UGA professor to allow students to pick their exam grades to reduce stress

Notice his caveat. The grade does not represent mastery of the course material.

The grade is worthless. Any degree received is worthless.

This is the same as surgeons telling those who undergo sex change operations that they really can't change their sex.

No wonder employers are relying on their own testing for new hires.
Jesus christ, soon college degrees will be a liability when you apply for jobs.

Prof lets students choose own grades for 'stress reduction'

There is a way to make this work.

They could work in teams, like a jury system, and have the peers provide critique and ranking/ratings of themselves and their peers. And their job is to convince the Professor which students deserve which range of grades or ranks. And the Prof also grades students on how accurate their judgment is.

You have to understand the material to be able to assess your own work and other students.
So there is a way to do a peer-review process where it IS educational, it DOES involve
students and require them to learn the material as well as the grading process, and
the class and Professor can come up with pretty fair grades. Any disputes can more easily be resolved
this way.

You'd be surprised how well peer-led groups work. For every one who is too harsh there are some too lax, so as a group this averages out. You drop the highest and the lowest marks and average the rest.
Jesus christ, soon college degrees will be a liability when you apply for jobs.

Prof lets students choose own grades for 'stress reduction'

Wait until these dumbasses get into the real world of jobs, wait until these sissy bitches end up drafted into the military lmfao.
They are being set up for a huge fall where everyone in the world is being taught how to be big babies and as they strip away the human instinct of challenges, of bigger, better stronger these weak ass losers are going to die out survival of the fittest sure in the hell won't be this group.
Jesus christ, soon college degrees will be a liability when you apply for jobs.

Prof lets students choose own grades for 'stress reduction'

There is a way to make this work.

They could work in teams, like a jury system, and have the peers provide critique and ranking/ratings of themselves and their peers. And their job is to convince the Professor which students deserve which range of grades or ranks. And the Prof also grades students on how accurate their judgment is.

You have to understand the material to be able to assess your own work and other students.
So there is a way to do a peer-review process where it IS educational, it DOES involve
students and require them to learn the material as well as the grading process, and
the class and Professor can come up with pretty fair grades. Any disputes can more easily be resolved
this way.

You'd be surprised how well peer-led groups work. For every one who is too harsh there are some too lax, so as a group this averages out. You drop the highest and the lowest marks and average the rest.

You should have read the article. This was already covered. Anyone could walk away from a team or group without penalty.
We have to get rid of these liberal teachers that have taken over every school in this country.
The children should be tested every year and if they fail to meet expectations then the teacher should go.
There should be a ban on all things political in our schools.
Common Core needs to be replaced with the criteria of the smartest children in the world.
Planned Parenthood has no business tutoring preschoolers, and they should also be removed from our class rooms. Spend that time teaching our children how to write again.

We are failing our children. And they will be the ones taking the helm soon. We have ourselves to blame for allowing this to go on in our education system. It is time to take our children's future back.
Jesus christ, soon college degrees will be a liability when you apply for jobs.

Prof lets students choose own grades for 'stress reduction'

There is a way to make this work.

They could work in teams, like a jury system, and have the peers provide critique and ranking/ratings of themselves and their peers. And their job is to convince the Professor which students deserve which range of grades or ranks. And the Prof also grades students on how accurate their judgment is.

You have to understand the material to be able to assess your own work and other students.
So there is a way to do a peer-review process where it IS educational, it DOES involve
students and require them to learn the material as well as the grading process, and
the class and Professor can come up with pretty fair grades. Any disputes can more easily be resolved
this way.

You'd be surprised how well peer-led groups work. For every one who is too harsh there are some too lax, so as a group this averages out. You drop the highest and the lowest marks and average the rest.

Do you think when they grow up and have to fight a war, with a savage country lets say do we think they will want to negotiate with love and a loaf of bread because we've raised a generation of stockholm syndrome panzies afraid of their own shadows and who have no survival skills in the least. .......... this is only one scenario of real life.

do you think these wussies can really function in real life seriously. All people can not be alike. Even some kids who are being brainwashed right now will find their own way to reality and realize what a pathetic state this Country is in and has become if we don't collapse by that point.
Jesus christ, soon college degrees will be a liability when you apply for jobs.

Prof lets students choose own grades for 'stress reduction'

Wait until these dumbasses get into the real world of jobs, wait until these sissy bitches end up drafted into the military lmfao.
They are being set up for a huge fall where everyone in the world is being taught how to be big babies and as they strip away the human instinct of challenges, of bigger, better stronger these weak ass losers are going to die out survival of the fittest sure in the hell won't be this group.

Dear MindWars why wait to draft them into the military? if the generals don't want LGBT they certainly don't want clueless useless deadbeats either!

Instead of only requiring immigrants or Dream Act applicants to sign agreements not to violate laws but to disclose all information and work with authorities,
why not require ALL citizens upon turning 18 to sign agreements to follow and enforce laws, and to sign for legal and FINANCIAL responsibility if they are prosecuted or incarcerated for any premeditated crime; any cost they occur to public taxpayers because of unlawful damage to persons, property or principles, and they agree to work out a settlement plan to pay off these costs over time.

And list what they are!
If incarceration costs 50K per year, have them sign and agree to pay that should they get convicted.
Or else agree to get counseling and treatment should they show signs of mental or criminal illness or social disorder rendering them incompetent; if so, they would require a SPONSOR to co-sign as legal guardian who agrees to the terms and costs should this person commit a crime costing taxpayers money.

Instead of paying for crime, that money could pay for the preventative care and diagnosis for criminally ill or mentally unstable people who aren't fully competent or financially independent to carry their own weight. We'd pay for schools to train these people at jobs under supervision, instead of prisons or detention centers for illegal immigrants and traffickers costing taxpayers billions per year.

So if Democrats want to include all people of all classes and cultures, it will take
a massive school system monitoring all populations in every district,
to cut the crime by preventative intervention, and use our taxes saved to
pay for jobs and internships training these people to do the work to provide
for health care, and constructing and maintaining all these sites to serve the public on a local level.
We have to get rid of these liberal teachers that have taken over every school in this country.
The children should be tested every year and if they fail to meet expectations then the teacher should go.
There should be a ban on all things political in our schools.
Common Core needs to be replaced with the criteria of the smartest children in the world.
Planned Parenthood has no business tutoring preschoolers, and they should also be removed from our class rooms. Spend that time teaching our children how to write again.

We are failing our children. And they will be the ones taking the helm soon. We have ourselves to blame for allowing this to go on in our education system. It is time to take our children's future back.

I need a clarification on the running off of teachers. At what point would you say that needs to be done? How many would have to fail in order for that to happen?

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