Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

What I find ironic is the OP talking about "ugly words" when s/he was a flaming racist about Cain. Racism is ugly on steroids.

Well, Si, you've negged me twice on this thread today. BTW, Cain was and is a piece of crazy shit - regardless of his skin color.
I honestly didn't think anything else till Jillian started acting like he was threatening to kill the man.

I believe you, but when I read it, I thought it was a threat.

However, I will say I got the info from the OP and the article. It is possible that I went with the suggestion from the article and the OP, but I think I would have taken it the same way if I heard him say it live on TV.


video of the comments.

[ame=]Ted Nugent Investigated by Secret Service for Obama Threat - YouTube[/ame]
Hmmm, let's see,

He said Obama administration is wiping its ass with the Constitution.


He said four SC Justices don't believe Americans have a right to bear arms for self-defense, thus are evil, anti-American.


And, when I first read about the 'in jail or dead' comment if Obama isn't defeated, the interpretation of assassination didn't enter my mind. But, I can see that being interpreted. So, have the Secret Service question him. That's all it better be, though. Other than that, I don't want Obama in office next year, either.
If he said what the article in post #2 says he said, he should get a visit from the Secret Service. I had not heard the statement or known about it until I read this thread. He deserves one of those knocks on the door at 3am.

Completely inappropriate and if you ask me, oh wait, you did, un-American.


I think everyone is just ignoring him because they know he is just plain nuts. Probably all the more reason the Secret Service should be keeping an eye on Teddy Nuggethead.
Woman says Romneys wife does not work and it is time to pull out the WH visits. But Abrahmhoff?

what is wrong with you people?

And, some reporters are at the WH every day.

What is wrong is the rw's took one phrase, our of context, and fux, Mr and Mrs Mittens and every rw in the country ran with it. Incredibly, what a reporter says on CNN is President Obama's fault and responsibility.

Fact is, what the reporter said is true - Ann Romney never had to make a choice between her kids and earning enough money to feed them. She grew up with more money than her husband will ever be able to steal from the employed middle class. The nastiest part of this is the FAKE support for women that the Romney's are now spewing because, in FACT, Mittens also said very poor women had to work outside the home (even if there are no jobs) in order to get help with child expenses.

He's a fucking hypocrite who couldn't create a job if his own life depended on it but he can threaten to take away pennies from the very poor.
What I find ironic is the OP talking about "ugly words" when s/he was a flaming racist about Cain. Racism is ugly on steroids.

Well, Si, you've negged me twice on this thread today. BTW, Cain was and is a piece of crazy shit - regardless of his skin color.
I'll tag you again for whining about a neg again...when I can.

It's one thing to think Cain is crazy and a piece of shit, it's another to be a racist about him. Like you were over an over.

But, that's the great thing about free speech; we get to shine a light on the racist cockroaches like you.


UPDATE: Right Wing Watch has posted more footage from the event, in which Nugent compares Obama and democrats to a coyote that should be shot (view the new footage at the bottom of this article). "It isn’t the enemy that ruined America. It’s good people who bent over and let the enemy in," he said. "If the coyote’s in your living room pissing on your couch, it’s not the coyote’s fault. It’s your fault for not shooting him."
Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney: Rocker Stumps For GOP Candidate At NRA Convention

Ted Nugent Rebuffs Democratic Attacks: ‘I’m a Black Jew at a Nazi-Klan Rally’ - ABC News
I don't see it as Ted was threatening Obama, that's a bit of a stretch if you ask me. I do remember libs making movies about killing Bush though while he was still in office....

[ame=]George Bush Get Shot Dead In Front Of Hundreds In Chicago... - YouTube[/ame]
What I find ironic is the OP talking about "ugly words" when s/he was a flaming racist about Cain. Racism is ugly on steroids.

Well, Si, you've negged me twice on this thread today. BTW, Cain was and is a piece of crazy shit - regardless of his skin color.
I'll tag you again for whining about a neg again...when I can.

It's one thing to think Cain is crazy and a piece of shit, it's another to be a racist about him. Like you were over an over.

But, that's the great thing about free speech; we get to shine a light on the racist cockroaches like you.


Whatever floats your boat. If I'm such a racist, why am I supporting Obama? BTW, can you provide any proof of any of my previous posts about Cain that related to his skin color or ethnicity?
Fucking dumb ass. A tasteless remark concerning Ann Romney's lack of working out of the home is not the same as the violent language that Nugent is engaging in. The fact that you wish to whitewash his idiocy simply shows you are the same.


Male Prostitute, Jeff Gannon was signed into the White House that many times when Bush was President. Guess he represents the Republicans. Oh wait. He really did represent the Republicans. And he did a very good job.

Even worse than the gay thing he had no valid press credentials but became Bush favorite question guy in press breifings.
And if someone now tries to kill Obama it will have nothing at all to do with Nugent putting Obama in the "crosshairs" according to the right.

