Ugh, Our Government Names a Naval Vessel After Gabrielle Giffords

Naming ships does get to be controversial sometimes.
See Naming of Navy ships returns to tradition - Washington Times
It's also of interest that the USS Gabrielle Giffords(LCS-10) is a Littoral Combat Ship.
According to one source "The Navy’s new Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) is not only staggeringly overpriced and chronically unreliable but — even if it were to work perfectly — cannot match the combat power of similar sized foreign warships costing only a fraction as much."
See The Navys New Class of Warships: Big Bucks, Little Bang |
You highlighted the word "argument" and you didn't think that my statement pertained to an argument? Are you reading comprehension skills really that jacked up?

You started the thread on a debate forum, ya dope.

Thats no excuse for your ignorance.

It means that your o.p. was started in the forum with which we typically hold "arguments," so the ignorance and hypocrisy "Ugh" lies with yourself. Sleep with that. You walked right into it.
Look at the other names in this class of ships:
Medgar Evers, Cesar Chavez, John P. Murtha, Gabrielle Giffords and Lyndon B. Johnson
Name choices were made by Democratic Navy Secretary Ray Mabus. Mabus, since taking office in June 2009, has named 32 ships, and has also had a hand in ship-class naming conventions.

If it makes you feel any better George W Bush will someday have a ship named after him.

But I doubt Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld will
You started the thread on a debate forum, ya dope.

Thats no excuse for your ignorance.

It means that your o.p. was started in the forum with which we typically hold "arguments," so the ignorance and hypocrisy "Ugh" lies with yourself. Sleep with that. You walked right into it.

You do understand that it is impossible to argue within a forum unless it has been created and named before hand? You can't be this stupid. Your joshin me right?
Naming ships does get to be controversial sometimes.
See Naming of Navy ships returns to tradition - Washington Times
It's also of interest that the USS Gabrielle Giffords(LCS-10) is a Littoral Combat Ship.
According to one source "The Navy’s new Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) is not only staggeringly overpriced and chronically unreliable but — even if it were to work perfectly — cannot match the combat power of similar sized foreign warships costing only a fraction as much."
See The Navys New Class of Warships: Big Bucks, Little Bang |

What a waste.
Thats no excuse for your ignorance.

It means that your o.p. was started in the forum with which we typically hold "arguments," so the ignorance and hypocrisy "Ugh" lies with yourself. Sleep with that. You walked right into it.

You do understand that it is impossible to argue within a forum unless it has been created and named before hand? You can't be this stupid. Your joshin me right?

You're arguing against the naming of the ship.

The ship has already been named.

The argument began when you posted your disagreement with the nam(er's) position.

Just "ugh" your little self in circles.
We named a ship after a communist labor leader, it's all about the socialism. The feel good. We used to name ships after heroes, important battles, now it's who has suffered. What a pathetic and insipid nation we have become.
It means that your o.p. was started in the forum with which we typically hold "arguments," so the ignorance and hypocrisy "Ugh" lies with yourself. Sleep with that. You walked right into it.

You do understand that it is impossible to argue within a forum unless it has been created and named before hand? You can't be this stupid. Your joshin me right?

You're arguing against the naming of the ship.

The ship has already been named.

The argument began when you posted your disagreement with the nam(er's) position.

Just "ugh" your little self in circles.

So I'm trying to portray an emotion I'm not expressing to someone of whom I am not speaking to nor have contact with nor engaged in argument with? That’s your assertion?
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We named a ship after a communist labor leader, it's all about the socialism. The feel good. We used to name ships after heroes, important battles, now it's who has suffered. What a pathetic and insipid nation we have become.

It certainly speaks volumes about our demeanor.
You do understand that it is impossible to argue within a forum unless it has been created and named before hand? You can't be this stupid. Your joshin me right?

You're arguing against the naming of the ship.

The ship has already been named.

The argument began when you posted your disagreement with the nam(er's) position.

