Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Ya know you keep posting that and everybody on the board will love Ted. Is that what you want?

Damn... I'm tempted to pos rep you for it ... :lol:

If someone wasn't manipulating my posts, I wouldn't have to repost it.
I post a board apology to you Lakhota. I clicked on the wrong thing in the window. You did nothing wrong.

I'm new to being a mod and the "edit" button is right next to the "quote" button. I have to get used to that. Sorry.

I'll debate with ya 'til the cows come home, and I promise that won't happen again.

Ted Nugent like so many teabagger extremists is trying really hard to become relevant. Not gonna happen. He's a fool and a gasbag.

I saw him standing around with Sarah Palin in a clip on cable news, appropriate. These two gun violence advocates should run together.

So a line drawn in the sand comment equates violence to you? Maybe you should fear it then.
I guess give me liberty or give me death must give you nightmares.
Ya know you keep posting that and everybody on the board will love Ted. Is that what you want?

Damn... I'm tempted to pos rep you for it ... :lol:

If someone wasn't manipulating my posts, I wouldn't have to repost it.
I post a board apology to you Lakhota. I clicked on the wrong thing in the window. You did nothing wrong.

I'm new to being a mod and the "edit" button is right next to the "quote" button. I have to get used to that. Sorry.

I'll debate with ya 'til the cows come home, and I promise that won't happen again.

Apology accepted.
People like Ted Nugent are the reason I own so many guns. To protect myself from lunatics like him.

You're a liar.

Come onto my land and find out.

Ted is a paranoid freak. Name a single piece of gun grabbing legislation that been proposed by Obama. Just one.

There hasn't been one. Even after the Gabriel Giffords shooting, when the whole anti gun lobby full of losers jumped up and down waving their arms and flopping their fanny packs. Nothing.

All the paranoid idiots who say they're SURE Obama will go for their guns if he's re elected, when he's never, not once, EVER, made ANY attempt or even a single statement that indicates that he has even considered it, is just a bunch of crybabies looking for an excuse to bitch.

There's plenty of ideological differences for people to vote for the Mittney fuckhead over Ovama. Guns ain't one of them.

Oh but if you ARE concerned about someone grabbing your guns

During his 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Romney had been a supporter of the federal assault weapons ban, and had also said he believed "in the rights of those who hunt to responsibly own and use firearms."[91] On July 1, 2004, Romney signed a permanent state ban on assault weapons, saying at the signing ceremony for the new law, "Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts. These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people."[92] The law extended a temporary measure that had been in effect since 1998 and covered weapons such as the AK-47, Uzi, and MAC-10.[92] The same law also modified some other aspects of general firearms licensing regulations.[92]

Romney has signed more gun control into law than Obama. So maybe people like Ted ought to pay attention instead of letting their stupidity run away with them.
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People like Ted Nugent are the reason I own so many guns. To protect myself from lunatics like him.

You're a liar.

Come onto my land and find out.

Ted is a paranoid freak. Name a single piece of gun grabbing legislation that been proposed by Obama. Just one.

There hasn't been one. Even after the Gabriel Giffords shooting, when the whole anti gun lobby full of losers jumped up and down waving their arms and flopping their fanny packs. Nothing.

All the paranoid idiots who say they're SURE Obama will go for their guns if he's re elected, when he's never, not once, EVER, made ANY attempt or even a single statement that indicates that he has even considered it, is just a bunch of crybabies looking for an excuse to bitch.

There's plenty of ideological differences for people to vote for the Mittney fuckhead over Ovama. Guns ain't one of them.

Oh but if you ARE concerned about someone grabbing your guns

During his 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Romney had been a supporter of the federal assault weapons ban, and had also said he believed "in the rights of those who hunt to responsibly own and use firearms."[91] On July 1, 2004, Romney signed a permanent state ban on assault weapons, saying at the signing ceremony for the new law, "Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts. These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people."[92] The law extended a temporary measure that had been in effect since 1998 and covered weapons such as the AK-47, Uzi, and MAC-10.[92] The same law also modified some other aspects of general firearms licensing regulations.[92]

Romney has signed more gun control into law than Obama. So maybe people like Ted ought to pay attention instead of letting their stupidity run away with them.

