Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

When you use words like "communist", you really don't have credibility.

Communists do not give big sloppy wet kisses to the banking industry and auto industry like Obama has done.

Our economy has problems, but most of them were there before Obama got there. And a lot of it is because people like Mitt Romney decided to make short term profit by demolishing the middle class.

My view is that an Obama hemmed in by a GOP congress will do less damage than a Romney ready to sell the rest of us out to big corporations.

I'm not exactly sure that I agree with you in this regards. I would think the communists would use whatever means necessary and at their disposal to get into power, then once control is attained let the shoe drop on those who helped them get to where they are. Kind of like Obama/Pelosi/Reid have been doing all along.

This is a different era from the days of communist power. It requires a different path than in days gone by. Get power by whatever means possible.

In the words of a once great NFL owner... Just Win Baby!


Point is in 2009, he probably could have nationalized the banks and a lot of people would have went along with it. Instead, he preserved them.

Sorry, anyone who uses "Obama" and "Communist" in the same sentence has forfeited any right to be taken seriously.

Here's some news for you. You forfeited that right long ago.

In short, you really can't argue the points. Calling something "liberal" (when in fact, I already conceded gun laws are a bad idea) is just kind of a cop out. It's not an argument.

No one is really after your guns, but the reasons you want guns are kind of silly.

Can I simplify the argument any more for you?

You are being played by con men, con men who have so much power they can make the GOP Candidate who actually used to sign common sense gun laws when they came to his desk grovel and genuflect at their altar.

and all Ted Nugent does is show the level of crazy they are pandering to.

You are the true example of a clueless person you give yourself away by using the talking points of the hard left and gun grabbers.

Clueless how?

Right now we have tens of thousands of Americans that die each year to gun violence. And it's fairly consistent. The stupidity of allowing people to carry a handgun into any place they please or while driving is why this has been happening for many generations. We've had several of our own leaders shot by guns..and several were killed. This sort of violence is rare in the industrialized world..and in many third world nations. Yet instead of common sense legislation..the NRA goes if to thumb their noses at this..and comes up with the "Stand your ground" nonsense. It was legislation that was never needed..and indeed has added to the body count.

So you rather us citizens be unarmed and at the mercy of criminals.
You are the true example of a clueless person you give yourself away by using the talking points of the hard left and gun grabbers.

Clueless how?

Right now we have tens of thousands of Americans that die each year to gun violence. And it's fairly consistent. The stupidity of allowing people to carry a handgun into any place they please or while driving is why this has been happening for many generations. We've had several of our own leaders shot by guns..and several were killed. This sort of violence is rare in the industrialized world..and in many third world nations. Yet instead of common sense legislation..the NRA goes if to thumb their noses at this..and comes up with the "Stand your ground" nonsense. It was legislation that was never needed..and indeed has added to the body count.

So you rather us citizens be unarmed and at the mercy of criminals.
That's exactly what he's saying.
You are the true example of a clueless person you give yourself away by using the talking points of the hard left and gun grabbers.

Clueless how?

Right now we have tens of thousands of Americans that die each year to gun violence. And it's fairly consistent. The stupidity of allowing people to carry a handgun into any place they please or while driving is why this has been happening for many generations. We've had several of our own leaders shot by guns..and several were killed. This sort of violence is rare in the industrialized world..and in many third world nations. Yet instead of common sense legislation..the NRA goes if to thumb their noses at this..and comes up with the "Stand your ground" nonsense. It was legislation that was never needed..and indeed has added to the body count.

So you rather us citizens be unarmed and at the mercy of criminals.

I believe if you want to keep a gun at home to defend it..or a shopkeeper wants to keep a gun on the premises..or if you've got some really compelling reason to have a concealed you carry large amounts of should be able to. However..I don't think you should be allowed to conceal carry..or carry at all in packed urban areas at will.

And you aren't at the "mercy" of criminals. There are multiple law enforcement agencies dedicated to keeping you safe. Of course you nuts are trying to defund those..
Clueless how?

Right now we have tens of thousands of Americans that die each year to gun violence. And it's fairly consistent. The stupidity of allowing people to carry a handgun into any place they please or while driving is why this has been happening for many generations. We've had several of our own leaders shot by guns..and several were killed. This sort of violence is rare in the industrialized world..and in many third world nations. Yet instead of common sense legislation..the NRA goes if to thumb their noses at this..and comes up with the "Stand your ground" nonsense. It was legislation that was never needed..and indeed has added to the body count.

So you rather us citizens be unarmed and at the mercy of criminals.

I believe if you want to keep a gun at home to defend it..or a shopkeeper wants to keep a gun on the premises..or if you've got some really compelling reason to have a concealed you carry large amounts of should be able to. However..I don't think you should be allowed to conceal carry..or carry at all in packed urban areas at will.

And you aren't at the "mercy" of criminals. There are multiple law enforcement agencies dedicated to keeping you safe. Of course you nuts are trying to defund those..

oh wonderful, while a woman is being raped I hope she can pull out her cell phone during it and call 911
Or for you she should just take it and then call those dedicated agencies that was suppose to be keeping her safe..
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That you can't see the difference between an invasion (where no one wants you there) and taking out the asshole with a personal arsenal is sort of telling.

