Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

The reason you want someone's endorsement is because you agree with their positions. Entertainment - Ted Nugent says he'll be 'dead or in jail' if Obama wins again

Romney sought out Nugent's endorsement??

The information you are privy to is remarkable


You tell me. Did he or didn't he?

Mitt Romney: "It's been fun getting to know Ted Nugent" - YouTube!

I see a lot of left-wing blogs with the title "Romney seeks Nugent Endorsement", but none can support their claim either.

They mention a phone call between the two, but fail to mention who initiated the call.

And if someone now tries to kill Obama it will have nothing at all to do with Nugent putting Obama in the "crosshairs" according to the right.

And I thought only Muslims promoted the chopping off of heads?

The fact that people are defening Nugents rant is pretty amazing.
I guess it answers the question of: "if there is intelligent life in outerspace why have they not contacted us"

Please. If anyone is a threat to Obama it's those nutcases on the left. They are the ones that actually kill people. Aside from Booth and Hinckley, was their a single attempted or successful political assissin who wasnt a communist? Booth wasn't one because they werent in existance in the US then. Hinckley was just a nut job. But all the rest were communists. I can't name a single "right wing" assassin, can you?

Now, it's the Occupy (see left wing/commie) movement calling for violence. Or Farrakahn and his followers. Obama has alot more to worry about from them then Ted Nugent.
so democrat not affiliated with the president says ann romney didn't work and that's worth a week of shrieking by rightwingnuts?

and this man says what he did and it's ok for romney to use him as a surrogate?

notice a problem there?

Only problem is she is affiliated with the President.

And Ted made an ambiguous statement, not an outrageous one.

She? You mean that CNN pun-dent?

Romney sought Ted's endorsement. Death is hardly "ambiguous". Doncha think?

So because Ted thinks that he will end up dead or in prison if Obama is reelected, that means he wants to assassinate the President?

Clearly it has to be ambiguous if you got that bullcrap out of it. Because there is no other much more likely explanation than that.
I don't give Uncle Ted a pass on this. He's flamboyant and stuck his foot in his mouth.
I haven't seen the GOP pundants circle the wagons around him in the media either.

I have seen the democrats circle the wagons around Hilary Rosen. Then had to back away when it started to backfire....just sayin...

Can you link to where democrats "circled the wagons"? Or did you just pull that out your ass?

Were to completely ignoring the threads on this board and all the media comments by left wing media types like Maher trying to make every excuse in the book over it?
If you libs don't understand why pro gun rights people aren't nervous about a second term, then you are hopeless.

For heaven's sakes you've got Cass Sunstein, Obama's Regulatory Czar.

I hope this link works from a speech he gave at Harvard in 2007. This is the synopsis.

"Cass Sunstein, Obama's Regulatory Czar, discusses banning hunting, animal slavery, and overturning the 2nd Amendment. The first two clips are from a 2007 speech Sunstein gave at Harvard University. The others are from a lecture at the University of Chicago Law School on October 27, 2007".

I can't view it. Please let me know. This man in Obama's administration is another prime example of why Nugent is saying he'll probably be in jail or dead.

Cass Sunstein On Hunting, Animal Slavery & Right To Bear Arms - YouTube

What exactly is Obama guilty of?

What is interesting about all this is that Obama has only done one thing about guns since he has entered office. He signed a new federal law that required national parks to allow gun owners to carry guns into national parks under the same rules the states have for the surrounding areas.

That’s right, Obama expanded gun owner rights. He didn’t restrict them.

Obama's expansion of guns into national parks raises fears for bears |


Oops like hell. He didn't dare veto it. It wasn't Obama's at all. Check the numbers especially the Democrat numbers.

The House approved the measure, 279-147, on Wednesday, one day after the Senate acted. A total of 105 Democrats in the House joined 174 Republicans in supporting the gun measure, which essentially restores a Bush administration policy that allowed loaded guns in national parks for two months earlier this year.

Congress votes to allow guns in national parks - politics - Capitol Hill -
Please. Someone explain how saying that if someone is reelected, you will likely end up dead or imprisoned, means "Im going to go kill that person."

Ted may be exagerating. That may be how he really thinks. But there isnt one aspect of that line that is a threat to anyone. You don't threaten someone by saying you, and not they, are going to be dead. You dont threaten someone by saying you'll likely in prison. Where is it?

You couldn't even make a prima facie case out of this.

And Jillian, you as an attorney should know this.
Well, Si, you've negged me twice on this thread today. BTW, Cain was and is a piece of crazy shit - regardless of his skin color.
I'll tag you again for whining about a neg again...when I can.

It's one thing to think Cain is crazy and a piece of shit, it's another to be a racist about him. Like you were over an over.

But, that's the great thing about free speech; we get to shine a light on the racist cockroaches like you.


Whatever floats your boat. If I'm such a racist, why am I supporting Obama? BTW, can you provide any proof of any of my previous posts about Cain that related to his skin color or ethnicity?
Better yet, if you're not a racist, why were you spewing racist shit about Cain over and over?

I don't know about how you operate, but there are plenty of things that have much higher intellectual, ethical, and moral standards far above partisanship, and NOT being racist is one of them.

Not only that, you were told at the time how fucking racist you were by many posters, and you said Cain deserved every bit of it. How anyone deserves racism is beyond me.
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If I'm such a racist, why am I supporting Obama?

You realize you can be racist towards more than just one race, right?

You do realize that racists come in all colors and backgrounds, right?

Or do you simply define racists as being Republican like Chris does?
If I'm such a racist, why am I supporting Obama?

You realize you can be racist towards more than just one race, right?

You do realize that racists come in all colors and backgrounds, right?

Or do you simply define racists as being Republican like Chris does?

Huh? I thought Cain and Obama were both black? Am I missing something?

Cain is crazy!

Obama is sane!
So, you believe that demonstrates that Romeny sought endorsement from Ted.......

Wow. No wonder we have an incompetent buffoon in office.
The ultra-RW chicken hawk who faked massive unhygenic health to get out of going to Vietnam but calls himself a warrior and hero stated today...

"I'll be dead or in jail if Obama wins a second term." Entertainment - Ted Nugent says he'll be 'dead or in jail' if Obama wins again!?!?!?! What the HECK does that coward mean?

Can you any of you RWers explain this?

Well...his RW A$$ is being investigated by the Secret Service as a result of it.

I mean...when do these RW radicals stop with the Tom Foolery? When does it stop?


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