Provide a link to your quote, or it's gone. Copy write violation.
People like Ted Nugent are the reason I own so many guns. To protect myself from lunatics like him.

You're a liar.

Come onto my land and find out.

Ted is a paranoid freak. Name a single piece of gun grabbing legislation that been proposed by Obama. Just one.

There hasn't been one. Even after the Gabriel Giffords shooting, when the whole anti gun lobby full of losers jumped up and down waving their arms and flopping their fanny packs. Nothing.

All the paranoid idiots who say they're SURE Obama will go for their guns if he's re elected, when he's never, not once, EVER, made ANY attempt or even a single statement that indicates that he has even considered it, is just a bunch of crybabies looking for an excuse to bitch.

There's plenty of ideological differences for people to vote for the Mittney fuckhead over Ovama. Guns ain't one of them.

Oh but if you ARE concerned about someone grabbing your guns

During his 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Romney had been a supporter of the federal assault weapons ban, and had also said he believed "in the rights of those who hunt to responsibly own and use firearms."[91] On July 1, 2004, Romney signed a permanent state ban on assault weapons, saying at the signing ceremony for the new law, "Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts. These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people."[92] The law extended a temporary measure that had been in effect since 1998 and covered weapons such as the AK-47, Uzi, and MAC-10.[92] The same law also modified some other aspects of general firearms licensing regulations.[92]

Romney has signed more gun control into law than Obama. So maybe people like Ted ought to pay attention instead of letting their stupidity run away with them.

Here an idea let's talk about obama's anti gun past and his we must work under the radar Mrs Brady for gun control. Do you want to go there ?

Ted Nugent like so many teabagger extremists is trying really hard to become relevant. Not gonna happen. He's a fool and a gasbag.

I saw him standing around with Sarah Palin in a clip on cable news, appropriate. These two gun violence advocates should run together.

So a line drawn in the sand comment equates violence to you? Maybe you should fear it then.
I guess give me liberty or give me death must give you nightmares.

Drawing a line in the sand against an imaginary enemy is lame.

Obama hasn't proposed any anti-gun legislation in his first term, and has rarely mentioned the topic.

To a certain extent, we wish Obama were the villain that Romney and the NRA make him out to be. We have no interest in preventing law-abiding citizens from defending themselves, but we do think society would be safer with more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals or to ban certain classes of military weapons from civilian use. Unfortunately, though, the president that Republicans portray as a wolf in sheep's clothing is really just a sheep. If the NRA persists in crying wolf despite this obvious fact, it's because gun owners might become complacent if they realized the battle against gun control has been largely won — which might prompt them to stop sending money to the NRA.

Crying wolf over Obama and gun control -
You're a liar.

Come onto my land and find out.

Ted is a paranoid freak. Name a single piece of gun grabbing legislation that been proposed by Obama. Just one.

There hasn't been one. Even after the Gabriel Giffords shooting, when the whole anti gun lobby full of losers jumped up and down waving their arms and flopping their fanny packs. Nothing.

All the paranoid idiots who say they're SURE Obama will go for their guns if he's re elected, when he's never, not once, EVER, made ANY attempt or even a single statement that indicates that he has even considered it, is just a bunch of crybabies looking for an excuse to bitch.

There's plenty of ideological differences for people to vote for the Mittney fuckhead over Ovama. Guns ain't one of them.

Oh but if you ARE concerned about someone grabbing your guns

During his 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Romney had been a supporter of the federal assault weapons ban, and had also said he believed "in the rights of those who hunt to responsibly own and use firearms."[91] On July 1, 2004, Romney signed a permanent state ban on assault weapons, saying at the signing ceremony for the new law, "Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts. These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people."[92] The law extended a temporary measure that had been in effect since 1998 and covered weapons such as the AK-47, Uzi, and MAC-10.[92] The same law also modified some other aspects of general firearms licensing regulations.[92]

Romney has signed more gun control into law than Obama. So maybe people like Ted ought to pay attention instead of letting their stupidity run away with them.