Telling is guns in the hands of civilians are useful against larger, better equipped government forces.

As history is replete with examples.

Not really. Name some, I'm pretty sure I can shoot holes in them. Usually what you call "civilians" are well trained paramilitaries, supplied by a larger power.

The asshole with a personal arsenal is any one you choose to demonize.

Look at Zimmerman.

Exactly. Look at Zimmerman. Shoots an unarmed black kid because he thinks he's "Batman".

And now we are in the position where we have to either railroad him or risk an acquital and race riots.

Are you insane for true?

Ever been on a watch? Ever?
Telling is guns in the hands of civilians are useful against larger, better equipped government forces.

As history is replete with examples.

Not really. Name some, I'm pretty sure I can shoot holes in them. Usually what you call "civilians" are well trained paramilitaries, supplied by a larger power.

The asshole with a personal arsenal is any one you choose to demonize.

Look at Zimmerman.

Exactly. Look at Zimmerman. Shoots an unarmed black kid because he thinks he's "Batman".

And now we are in the position where we have to either railroad him or risk an acquital and race riots.

Are you insane for true?

Ever been on a watch? Ever?

Seriously, the more I read your posts, the more I have to ask "WTF"? What does "ever been on a watch" even mean?

Do you mean a neighborhood watch? Nope.

The ones that are responsible do good work. But they don't go around packing heat, ignoring the instructions of the police or shooting unarmed kids in cold blood.
oh wonderful, while a woman is being raped I hope she can pull out her cell phone during it and call 911
Or for you she should just take it and then call those dedicated agencies that was suppose to be keeping her safe..

a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than an intruder or criminal.

All these guns, all these prisons, and yet we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world....
Clueless how?

Right now we have tens of thousands of Americans that die each year to gun violence. And it's fairly consistent. The stupidity of allowing people to carry a handgun into any place they please or while driving is why this has been happening for many generations. We've had several of our own leaders shot by guns..and several were killed. This sort of violence is rare in the industrialized world..and in many third world nations. Yet instead of common sense legislation..the NRA goes if to thumb their noses at this..and comes up with the "Stand your ground" nonsense. It was legislation that was never needed..and indeed has added to the body count.

So you rather us citizens be unarmed and at the mercy of criminals.

Appears so.

I believe if you want to keep a gun at home to defend it..or a shopkeeper wants to keep a gun on the premises..or if you've got some really compelling reason to have a concealed you carry large amounts of should be able to. However..I don't think you should be allowed to conceal carry..or carry at all in packed urban areas at will.

And you aren't at the "mercy" of criminals. There are multiple law enforcement agencies dedicated to keeping you safe. Of course you nuts are trying to defund those..

Problem is most cant get to you.

Come on. You know me. I can kill with bow. I can kill with percussion. I can kill. Do I want to? Hell no. You know that of me. I don't want to kill anyone or anything. But I am.

But damn straight. When I watch all of you trying to make excuses over Waco, I'm sharpening my skills and telling the truth out there over the madman known as Holder.
oh wonderful, while a woman is being raped I hope she can pull out her cell phone during it and call 911
Or for you she should just take it and then call those dedicated agencies that was suppose to be keeping her safe..

a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than an intruder or criminal.

All these guns, all these prisons, and yet we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world....

So you think the Government should take away our guns?
oh wonderful, while a woman is being raped I hope she can pull out her cell phone during it and call 911
Or for you she should just take it and then call those dedicated agencies that was suppose to be keeping her safe..

a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than an intruder or criminal.

All these guns, all these prisons, and yet we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world....

Put up your link to the highest crime rate in the industrialized world. You see I run telegraph, france 24, india times.....

so I'd love just fucking love to see your data.

Fucking hit it. So I can deal with your data because I am now calling you out as a liar.
oh wonderful, while a woman is being raped I hope she can pull out her cell phone during it and call 911
Or for you she should just take it and then call those dedicated agencies that was suppose to be keeping her safe..

a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than an intruder or criminal.

All these guns, all these prisons, and yet we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world....

Yep. They load themselves, cock themselves and fire themselves.:cuckoo:
oh wonderful, while a woman is being raped I hope she can pull out her cell phone during it and call 911
Or for you she should just take it and then call those dedicated agencies that was suppose to be keeping her safe..

a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than an intruder or criminal.

All these guns, all these prisons, and yet we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world....

So you think the Government should take away our guns?

I think that's impractical, given how many guns are out there.

I think practical laws like background checks on new buyers, so you don't have a guy like Loughner being able to buy a gun even though he was hearing voices in his head and was removed from college, is a good step.

I think we need to do a lot of rethinking of how we handle crime in this country. When prisons became profit centers, we created a crime industry.

So the US Locks up 2 million people, and Germany locks up 78,000. (Which is one in 150 vs. 1 in 1000). Eventually these people get out, and they are worse than when they came in.

And there are easy to steal guns in nearly every home. Because most crooks know the time to rob a house is when no one is in it.
oh wonderful, while a woman is being raped I hope she can pull out her cell phone during it and call 911
Or for you she should just take it and then call those dedicated agencies that was suppose to be keeping her safe..

a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than an intruder or criminal.