And I thought only Muslims promoted the chopping off of heads?

The fact that people are defening Nugents rant is pretty amazing.
I guess it answers the question of: "if there is intelligent life in outerspace why have they not contacted us"
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And YES I have outrage over this. Not about what Nugent said but that idiots are defending him over it.
And equating it to some pundit making a statment about Romneys wife not working.

Can you people not see how you are appearing to rational people?
Answer to the OP's question.......#1 he is 100% correct #2 the left says worse
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And if someone now tries to kill Obama it will have nothing at all to do with Nugent putting Obama in the "crosshairs" according to the right.

And I thought only Muslims promoted the chopping off of heads?

The fact that people are defening Nugents rant is pretty amazing.
I guess hit answers the question of: "if there is intelligent life in outerspace why have they not contacted us"

met·a·phor noun \ˈme-tə-ˌfȯr also -fər\
Definition of METAPHOR

]1: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money); broadly : figurative language — compare simile
2: an object, activity, or idea treated as a metaphor : symbol 2
— met·a·phor·ic \ˌme-tə-ˈfȯr-ik, -ˈfär-\ or met·a·phor·i·cal \-i-kəl\ adjective
— met·a·phor·i·cal·ly \-i-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
See metaphor defined for English-language learners »
See metaphor defined for kids »
Examples of METAPHOR
“He was drowning in paperwork” is a metaphor in which having to deal with a lot of paperwork is being compared to drowning in an ocean of water.

Metaphor - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Woman says Romneys wife does not work and it is time to pull out the WH visits. But Abrahmhoff?

what is wrong with you people?

And, some reporters are at the WH every day.

What is wrong is the rw's took one phrase, our of context, and fux, Mr and Mrs Mittens and every rw in the country ran with it. Incredibly, what a reporter says on CNN is President Obama's fault and responsibility.

Fact is, what the reporter said is true - Ann Romney never had to make a choice between her kids and earning enough money to feed them. She grew up with more money than her husband will ever be able to steal from the employed middle class. The nastiest part of this is the FAKE support for women that the Romney's are now spewing because, in FACT, Mittens also said very poor women had to work outside the home (even if there are no jobs) in order to get help with child expenses.

He's a fucking hypocrite who couldn't create a job if his own life depended on it but he can threaten to take away pennies from the very poor.

:lmao: Its a bitch being held to a standard you guys set, isnt it?
Many of us remember Randy Weaver and his family. I'll never forget Waco and how the government slaughtered innocent women and children.

Trust Obama with Mr. Fast and Furious Holder with a second term? Makes a lot of people nervous.

Hell's bells DHS just let a yahoo Sheriff out here use a drone to arrest a farmer over six freaking cows.
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These are the joys and pains of the general election.

I don't really think Nugent meant anything by it, but I do think it's kind of disturbing to say stuff like that, because it's something that incites people in an emotional way.

When you say something like what he said, you aren't talking to people you're trying to convince of anything, you're talking to the people who already in that place with you.

I've read a false equivalency here that mentioned Hillary Rozen's comments about Anne Romney, as if that's an example to claim that the "other side" does the same thing.

Although her comments were ungraceful, as a moderate who sort of feels like the Republican party has run away from me, I think Nugent's attitude is representative of where that party has run to, which is straight into the madhouse.

I think our problems are serious and I think government indeed has a role in our lives, but I still maintain that folks with conservative values on some big issues can help make government work better rather than cop a dire attitude about the world or about our country or what not. It's insulting to my grandparents generation. They had the Great Depression and WWII. They picked themselves up, dusted themselves off and made the country better together.

Get passionate about real issues, I say, and put pressure on politicians to get things done. That's how it's done, whether it's Obama in there or Bush or Romney or Clinton or whoever. Get passionate about real things and help do your part to influence the process on all the lonely days when there aren't any elections. But all this misdirected stuff about the President trying to destroy the country and all that stuff is just silly.

(R) or (D), I think Presidents hope more than anything else that by the time they leave office that things are at least a little better off by the time they're done, or that the country put itself in a position in that time to do a little better in the long-term.

The idea that any of them would be out to destroy us is just the biggest bullpucky I can think of.
about what the psycho ted nugent said about the president of the united states and USSC?

just wondering where all the incensed people are who were soooooooo busily distorting what was said by one person about anne romney.

seems to me someone who says they will be dead or in jail if the president is re-elected should be shunned by anyone with any kind of decency...

instead your presidential candidate wants his endorsement???

and you have the chutzpah to complain about one misspeak by someone who doesn't even work for the president?


Where was the left-wing rage when the lefties at Hollywood made a movie "Death of a President" which was about George W. Bush being assassinated? seems like the right is only following the examples set forth by the left when it comes to "outrage"
It's like zero introspection causes a lot of finger pointing at opponents.

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