Provide a link to your quote, or it's gone. Copy write violation.

You mean "copyright", write?

The fucking bar is low, yo.
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Ted Nugent like so many teabagger extremists is trying really hard to become relevant. Not gonna happen. He's a fool and a gasbag.

I saw him standing around with Sarah Palin in a clip on cable news, appropriate. These two gun violence advocates should run together.

So a line drawn in the sand comment equates violence to you? Maybe you should fear it then.
I guess give me liberty or give me death must give you nightmares.

Drawing a line in the sand against an imaginary enemy is lame.

Obama hasn't proposed any anti-gun legislation in his first term, and has rarely mentioned the topic.

To a certain extent, we wish Obama were the villain that Romney and the NRA make him out to be. We have no interest in preventing law-abiding citizens from defending themselves, but we do think society would be safer with more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals or to ban certain classes of military weapons from civilian use. Unfortunately, though, the president that Republicans portray as a wolf in sheep's clothing is really just a sheep. If the NRA persists in crying wolf despite this obvious fact, it's because gun owners might become complacent if they realized the battle against gun control has been largely won — which might prompt them to stop sending money to the NRA.

Crying wolf over Obama and gun control -
I don't doubt Romney has done his share against the second amendment. But does that give me cause to vote against him... like FOR the kenyan... no way in hell.

obama has to go, period.
You're a liar.

Come onto my land and find out.

Ted is a paranoid freak. Name a single piece of gun grabbing legislation that been proposed by Obama. Just one.

There hasn't been one. Even after the Gabriel Giffords shooting, when the whole anti gun lobby full of losers jumped up and down waving their arms and flopping their fanny packs. Nothing.

All the paranoid idiots who say they're SURE Obama will go for their guns if he's re elected, when he's never, not once, EVER, made ANY attempt or even a single statement that indicates that he has even considered it, is just a bunch of crybabies looking for an excuse to bitch.

There's plenty of ideological differences for people to vote for the Mittney fuckhead over Ovama. Guns ain't one of them.

Oh but if you ARE concerned about someone grabbing your guns

During his 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Romney had been a supporter of the federal assault weapons ban, and had also said he believed "in the rights of those who hunt to responsibly own and use firearms."[91] On July 1, 2004, Romney signed a permanent state ban on assault weapons, saying at the signing ceremony for the new law, "Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts. These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people."[92] The law extended a temporary measure that had been in effect since 1998 and covered weapons such as the AK-47, Uzi, and MAC-10.[92] The same law also modified some other aspects of general firearms licensing regulations.[92]

Romney has signed more gun control into law than Obama. So maybe people like Ted ought to pay attention instead of letting their stupidity run away with them.

Here an idea let's talk about obama's anti gun past and his we must work under the radar Mrs Brady for gun control. Do you want to go there ?

Yes lets!

President Barack Obama on Monday received a failing grade from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence for running away from gun control.

The group, which endorsed Obama in 2008, gave him an “F” on every issue it scored, including background checks, gun trafficking, guns in public, the federal assault weapons ban, standing up to the gun lobby and leadership.

Gun control group gives Obama an

Hmmmmm.....let's see...gun control lobby gives him an F for not grabbing the that MUST mean he secretly wants to take away all our guns!!!

My god, you're absolutely right. He's a tricky bastard that Obama. By never proposing to take our guns, he's actually planning to do just that!

Give me a fucking break, man. Attack him on a REAL issue, not some Nostradamus prediction.
Come onto my land and find out.

Ted is a paranoid freak. Name a single piece of gun grabbing legislation that been proposed by Obama. Just one.

There hasn't been one. Even after the Gabriel Giffords shooting, when the whole anti gun lobby full of losers jumped up and down waving their arms and flopping their fanny packs. Nothing.

All the paranoid idiots who say they're SURE Obama will go for their guns if he's re elected, when he's never, not once, EVER, made ANY attempt or even a single statement that indicates that he has even considered it, is just a bunch of crybabies looking for an excuse to bitch.

