Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

LOl, all of a sudden some people are worried about "ugly words"

At least he wasn't calling women, Cxxnts

Right. No rightwingers here were ever bothered when any conservative woman was ever called a ****,

so it's perfectly consistent of them not to be bothered by some imbecile threatening the president.
I don't recall anyone from the Occupy movement telling a Presidential candidate that they could "suck on my machine gun". The rhetoric doesn't get any more violent than that coming from the likes of Ted, I shit my pants to avoid the draft, Nugent.

Of course you don't, not like you would admit if you did..Cause we are all suppose to know the left can't be VIOLENT or call for VIOLENCE.

anyone hear Van Jones recently?

So you're defending Van Jones, because you believe he's acted just like Nugent?

Is your google broken? You can no longer get the original High Times article without a subscription, but in a 1977 interview he said:

"I got 30 days' notice of the physical," Nugent told them. "I ceased cleansing my body. Two weeks before the test I stopped eating food with nutritional value. A week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. My pants got crusted up."

He now claims he got student deferments and that he never "pooped his pants".

Or are you referring to the Pedophile charge? While "pedophile" might be a stretch, he did convince the parents of a 17 year old girl (when he was 30) to be the legal guardian of their daughter.


He is a disgusting swine and i cannot fathom how anyone can defend this guy.
I don't judge folks by what they allegedly did when they were 18 year old - over 40 years ago.

Hell, Dems give a pass to a KKK grand dragon because it was a long time ago.

And, as I said before, IF that's what Ted did to get out of the Viet Nam draft, I applaud him.

You applaud the man for sitting in his shit for two weeks? Okay...:confused:

He was thirty when he convinced the parents of a teenager to hand their daughter over to him as her "guardian". Sorry, but you can't chalk that one up to "youthful indiscretion".

I thought the RW didn't like draft dodgers. Weird...
It's funny how "draft dodger" gets redefined over the years. I didn't include those who officially got a pass, it just meant those who left the country to avoid it.

Meh, whatever definition suits you today. I will ALWAYS applaud anyone who officially avoided the Viet Nam draft. Always.

And, the teenager was 17 years old in 1978 and just because of state differences, she couldn't be with Ted 35 years ago. Not anything I would do, but yeah, I still think he is awesome.

The Democrats can give a pas to a KKK grand dragon (or whatever the hell the racist cockroaches call themselves), but not to Ted. Nothing to see there. :thup:
"Teabaggers".... really.... you talking about a bunch of homos that love the ole nut sack dropped in their mouth? Really? I had no idea homos had such vehement political views one way or another.

You sure? Or are you just talking dumbass liberal shit?
Yeah TEABAGGERS, the name they PROUDLY chose for themselves, as YOU well know! But thank you for calling them a bunch of nut sack sucking homos.
Really... MORON? I thought they were the *TEA PARTY*... not the teabaggers.

You lose, shit for brains.

Christ all mighty... you'd think you'd be able to come up with something more original instead of the pathetic bull shit you did.
Well, :asshole: you "thought" wrong.

The TEABAGGERS chose their TEABAG nickname all by themselves. No one put a gun to the TRABAGGERS' heads and forced them to call themselves TEABAGGERS. But you knew this already which is why you edited out the picture of the "Proud to be a TEABAGGER" buttons the TEABAGGERS sell at their hate fests.

Here is the photo again just to remind you that the TRABAGGERS are PROUD of their self chosen TEABAGGER nickname:

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I don't recall anyone from the Occupy movement telling a Presidential candidate that they could "suck on my machine gun". The rhetoric doesn't get any more violent than that coming from the likes of Ted, I shit my pants to avoid the draft, Nugent.

Of course you don't, not like you would admit if you did..Cause we are all suppose to know the left can't be VIOLENT or call for VIOLENCE.

anyone hear Van Jones recently?

Provide the link where Van Jones advocates violence.
Who cares what Ted Nugent thinks?

