.

Part of that oath means I support and defend EVERYTHING in that document, which means if someone wants to do a peaceful protest, they have the right to do so, whether or not I agree with it. So, it's because of the service of people like myself that allows her do take a knee if she wants, because the Constitution (the document I swore an oath to support and defend) says she can.

Fine. I agree with you about her right to free speech.
My problem is that she is being paid by MY tax money to represent the United States in the national soccer team. She is NOT representing this country and should be removed from the team.

Are you positive that the team is funded by tax dollars? Just about everything that I've been able to find says that they generate their own revenue by selling tickets. And, interestingly enough, the women's soccer team generates MORE revenue than the men's, as well as they have had a better past few seasons than the men, yet they get paid significantly less.
Yes, they are supported by donations, mostly from privately owned profit-making teams and rich far cats who like follow the ream around the world and have places on the sidelines and be able to hang around all the parties and events.
Freedom of speech is sometimes a royal bitch. It means you have to allow some asshole the same rights you have to stand up (or kneel) as the case may be to say something verbally or otherwise. Yes, I know it sucks. But to do deny her that right puts you in the same boat with the assholes that will not allow conservative speakers on some college campuses. Do you know how many other countries would have her shot or sent to prison for embarrassing her country and their leaders on the international stage? She ought to take that into account too, but she is who she is and all of us have to accept her rights as equal to our own.

And BTW, I do not see why said freedom of speech should be influenced by whether or not any part of her participation is paid for by us tax dollars. In a way, I'm kinda to live in a country where that can happen; she's on the team based on merit and I like that. She's allowed to freely express herself and I like that. And some of us are allowed to agree or disagree with her and I like that too.

Again, no one is questioning her freedom of speech. Not sure why many here can't understand this. She has a 1st Amendment right to do what she's doing. The 1st Amendment protects her from prosecution by the government. It doesn't protect her from the opinion of others who love the unity that the flag and anthem represent and are offended and may even want her replaced by someone who respects their viewpoint.

And by the way, athletes who kneel for the anthem certainly aren't gaining any new fans, most likely they're losing fans. People who support them already shared their viewpoint. So I'd certainly question her method of trying to get her point across.
And look at all the attention that haters of American freedom are giving her.
Liar, please! If she was wearing a MAGA hat you know damned well you would be one of those "haters of American freedom". This isn't about her rights, moron.

It's about finding an appropriate time and place as a representative of the country to express her views in a way that isn't contemptuous of half the people in the country (if not more).

You and the other leftist babies can go fuck yourselves.
If she were wearing a MAGA hat the team wouldn’t want her and she’d be dropped for the sake of cohesion like the bimbo that opposes the gay players on the team was dropped.
And why would her team drop her if she had a MAGA hat? Because............?
Because it’s a provocative symbol that represents incredibly deep hatreds, including hatreds against people on the team. But maybe the team would look past it. I doubt it will come up as a problem.

Taking a knee is not provocative, right?
And look at all the attention that haters of American freedom are giving her.
Liar, please! If she was wearing a MAGA hat you know damned well you would be one of those "haters of American freedom". This isn't about her rights, moron.

It's about finding an appropriate time and place as a representative of the country to express her views in a way that isn't contemptuous of half the people in the country (if not more).

You and the other leftist babies can go fuck yourselves.
If she were wearing a MAGA hat the team wouldn’t want her and she’d be dropped for the sake of cohesion like the bimbo that opposes the gay players on the team was dropped.
And why would her team drop her if she had a MAGA hat? Because............?
Because it’s a provocative symbol that represents incredibly deep hatreds, including hatreds against people on the team. But maybe the team would look past it. I doubt it will come up as a problem.

Taking a knee is not provocative, right?
Not really. Most of us have gotten over the bullcrap propaganda and view it as just a person expressing an opinion. No big deal. Freedom of speech and expression, God Bless America.
And look at all the attention that haters of American freedom are giving her.
Liar, please! If she was wearing a MAGA hat you know damned well you would be one of those "haters of American freedom". This isn't about her rights, moron.

It's about finding an appropriate time and place as a representative of the country to express her views in a way that isn't contemptuous of half the people in the country (if not more).

You and the other leftist babies can go fuck yourselves.
If she were wearing a MAGA hat the team wouldn’t want her and she’d be dropped for the sake of cohesion like the bimbo that opposes the gay players on the team was dropped.
And why would her team drop her if she had a MAGA hat? Because............?
Because it’s a provocative symbol that represents incredibly deep hatreds, including hatreds against people on the team. But maybe the team would look past it. I doubt it will come up as a problem.

Taking a knee is not provocative, right?
Is it? Do you get that jacked up about people wanting criminal justice reform, lessening the income gap, and wanting equal rights for people that are gay?
Free speech and expression along with free press are enemies of authoritarian fascism, know as Trumpism in America.
Liar, please! If she was wearing a MAGA hat you know damned well you would be one of those "haters of American freedom". This isn't about her rights, moron.

It's about finding an appropriate time and place as a representative of the country to express her views in a way that isn't contemptuous of half the people in the country (if not more).

You and the other leftist babies can go fuck yourselves.
If she were wearing a MAGA hat the team wouldn’t want her and she’d be dropped for the sake of cohesion like the bimbo that opposes the gay players on the team was dropped.
And why would her team drop her if she had a MAGA hat? Because............?
Because it’s a provocative symbol that represents incredibly deep hatreds, including hatreds against people on the team. But maybe the team would look past it. I doubt it will come up as a problem.

Taking a knee is not provocative, right?
Not really. Most of us have gotten over the bullcrap propaganda and view it as just a person expressing an opinion. No big deal. Freedom of speech and expression, God Bless America.

She's not part of the team because of her opinion, but because she's soccer player.

Who gives a shit about what she think?
Liar, please! If she was wearing a MAGA hat you know damned well you would be one of those "haters of American freedom". This isn't about her rights, moron.

It's about finding an appropriate time and place as a representative of the country to express her views in a way that isn't contemptuous of half the people in the country (if not more).

You and the other leftist babies can go fuck yourselves.
If she were wearing a MAGA hat the team wouldn’t want her and she’d be dropped for the sake of cohesion like the bimbo that opposes the gay players on the team was dropped.
And why would her team drop her if she had a MAGA hat? Because............?
Because it’s a provocative symbol that represents incredibly deep hatreds, including hatreds against people on the team. But maybe the team would look past it. I doubt it will come up as a problem.

Taking a knee is not provocative, right?
Is it? Do you get that jacked up about people wanting criminal justice reform, lessening the income gap, and wanting equal rights for people that are gay?

Soccer field, and national team is not place for that. If she can't respect the national anthem and flag, she shouldn't be in the team.
She's not part of the team because of her opinion, but because she's soccer player.

Who gives a shit about what she think?
I don't care about what she thinks as long as her political ideologies aren't expressed in a public way that alienate half the nation.

She plays for the US women's soccer team....not the DNC's soccer team (of which there is none).

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