Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Prior to the Obama regime, I don't ever remember being referred to as "the enemy". Ted is just making an observation that we must be wary
I think I will take my Ted Nugent albums out and shoot them with a shotgun?
Fitting retort don't you think?

Nah his music is good. Rock stars should stay out of politics. I don't really like Lennon's either.

I have to say I have enjoyed MegaDeth's political music. United AbomiNation is a pretty darn cool song.
Of course Romney wants his endorsement. I would to. He's trying to win.

so democrat not affiliated with the president says ann romney didn't work and that's worth a week of shrieking by rightwingnuts?

and this man says what he did and it's ok for romney to use him as a surrogate?

notice a problem there?

Only problem is she is affiliated with the President.

And Ted made an ambiguous statement, not an outrageous one.
about what the psycho ted nugent said about the president of the united states and USSC?

just wondering where all the incensed people are who were soooooooo busily distorting what was said by one person about anne romney.

seems to me someone who says they will be dead or in jail if the president is re-elected should be shunned by anyone with any kind of decency...

instead your presidential candidate wants his endorsement???

and you have the chutzpah to complain about one misspeak by someone who doesn't even work for the president?


Where was the left-wing rage when the lefties at Hollywood made a movie "Death of a President" which was about George W. Bush being assassinated? seems like the right is only following the examples set forth by the left when it comes to "outrage"

Isn't that a British movie? The Brits are now spokesmen for Democrats? And I thought Tony Blair and Bush were such close friends.
Ted meant if Obama is reelected he'll have his "enemies" killed or arrested

Pretty much what I thought he was saying. I'm not positive he's right, though I could certainly see why people might think that. Again, I dont get assassination out of anything he said.
Of course Romney wants his endorsement. I would to. He's trying to win.

so democrat not affiliated with the president says ann romney didn't work and that's worth a week of shrieking by rightwingnuts?

and this man says what he did and it's ok for romney to use him as a surrogate?

notice a problem there?

Only problem is she is affiliated with the President.

And Ted made an ambiguous statement, not an outrageous one.

She? You mean that CNN pun-dent?

Romney sought Ted's endorsement. Death is hardly "ambiguous". Doncha think?
If you libs don't understand why pro gun rights people aren't nervous about a second term, then you are hopeless.

For heaven's sakes you've got Cass Sunstein, Obama's Regulatory Czar.

I hope this link works from a speech he gave at Harvard in 2007. This is the synopsis.

"Cass Sunstein, Obama's Regulatory Czar, discusses banning hunting, animal slavery, and overturning the 2nd Amendment. The first two clips are from a 2007 speech Sunstein gave at Harvard University. The others are from a lecture at the University of Chicago Law School on October 27, 2007".

I can't view it. Please let me know. This man in Obama's administration is another prime example of why Nugent is saying he'll probably be in jail or dead.

[ame=]Cass Sunstein On Hunting, Animal Slavery & Right To Bear Arms - YouTube[/ame]
Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul did not directly respond to Nugent when asked for a reaction to his comments, but she said “divisive language is offensive no matter what side of the political aisle it comes from.”

“Mitt Romney believes everyone needs to be civil,” Saul added.

Nugent told Loesch that he’s stating publicly what Mitt Romney is really thinking but can’t say.

“Mitt Romney knows what I’m saying is true. He puts it in the words for him, I put in the words for me,” he said.

The Romney campaign offered no further comment when asked about Nugent’s statement...

Ted Nugent Rebuffs Democratic Attacks: ‘I’m a Black Jew at a Nazi-Klan Rally’ - ABC News
The reason you want someone's endorsement is because you agree with their positions. Entertainment - Ted Nugent says he'll be 'dead or in jail' if Obama wins again

Romney sought out Nugent's endorsement??

The information you are privy to is remarkable


You tell me. Did he or didn't he?!
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Is it really hard to believe that Obama would kill or imprison poltiical opposition if reelected? Men in power have been doing exactly that for thousands of years. It speaks amazingly well of the system our Founders established that this nation hasnt been doing that for any prolong period of time.

It's hard to believe you would say something that insane.

It's hard to ignore thousands of years of human history of that very thing happening.
Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul did not directly respond to Nugent when asked for a reaction to his comments, but she said “divisive language is offensive no matter what side of the political aisle it comes from.”

“Mitt Romney believes everyone needs to be civil,” Saul added.

Nugent told Loesch that he’s stating publicly what Mitt Romney is really thinking but can’t say.

“Mitt Romney knows what I’m saying is true. He puts it in the words for him, I put in the words for me,” he said.

The Romney campaign offered no further comment when asked about Nugent’s statement...

Ted Nugent Rebuffs Democratic Attacks: ‘I’m a Black Jew at a Nazi-Klan Rally’ - ABC News

Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul did not directly respond to Nugent when asked for a reaction to his comments, but she said

“divisive language is offensive no matter what side of the political aisle it comes from.”

“Mitt Romney believes everyone needs to be civil,”
Saul added.
I don't give Uncle Ted a pass on this. He's flamboyant and stuck his foot in his mouth.
I haven't seen the GOP pundants circle the wagons around him in the media either.

I have seen the democrats circle the wagons around Hilary Rosen. Then had to back away when it started to backfire....just sayin...

Is there a reason to circle the wagons? The statements are too ambiguous to be taken as threats. Im more than willing to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Of course, Ted does have a tendency to make stupid statements.
If you libs don't understand why pro gun rights people aren't nervous about a second term, then you are hopeless.

For heaven's sakes you've got Cass Sunstein, Obama's Regulatory Czar.

I hope this link works from a speech he gave at Harvard in 2007. This is the synopsis.

"Cass Sunstein, Obama's Regulatory Czar, discusses banning hunting, animal slavery, and overturning the 2nd Amendment. The first two clips are from a 2007 speech Sunstein gave at Harvard University. The others are from a lecture at the University of Chicago Law School on October 27, 2007".

I can't view it. Please let me know. This man in Obama's administration is another prime example of why Nugent is saying he'll probably be in jail or dead.

Cass Sunstein On Hunting, Animal Slavery & Right To Bear Arms - YouTube

What exactly is Obama guilty of?

What is interesting about all this is that Obama has only done one thing about guns since he has entered office. He signed a new federal law that required national parks to allow gun owners to carry guns into national parks under the same rules the states have for the surrounding areas.

That’s right, Obama expanded gun owner rights. He didn’t restrict them.

Obama's expansion of guns into national parks raises fears for bears |

I don't give Uncle Ted a pass on this. He's flamboyant and stuck his foot in his mouth.
I haven't seen the GOP pundants circle the wagons around him in the media either.

I have seen the democrats circle the wagons around Hilary Rosen. Then had to back away when it started to backfire....just sayin...

Can you link to where democrats "circled the wagons"? Or did you just pull that out your ass?
Fucking dumb ass. A tasteless remark concerning Ann Romney's lack of working out of the home is not the same as the violent language that Nugent is engaging in. The fact that you wish to whitewash his idiocy simply shows you are the same.

yes. Attacking stay at home moms is the equivalent of reading violence into ambiguous statements.

Nuff said

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