Just "ugh" your little self in circles.

So I'm trying to portray an emotion I'm not expressing to someone of whom I am not speaking to nor have contact with nor ingaged in argument with? Thats your assertion?

No, my assertion is that YOUR assertion regarding persons conveying sentiments like "lol, yawn, etc." is nothing but blow hard douchebaggery.

Truth is, you've no clue about their emotion at any given moment, and the fact that you consistently tell people what it "means" when they type a certain way signifies that you're a narcissistic control-freak douchebag. How does that feel? Do you like that?
You're arguing against the naming of the ship.

The ship has already been named.

The argument began when you posted your disagreement with the nam(er's) position.

Just "ugh" your little self in circles.

So I'm trying to portray an emotion I'm not expressing to someone of whom I am not speaking to nor have contact with nor ingaged in argument with? Thats your assertion?

No, my assertion is that YOUR assertion regarding persons conveying sentiments like "lol, yawn, etc." is nothing but blow hard douchebaggery.

Truth is, you've no clue about their emotion at any given moment, and the fact that you consistently tell people what it "means" when they type a certain way signifies that you're a narcissistic control-freak douchebag. How does that feel? Do you like that?

Oh, I love unjustified insults directed at me. They have their own implications. I would tell those implications to you but for the moment it seems that you have a hard time grasping other matters.
I set conditions when I wrote that statement. People do this in argument all the time. The fact that you chose to ignore those conditions in your desperate scramble for imaginary hypocrisy and stick with it for so long only to show your own ignorance is no fault of my own. You are justified in your frustration. No one likes to think themselves and idiot and some go to extraordinary lengths to hold on to an obviously losing argument. But after frustration comes enlightenment for the even minded so if you are smart you won’t make the same mistake again.
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I had to look it up on the internet but I get what you’re saying. You do seem to have an intellectual laziness problem judging by all of your reply’s. So it comes as no surprise that you responded with the above.
As a veteran and as a conservative, I have no problem with one of the new Littoral Combat Ships being named after Gabbie Giffords. She displayed enourmous personal courage and fortitude after being the victim of a hienous crime. I hope if I was faced with such difficulties, that I could show half-as-much as she did/does.

NOTE TO THE DETRACTORS OF THE LCS: Time ran an article 'exposing' the short-comings of the new LCS. If you research, Time also ran an article in the 80's about the boondoggle surrounding the 'new' M1A1 Main Battle tank and how it would NEVER stack up to the T72 or the T81 in a fight. Not to mention the articles that Time magazine ran regarding the inabilities of the F-15 Eagle and how overpriced but under-capable it was (The F-15 Eagle has NEVER been defeated in air-to-air combat - No matter who has flown it; the U.S., Saudis, etc.). Time has consistantly been wrong.
As a veteran and as a conservative, I have no problem with one of the new Littoral Combat Ships being named after Gabbie Giffords. She displayed enourmous personal courage and fortitude after being the victim of a hienous crime. I hope if I was faced with such difficulties, that I could show half-as-much as she did/does.

NOTE TO THE DETRACTORS OF THE LCS: Time ran an article 'exposing' the short-comings of the new LCS. If you research, Time also ran an article in the 80's about the boondoggle surrounding the 'new' M1A1 Main Battle tank and how it would NEVER stack up to the T72 or the T81 in a fight. Not to mention the articles that Time magazine ran regarding the inabilities of the F-15 Eagle and how overpriced but under-capable it was (The F-15 Eagle has NEVER been defeated in air-to-air combat - No matter who has flown it; the U.S., Saudis, etc.). Time has consistantly been wrong.

It is a crappy ship.
So maybe we need to name a bunch of ships after Gun-toting whacks to make the right wing happy.

USS Jared Loughner
USS Joker Holmes
USS Adam Lanza

Of course, we couldn't build the ships fast enough to keep up with the names...

holmes and lanza were libs

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