All these guns, all these prisons, and yet we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world....

Yep. They load themselves, cock themselves and fire themselves.:cuckoo:

Way to avoid the point, spanky. Point is, yup, a person is involved, but for every person who was shot by another person in self defense, there were 43 murders, accidents and suicides made a lot easier by the fact someone had a gun in the house.

But know you gun nuts need to feel "Safe".
a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than an intruder or criminal.

All these guns, all these prisons, and yet we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world....

Yep. They load themselves, cock themselves and fire themselves.:cuckoo:

Way to avoid the point, spanky. Point is, yup, a person is involved, but for every person who was shot by another person in self defense, there were 43 murders, accidents and suicides made a lot easier by the fact someone had a gun in the house.

But know you gun nuts need to feel "Safe".

Run it by me in Manitoba asswhipe? No one wants to even talk about Indian kids just stabbing everyone on a day to day basis in down town winnipeg. OMG address a real issue?

Down town winnipeg is well lets stab anyone for any money because no one gives a sht but no one cares either so we just keep stabbing white people cause we are pissed off and don't care.
oh wonderful, while a woman is being raped I hope she can pull out her cell phone during it and call 911
Or for you she should just take it and then call those dedicated agencies that was suppose to be keeping her safe..

a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than an intruder or criminal.

All these guns, all these prisons, and yet we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world....

Put up your link to the highest crime rate in the industrialized world. You see I run telegraph, france 24, india times.....

so I'd love just fucking love to see your data.

Fucking hit it. So I can deal with your data because I am now calling you out as a liar.

Here's a nice go to site for comparative statistics...

NationMaster - World Statistics, Country Comparisons

Let's start with the murder rate.

Murder rate statistics - countries compared - Nation Master

Murders per 100,000 people.

US- 5
Germany 0.86
Canada - 2.05
Italy - 1.1
India - 2.8
France - 1.31
Japan 1.02

Well, you get the idea.
a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than an intruder or criminal.

All these guns, all these prisons, and yet we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world....

So you think the Government should take away our guns?

I think that's impractical, given how many guns are out there.

I think practical laws like background checks on new buyers, so you don't have a guy like Loughner being able to buy a gun even though he was hearing voices in his head and was removed from college, is a good step.

I think we need to do a lot of rethinking of how we handle crime in this country. When prisons became profit centers, we created a crime industry.

So the US Locks up 2 million people, and Germany locks up 78,000. (Which is one in 150 vs. 1 in 1000). Eventually these people get out, and they are worse than when they came in.

And there are easy to steal guns in nearly every home. Because most crooks know the time to rob a house is when no one is in it.

Amend the 2nd amendment.

Got it.
Yep. They load themselves, cock themselves and fire themselves.:cuckoo:

Way to avoid the point, spanky. Point is, yup, a person is involved, but for every person who was shot by another person in self defense, there were 43 murders, accidents and suicides made a lot easier by the fact someone had a gun in the house.

But know you gun nuts need to feel "Safe".

Run it by me in Manitoba asswhipe? No one wants to even talk about Indian kids just stabbing everyone on a day to day basis in down town winnipeg. OMG address a real issue?

Down town winnipeg is well lets stab anyone for any money because no one gives a sht but no one cares either so we just keep stabbing white people cause we are pissed off and don't care.

I was in Winnipeg once. Kind of depressing.

I'm not sure what your point is, but you seem to be kind of nuts, so I'm not sure if I should keep encouraging you.
Amend the 2nd amendment.

Got it.

Second Amendment isn't about gun ownership it's about militias...

At least until the crazy SCOTUS bunch got to it.

Once again, do you live in a universe where you think Jared Loughner should be allowed to buy a semi-automatic weapon, with an extra large clip, knowing what we now know about the guy?

Do you really think that this is a good idea?
In short, you really can't argue the points. Calling something "liberal" (when in fact, I already conceded gun laws are a bad idea) is just kind of a cop out. It's not an argument.

No one is really after your guns, but the reasons you want guns are kind of silly.

Can I simplify the argument any more for you?

You are being played by con men, con men who have so much power they can make the GOP Candidate who actually used to sign common sense gun laws when they came to his desk grovel and genuflect at their altar.

and all Ted Nugent does is show the level of crazy they are pandering to.

You are the true example of a clueless person you give yourself away by using the talking points of the hard left and gun grabbers.

Clueless how?

Right now we have tens of thousands of Americans that die each year to gun violence. And it's fairly consistent. The stupidity of allowing people to carry a handgun into any place they please or while driving is why this has been happening for many generations. We've had several of our own leaders shot by guns..and several were killed. This sort of violence is rare in the industrialized world..and in many third world nations. Yet instead of common sense legislation..the NRA goes if to thumb their noses at this..and comes up with the "Stand your ground" nonsense. It was legislation that was never needed..and indeed has added to the body count.

You do realize that when a gun is used in a death it's still recorded as a firearm death even though the death maybe self inflected or accidental, in self defense. You do realize there are high numbers of murders with the use of a knife.

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