UAW President, Shawn Fain, Agrees that People don't want to work

The two tier wage system of the UAW in Detroit was around long before Pres. Obama.

So, you still cannot support your claims.

They will be, as always, dismissed till such time as you can.
It is a fact that Obama bailed out the US car industry which resulted in thousands losing their jobs and new hires making less than the previous prevailing Union wage.

Thank you for allowing me to post that fact again.
It is a fact that Obama bailed out the US car industry which resulted in thousands losing their jobs and new hires making less than the previous prevailing Union wage.

Thank you for allowing me to post that fact again.

You're still wrong.
It is a fact that Obama bailed out the US car industry which resulted in thousands losing their jobs and new hires making less than the previous prevailing Union wage.

Thank you for allowing me to post that fact again.
Not to mention he closed dealerships that were Republican owned.
You're still wrong.
Obama bailed out the US car industry, the US government actually bought shares in General Motors. The Obama bailout resulted in thousands losing their jobs. New hires, new workers pay rate was substantially lower than the previous prevailing union wage.
However, it's not the people that's been peddled to us for generations and generations now.

Listen to who he was referring to...

As you can see, he's not mincing words.

/---/ I make $3k - $5k a week in passive income. Why would I want to clock in for 8 hours at some dead end job? Of course, I'm 72 and no one would hire aging Baby Boomers except for menial jobs.
No offense, but you sound exceedingly stupid.
/---/ He may sound stupid to the average Libtard Moonbat like you, but what Elektra said is 100% correct. "It is true, Obama took over the US car industry, GM fired most the union workers and rehired workers for less than $10 a hour." - Elektra
It is a fact that Obama bailed out the US car industry which resulted in thousands losing their jobs and new hires making less than the previous prevailing Union wage.

Thank you for allowing me to post that fact again.

Making the words bigger does not make them facts.

Facts can be supported with data.

You are incapable of doing so, thus you are dismissed...again
/---/ He may sound stupid to the average Libtard Moonbat like you, but what Elektra said is 100% correct. "It is true, Obama took over the US car industry, GM fired most the union workers and rehired workers for less than $10 a hour." - Elektra

He is incapable of proving this is a fact, maybe you can do so for him.
Making the words bigger does not make them facts.

Facts can be supported with data.

You are incapable of doing so, thus you are dismissed...again
No, facts are not always supported by data, and not all facts will google link to. It is pretty funny to watch you post that you dont believe what Obama did and how it effected the US car industry.

I get it, Democrats control google, google can make it so things are not found, and you think you can kill the facts you dont like by telling me to post links from google.

I dont play that game

It is a fact that Obama bailed out the US car industry which resulted in thousands losing their jobs and new hires making less than the previous prevailing Union wage.
No, facts are not always supported by data, and not all facts will google link to. It is pretty funny to watch you post that you dont believe what Obama did and how it effected the US car industry.

I get it, Democrats control google, google can make it so things are not found, and you think you can kill the facts you dont like by telling me to post links from google.

I dont play that game

It is a fact that Obama bailed out the US car industry which resulted in thousands losing their jobs and new hires making less than the previous prevailing Union wage.
/---/ I remember it happening.
/---/ I remember it happening.
funny thing is, while they repeat a hundred times it never happened, I already got the links, I can reply anytime I want with their google proof.

I like letting them make it clear, that they dont know what they are talking about. I might post my links, I am waiting on something else first. Flagrant rule violation I flagged
/---/ I make $3k - $5k a week in passive income. Why would I want to clock in for 8 hours at some dead end job? Of course, I'm 72 and no one would hire aging Baby Boomers except for menial jobs.
What does your passive income come from?
However, it's not the people that's been peddled to us for generations and generations now.

Listen to who he was referring to...

As you can see, he's not mincing words.

We know the Negros on welfare and who are bitching that they aren't getting reparations don't like working, don't we?

Trump gave them the lowest Black unemployment in the history of the US but the sorry fuckers voted for Potatohead, who just promised them welfare.
funny thing is, while they repeat a hundred times it never happened, I already got the links, I can reply anytime I want with their google proof.

I like letting them make it clear, that they dont know what they are talking about. I might post my links, I am waiting on something else first. Flagrant rule violation I flagged
/----/ Funny thing is, I can prove GM slashed pensions of non union workers and Obama saw that the union worker's pensions were saved.
The government’s Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. then assumed responsibility for the 20,000 salaried workers’ pension plan, and cut workers’ and retirees’ monthly benefits if they were larger than the statutory maximum benefit that the agency was guaranteed to pay. As a result, some retirees’ pensions were cut by as much as 70%. But GM did step in to cover pension losses for union workers.

Those who lost benefits were 4,044 workers in Indiana, 5,181 in Ohio, 5,859 in Michigan and thousands of others around the country.
But help is on teh way.
What does your passive income come from?
/---/ Cash secured puts and covered calls. I also made $$$ on the SMCI run up. I was trading in and out of it. Maybe 1/2 hour a week, all totaled. not including checking the market often on my cell phone.
I also make some money with self published books and photographs on Shutterstock, but just enough for pizza and beer money.
/---/ Cash secured puts and covered calls. I also made $$$ on the SMCI run up. I was trading in and out of it. Maybe 1/2 hour a week, all totaled. not including checking the market often on my cell phone.
Oh, so gambling.

Also, that’s not passive income.
You're still wrong, Pres. Obama SAVED jobs by bailing them out, and the two wage was started in the late 90's, I saw it come into existence, you were probably still suckling on your mothers tit when it happened. The two-tier wage happened BEFORE OBAMA.
Obama and Xiden "bailed" them out, er well...bailed out the corrupt UAW, because the Auto industy and the freaking City of Detriot still went bacnkrupt AFTER the bailout.

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