Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Where's your proof? Bashing crazy Cain was not racism, any more than my bashing all the other crazy GOP candidates. I think I bashed them all, except maybe for Huntsman who seemed more sane than crazy.

Is it racism when you bash Obama?

Odumbo is a radical, socialist, black theologist racist failure as a president... OK... now that I've stated the facts... you tell me... is that racist?

I think not. It's a just and matter of fact assessment of the buffoons agenda.

We know that.

Who gives a shit what you think? My question is to Si modo to back up her racism allegations.
I was agreeing with you ya stupid mother fucker. If you don't want me to in the future then go fuck yourself then shit for brains.
Odumbo is a radical, socialist, black theologist racist failure as a president... OK... now that I've stated the facts... you tell me... is that racist?

I think not. It's a just and matter of fact assessment of the buffoons agenda.

We know that.

Who gives a shit what you think? My question is to Si modo to back up her racism allegations.
I was agreeing with you ya stupid mother fucker. If you don't want me to in the future then go fuck yourself then shit for brains.

A moron like you agreeing with me scares the shit out of me.
Ted is entitled to his opinions.

Why is there any alleged duty for anybody to express "outrage" at it?


Ah. I see now. He spoke metaphorically about cutting the heads off.

And this is supposed to cause alarm?

Because we have to presume that Ted was being literal?
CON$ had no trouble taking Hoffa's call to vote as a "literal" threat to the teabaggers.

How quickly they forget!!!
Ted is entitled to his opinions.

Why is there any alleged duty for anybody to express "outrage" at it?


Ah. I see now. He spoke metaphorically about cutting the heads off.

And this is supposed to cause alarm?

Because we have to presume that Ted was being literal?
CON$ had no trouble taking Hoffa's call to vote as a "literal" threat to the teabaggers.

How quickly they forget!!!
"Teabaggers".... really.... you talking about a bunch of homos that love the ole nut sack dropped in their mouth? Really? I had no idea homos had such vehement political views one way or another.

You sure? Or are you just talking dumbass liberal shit?
Who cares what Ted Nugent, of all people, thinks? Not every celebrity or well known person who opens their mouth to express a political opinion can be hung around the neck of a candidate he or she may support. Hillary Rosen's vicious, backfiring attack on Ann Romney -hung on Obama easily. 35 visits to the White House and a known significant Obummer adviser and major DNC player -you have to be stupid to not know the entire thing as a well coordinated attack and didn't come out of nowhere. Ted Nugent? Who gives a shit? No part of Romney's campaign, not an adviser, not even a registered Republican and speaks for no one but his own "Kill It and Grill It" self. LOL (I must say I used his Steak Diane recipe to cook my venison tenderloins -AWESOME!)
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Ted is entitled to his opinions.

Why is there any alleged duty for anybody to express "outrage" at it?


Ah. I see now. He spoke metaphorically about cutting the heads off.

And this is supposed to cause alarm?

Because we have to presume that Ted was being literal?
CON$ had no trouble taking Hoffa's call to vote as a "literal" threat to the teabaggers.

How quickly they forget!!!
"Teabaggers".... really.... you talking about a bunch of homos that love the ole nut sack dropped in their mouth? Really? I had no idea homos had such vehement political views one way or another.

You sure? Or are you just talking dumbass liberal shit?
Yeah TEABAGGERS, the name they PROUDLY chose for themselves, as YOU well know! But thank you for calling them a bunch of nut sack sucking homos.

CON$ had no trouble taking Hoffa's call to vote as a "literal" threat to the teabaggers.

How quickly they forget!!!
"Teabaggers".... really.... you talking about a bunch of homos that love the ole nut sack dropped in their mouth? Really? I had no idea homos had such vehement political views one way or another.

You sure? Or are you just talking dumbass liberal shit?
Yeah TEABAGGERS, the name they PROUDLY chose for themselves, as YOU well know! But thank you for calling them a bunch of nut sack sucking homos.
Really... MORON? I thought they were the *TEA PARTY*... not the teabaggers.

You lose, shit for brains.

Christ all mighty... you'd think you'd be able to come up with something more original instead of the pathetic bull shit you did.
Repeated threats to the president of the United States, made over a period of several years (since the prez was a senator) are and should be taken seriously. They always have been and always should be.

Especially when made by someone who is addicted to violence (he shoots everything and anything that happens to cross in front of him) and who has shown he is more than willing to use violence (he shoots everything and anything that happens to cross in front of him).

Except for those little details and a life committed to shooting everything and anything that happens to cross in front of him, I'd say he's just a big mouth attached to a tiny brain and a non-existent penis.

IOW, he's a sick little twitch.

Like I said, I would defend his right to mouth off but I also don't much want to see our president murdered because some other sick little twitch listens to and idolizes Ted Nugent.

Stupid obama was not a president he was a junior senator at the time Ted made the line in the sand comment.

"Stupid"?? It was last weekend. Listen for yourself.

[ame=]2012 NRA Annual Meetings: Ted Nugent on the NRA News set - YouTube[/ame]

If you have a problem, take it up with the SS. And, PLEASE note the date of the article.
Secret Service looking into Ted Nugent violent anti-Obama message - ABC News

Dumbass you don't read your fucking source
"I'll tell you this right now: If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year," Nugent said. "We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November. Any questions?"
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Fucking dumb ass. A tasteless remark concerning Ann Romney's lack of working out of the home is not the same as the violent language that Nugent is engaging in. The fact that you wish to whitewash his idiocy simply shows you are the same.

yes. Attacking stay at home moms is the equivalent of reading violence into ambiguous statements.

Oh bullshit.

If Ann Romney is a "stay at home" mom, I'm the fucking King of Siam,

IRS forms released Tuesday by Mitt Romney's presidential campaign show that despite reporting income of $21.7 million, the couple paid only $20,603 in taxable wages for household help in 2010. This figure was divided among four women: Rosania Costa ($4,808), Kelli Harrison ($8,667), Susan Moore ($2,238) and Valerie Cravens Anae ($4,890).

Stay at home moms don't have a staff. Even part time.

Ann Romney didn't deserve the bullshit Rosen said about her, but the counter spin is equally bullshit.
[ame=]Nugent Compared Obama and Democrats to a Coyote that Needs to Be Shot - YouTube[/ame]
oh damn I said this earlier

This is straight up in my opinion what he meant.
If obama does a gun grab Ted will not have a problem defending himself against a government gun grab. Which I agree
That's not a threat against a then senator obama that's just a person drawing his line in the sand.

Some are working overtime and extra hard to make a line in the sand comment into he's going to kill a Junior senator obama.

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