There's plenty of ideological differences for people to vote for the Mittney fuckhead over Ovama. Guns ain't one of them.

Oh but if you ARE concerned about someone grabbing your guns

Romney has signed more gun control into law than Obama. So maybe people like Ted ought to pay attention instead of letting their stupidity run away with them.

Provide a link to your quote, or it's gone. Copy write violation.

You mean "copyright", write?

The fucking bar is low, yo.

You're a liar.

Come onto my land and find out.

Ted is a paranoid freak. Name a single piece of gun grabbing legislation that been proposed by Obama. Just one.

There hasn't been one. Even after the Gabriel Giffords shooting, when the whole anti gun lobby full of losers jumped up and down waving their arms and flopping their fanny packs. Nothing.

All the paranoid idiots who say they're SURE Obama will go for their guns if he's re elected, when he's never, not once, EVER, made ANY attempt or even a single statement that indicates that he has even considered it, is just a bunch of crybabies looking for an excuse to bitch.

There's plenty of ideological differences for people to vote for the Mittney fuckhead over Ovama. Guns ain't one of them.

Oh but if you ARE concerned about someone grabbing your guns

During his 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Romney had been a supporter of the federal assault weapons ban, and had also said he believed "in the rights of those who hunt to responsibly own and use firearms."[91] On July 1, 2004, Romney signed a permanent state ban on assault weapons, saying at the signing ceremony for the new law, "Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts. These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people."[92] The law extended a temporary measure that had been in effect since 1998 and covered weapons such as the AK-47, Uzi, and MAC-10.[92] The same law also modified some other aspects of general firearms licensing regulations.[92]

Romney has signed more gun control into law than Obama. So maybe people like Ted ought to pay attention instead of letting their stupidity run away with them.

Provide a link to your quote, or it's gone. Copy write violation.

Done and done.

Here's some more

On Gun Control
Mitt Romney supports the strict enforcement of gun laws. He is a supporter of the federal assault weapons ban. Mitt also believes in the rights of those who hunt to responsibly own and use firearms.

Like the federal assault weapons ban, the state ban, put in place in 1998, was scheduled to expire in September. The new law ensures these deadly weapons, including AK-47s, UZIs and Mac-10 rifles, are permanently prohibited in Massachusetts no matter what happens on the federal level.

In 1994 Romney pushed some reliably Republican themes, including requiring welfare recipients to work, cracking down on crime, and creating private-sector jobs. But he often strayed from the party plank as he sought to broaden his base of support. He backed two gun-control measures that were strongly opposed by the National Rifle Association: the Brady Law, which imposed a five-day waiting period on gun sales, and a ban on certain assault weapons, saying, "I think they will help."

Q: You signed the nation's first ban on assault weapons in Massachusetts and steeply increased fees on gun owners by 400%. How can you convince gun owners that you will be an advocate for them?

ROMNEY: We had a piece of legislation that was crafted both by the pro-gun lobby and the anti-gun lobby. The pro-gun lobby said "this legislation allows us to cross roads with weapons when we're hunting that had not been previously allowed." And the day when we announced our signing, we had both the pro-gun owners and anti-gun folks all together on the stage because it worked. We worked together. We found common ground. My view is that we have the second amendment right to bear arms and my view is also that we should not add new legislation. I know that there are people that think we need new laws. I disagree with that. I believe we have in place all the laws we need. We should enforce those laws. I do not believe in new laws restricting gun ownership and gun use.

Running against Ted Kennedy for the Senate in 1994, he declared, "I don't line up with the NRA" on gun control.
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And another

And that makes it all the more troubling that Romney refuses to answer GOA’s simple candidate questionnaire.* In our more than 36 years of experience, a candidate is usually hiding anti-gun views if he or she refuses to come clean in writing with specific commitments to the Second Amendment.

Today, Romney may be a favorite “Republican Establishment” candidate of the national press corps.* But that is exactly what gun owners DON’T need in a new President. We need someone who will stand by true constitutional principles and protect the Second Amendment.

Mitt Romney - Gun Owners Of America

Who's the anti gun candidate again?

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