Liberals in the media who want to use Ted Nugent to attack and weaken Romney.....why?


Probably because the same sort of "guilt by association" has been done to Democratic candidates for quite some time. And done with some pretty weak associations.

Romney sought and got this guy's backing.

Well..he's got to live with the baggage as well.
Is your google broken? You can no longer get the original High Times article without a subscription, but in a 1977 interview he said:

"I got 30 days' notice of the physical," Nugent told them. "I ceased cleansing my body. Two weeks before the test I stopped eating food with nutritional value. A week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. My pants got crusted up."

He now claims he got student deferments and that he never "pooped his pants".

Or are you referring to the Pedophile charge? While "pedophile" might be a stretch, he did convince the parents of a 17 year old girl (when he was 30) to be the legal guardian of their daughter.


He is a disgusting swine and i cannot fathom how anyone can defend this guy.
I don't judge folks by what they allegedly did when they were 18 year old - over 40 years ago.

Hell, Dems give a pass to a KKK grand dragon because it was a long time ago.

And, as I said before, IF that's what Ted did to get out of the Viet Nam draft, I applaud him.

You applaud the man for sitting in his shit for two weeks? Okay...:confused:

He was thirty when he convinced the parents of a teenager to hand their daughter over to him as her "guardian". Sorry, but you can't chalk that one up to "youthful indiscretion".

I thought the RW didn't like draft dodgers. Weird...

She isn't the only underaged girl Nugent had sex with..not by a long shot. Courtney Love said she gave him head when she was 13..something Nugent never denied.

Times that event by a hundred of unknowns.
Who cares what Ted Nugent thinks?

Liberals in the media who want to use Ted Nugent to attack and weaken Romney.....why?


Why would the RW try to paint Hillary Rosen as a White House adviser? She's a CNN contributor and yet Ann Romney saw the Rosen controversy as a "birthday present" to her husbands campaign. Why?
Who cares what Ted Nugent thinks?

Liberals in the media who want to use Ted Nugent to attack and weaken Romney.....why?


Probably because the same sort of "guilt by association" has been done to Democratic candidates for quite some time. And done with some pretty weak associations.

Romney sought and got this guy's backing.

Well..he's got to live with the baggage as well.

:lol: Are you trying to tell me this is something new that the democrats are doing?

You're posting as if both sides haven't done this for decades.......this is suprising to me coming from you, you are normally pretty open about this stuff.
Who cares what Ted Nugent thinks?

Liberals in the media who want to use Ted Nugent to attack and weaken Romney.....why?


Probably because the same sort of "guilt by association" has been done to Democratic candidates for quite some time. And done with some pretty weak associations.

Romney sought and got this guy's backing.

Well..he's got to live with the baggage as well.

This is where they get into trouble, the Republicans put up the most extreme candidates then they have to beg everyone and their brother for money. It would be nice if they could be a little more selective for a change.
Who cares what Ted Nugent thinks?

Liberals in the media who want to use Ted Nugent to attack and weaken Romney.....why?


Why would the RW try to paint Hillary Rosen as a White House adviser? She's a CNN contributor and yet Ann Romney saw the Rosen controversy as a "birthday present" to her husbands campaign. Why?
Rosen is employed by Wasserman-Shultz, the DNC chair, as one of her media advisors (Anita Dunn is another, and that is another story :eek:).

But, Rosen has nothing to do with Democratic Party. :lmao:
Who cares what Ted Nugent thinks?

Liberals in the media who want to use Ted Nugent to attack and weaken Romney.....why?


Why would the RW try to paint Hillary Rosen as a White House adviser? She's a CNN contributor and yet Ann Romney saw the Rosen controversy as a "birthday present" to her husbands campaign. Why?

For the same reason the liberals in the media are trying as hard as they can to drag down Romney with Ted Nugents statements, political gains for the canidate they like better.

