UBL is dead, GM is alive & China thanks you Obama

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Oh, and our economy still stinks with unemployment above 8%

And let's not forget your number one legislative accomplishment looks like it may get thrown out.

Great job
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Oh, and our economy still stinks with unemployment above 8%

And let's not forget your number one legislative accomplishment looks like it may get thrown out.

Great job

Yup, Osama is dead and we need to give a nod to Obama for not screwing up the SEALS mission. He had the courage to tell them to go ahead and do the job they've been working on for years.

GM is alive and off life support finally, but the tax payers are damn exhausted from doing CPR. Ford pulled their own ass away from the cliff and I will buy Ford next time I need a car.

Unemployment is still at record levels and that's even when we use creative math to figure the numbers. When in history did millions of jobs disappear and millions of people give up looking altogether? Small businesses folded like cardboard houses in a hurricane and the government responded by limiting the number of loans that banks can grant for small businesses. Geez, we don't want people out there starting more businesses after all that work destroying the economy. They might create jobs and get people off welfare! Gasp!!

Racial division is back to the 50's, I think. The ability to unify is not one of Obama's talents. He started off bad mouthing cops in the Professor Gates incident. He bad mouthed average Americans to a LaRaza group by claiming we want moats with alligators. (asshole, we never said a word about alligators, it was sharks we asked for) He told them to know who the enemy is. He didn't say a word as the riots escalated into violence after the Trayvon incident, but Holder praised Sharpton for his handling of things. Obama's biggest project was cementing hatred between the classes. He has vilified the wealthy at every turn, only taking breaks long enough to accept big fat checks from them for his campaign. It started with words, then went on to ACORN sponsored bus tours so riled mobs could harass AIG execs and their families in their homes. He's increased the welfare rolls to an all time high. Once a government dependent, likely always a government dependent. And it's important to keep pitting the dependents against the ones who pay for their existence. Rich bastards should pay for all the needs of the non-wealthy.

Divide and conquer. Just one small step in the Cloward-Piven strategy that Obama is following to the letter.
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and if GM is doing so well, where is the trickle down effect? you can compare it to what Reagan did in 81,,,,his econimic plan benefited everyone,,,who's benefiting from GM? the unions?

Weren't the unions given part ownership after Obama took over the company?
From 2001 to 2008, Republicans working with the Chamber of Commerce and China moved millions of jobs to China and shut down thousands of factories in the US. What do you think the Bush Tax cuts were used for? Duh? You can't blame this on Democrats when clearly, this was the work of the US Chamber of Commerce, which is funded by China and the congressional Republicans who receive money from the Chamber of Commerce over Democrats 9 to 1. What the fuck? How many times has that info been posted in the last four years? With links? Too many to count. Don't these Republicans EVER read anything? Besides the inside flap from a box of Zig Zags?
From 2001 to 2008, Republicans working with the Chamber of Commerce and China moved millions of jobs to China and shut down thousands of factories in the US. What do you think the Bush Tax cuts were used for? Duh? You can't blame this on Democrats when clearly, this was the work of the US Chamber of Commerce, which is funded by China and the congressional Republicans who receive money from the Chamber of Commerce over Democrats 9 to 1. What the fuck? How many times has that info been posted in the last four years? With links? Too many to count. Don't these Republicans EVER read anything? Besides the inside flap from a box of Zig Zags?

So it must really piss you off then that your twx dollars were used to build auto factories in China huh? Without that factory, built with your tax dollars, GM would still be struggling.

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