Also, Hilary Rosen did visit the white house dozens of times and has worked with members of the DNC and Obama Admin

The Many Careers of Hilary Rosen - Yahoo! News
There's some dispute over whether Rosen currently advises the Democratic National Committee. Romney's campaign (of course) says yes. The DNC and the Obama campaign say no. But in February, Rosen was noted for giving media training to DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The Wall Street Journal's Monica Langley reported that Rosen -- along with Anita Dunn, who works at the same P.R. firm as Rosen and whom the DNC admits to working with -- told Wasserman Schultz to "tone it down" and "back off a smidgen." The congresswoman said of the advice, "I'm glad to get constructive criticism."
Liberals in the media who want to use Ted Nugent to attack and weaken Romney.....why?


Probably because the same sort of "guilt by association" has been done to Democratic candidates for quite some time. And done with some pretty weak associations.

Romney sought and got this guy's backing.

Well..he's got to live with the baggage as well.

This is where they get into trouble, the Republicans put up the most extreme candidates then they have to beg everyone and their brother for money. It would be nice if they could be a little more selective for a change.
Romney's "extreme"?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I don't judge folks by what they allegedly did when they were 18 year old - over 40 years ago.

Hell, Dems give a pass to a KKK grand dragon because it was a long time ago.

And, as I said before, IF that's what Ted did to get out of the Viet Nam draft, I applaud him.

You applaud the man for sitting in his shit for two weeks? Okay...:confused:

He was thirty when he convinced the parents of a teenager to hand their daughter over to him as her "guardian". Sorry, but you can't chalk that one up to "youthful indiscretion".

I thought the RW didn't like draft dodgers. Weird...

She isn't the only underaged girl Nugent had sex with..not by a long shot. Courtney Love said she gave him head when she was 13..something Nugent never denied.

Times that event by a hundred of unknowns.

Still speculation. I wouldn't want Courtney Love as a character witness.
You applaud the man for sitting in his shit for two weeks? Okay...:confused:

He was thirty when he convinced the parents of a teenager to hand their daughter over to him as her "guardian". Sorry, but you can't chalk that one up to "youthful indiscretion".

I thought the RW didn't like draft dodgers. Weird...

She isn't the only underaged girl Nugent had sex with..not by a long shot. Courtney Love said she gave him head when she was 13..something Nugent never denied.

Times that event by a hundred of unknowns.

Still speculation. I wouldn't want Courtney Love as a character witness.

On another note... Yoar Voting for a Person who does not Support Gay Marriage this Fall?...



Liberals in the media who want to use Ted Nugent to attack and weaken Romney.....why?


Probably because the same sort of "guilt by association" has been done to Democratic candidates for quite some time. And done with some pretty weak associations.

Romney sought and got this guy's backing.

Well..he's got to live with the baggage as well.

:lol: Are you trying to tell me this is something new that the democrats are doing?

You're posting as if both sides haven't done this for decades.......this is suprising to me coming from you, you are normally pretty open about this stuff.

Open about what stuff?

Democrats have a tendency to link business ties Republicans have...and kinda think that's valid.

Republicans go after religion, ethnicity and casual acquaintances as well as "illegally" digging up medical records to use against opponents. Those things..aren't so kosher in my book.
I don't judge folks by what they allegedly did when they were 18 year old - over 40 years ago.

Hell, Dems give a pass to a KKK grand dragon because it was a long time ago.

And, as I said before, IF that's what Ted did to get out of the Viet Nam draft, I applaud him.

You applaud the man for sitting in his shit for two weeks? Okay...:confused:

He was thirty when he convinced the parents of a teenager to hand their daughter over to him as her "guardian". Sorry, but you can't chalk that one up to "youthful indiscretion".

I thought the RW didn't like draft dodgers. Weird...

She isn't the only underaged girl Nugent had sex with..not by a long shot. Courtney Love said she gave him head when she was 13..something Nugent never denied.

Times that event by a hundred of unknowns.

Someone makes a claim and it stands as true, unless the accused can prove it didn't happen.



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